In recent years, there has been enormous progress in characterizing genetic drivers in leukemogenesis, followed by the successful clinical development of molecular therapies. Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1074 has anticipated and accompanied this development from the very beginning. CRC 1074 has aimed at bridging basic, translational and (pre)clinical research in the field of leukemia, focusing on translating insights into the pathogenesis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) into new therapies.The structure of CRC 1074 consists of two closely interacting Project Groups: Group A projects with the expertise in experimental models of leukemogenesis, and Group B projects focusing on translational / preclinical leukemia research. Here, CRC 1074 has the privilege to benefit from most visible clinical research in leukemia and unique biobanks of the national leukemia study groups located at Ulm University, belonging to the largest clinically and molecularly annotated collections worldwide. The individual projects are complemented by two core projects, the Bioinformatics/Single-Cell Sequencing Core (Z1) and the Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Core (Z3). In the grant renewal proposal, seven new principal investigators have been integrated, five of them being young female scientists with an outstanding record, at different stages of their career. Furthermore, CRC 1074 has integrated two research groups from the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, and one group from Charité University Medicine Berlin, based on their specific expertise and on already long-standing collaborations.We expect that a third funding period of CRC 1074 will further successfully strengthen the international visibility of basic and translational leukemia research at Ulm University and continue to provide major scientific contributions. The invaluable resources of CRC 1074 will facilitate translating research findings into clinical practice and ultimately improve care of patients with leukemia.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - The contribution of mechanisms of aging of HSCs to leukemia initiation and progression
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Geiger, Hartmut
A02 - Dissecting the role of Mixed-Lineage-Leukemia 5 (MLL5) in the DNA damage response and its potential effects on leukemogenesis
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Fehling, Hans-Jörg
A03 - Notch signaling as a novel target of AML/ETO
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Geiger, Hartmut
Oswald, Franz
A04 - Dissecting of the function of the “Lymphoid enhancer-binding factor 1” (Lef1) in acute myeloid leukemia
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Buske, Christian
A05 - Characterization of regulatory and target pathways of microRNAs downstream of the leukemogeneic Hoxa9/Meis1 axis
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Kuchenbauer, Florian
Rouhi, Arefeh
A06 - The role of homeobox genes in erythroid leukemia
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Feuring-Buske, Michaela
A07 - Role of EZH2 in B-lymphoid and myeloid leukemogenesis
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Wirth, Thomas
A08 - Mechanistic basis of CLL resistance to targeted tumor therapy in a pathophysiologically relevant cellular context: role of Rho GTPases and phospholipase C-y2
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Gierschik, Peter
A09 - Role of B cell receptor signaling and acquired immunoglobulin gene changes in the development of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
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Hobeika, Elias
Jumaa, Hassan
A10 - Investigating the crosstalk between pre-BCR and IL-7R signaling in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
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Jumaa, Hassan
B01 - Genomic instability, disease evolution and rational treatment development in CLL mouse models
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Jebaraj, Billy
Müller, Annika
Stilgenbauer, Stephan
B02 - Mechanisms of CLL progression and Richter transformation in patients with CLL treated with agents targeting BTK and BCL2
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Döhner, Hartmut
Mertens, Daniel
Stilgenbauer, Stephan
B03 - Molecular and functional characterization of cooperating events in acute myeloid leukemia with NPM1 mutation
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Bullinger, Lars
Döhner, Konstanze
B04 - Functional analysis of recurrent deletions of chromosomal band 3p14.1-p13 in acute myeloid leukemia
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Gaidzik, Verena
B06 - Multi-targeting and identification of synergistic activities to overcome therapy resistance in ALL
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Debatin, Klaus-Michael
Meyer, Lüder Hinrich
B07 - Attenuated oncolytic measles virus against ALL of childhood: preclinical proof-of-principle and molecular mechanisms
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Beltinger, Christian
B08 - The role of deubiquitinating enzyme USP7 in the pathogenesis and treatment of acute myeloid leukemia
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Krönke, Jan
B09 - Causes and consequences of epigenetic disturbances in T-prolymphocytic leukemia
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Siebert, Reiner
Wiehle, Laura
B10 - Genetic and epigenetic characterization of chronic lymphocytic leukemia with translocations involving the immunoglobulin loci
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Mottok, Anja
Siebert, Reiner
B11 - Novel oncogenes in complex karyotype acute myeloid leukemia
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Plass, Christoph
B12 - Dissecting AML treatment response to FLT3 inhibitors by single-cell sequencin
(Project Heads
Döhner, Konstanze
Rippe, Karsten
Z01 - Bioinformatics core - semantic knowledge fusion and non-standard optimization - Next Generation Sequencing core
(Project Heads
Kestler, Hans A.
Rippe, Karsten
Z02 - Central Tasks
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Döhner, Hartmut
Z03 - Qualitative and quantitative proteomics for a comprehensive picture of protein dynamics in leukemia
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Wiese, Sebastian