Schlußfolgerungsverfahren für fuzzy Beschreibungslogiken mit allgemeinen Inklusionsaxiomen

Antragsteller Professor Dr.-Ing. Franz Baader
Fachliche Zuordnung Theoretische Informatik
Förderung Förderung von 2012 bis 2017
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 216489495


Erstellungsjahr 2016

Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse

The goal of this project was to investigate the border between decidability and undecidability in fuzzy description logics, with a special focus on logics supporting general concept inclusion axioms. Such logics had recently come under investigation due to the failure of tableau algorithms that depend on the finite model property. The idea was to extend previous (un)decidability results and develop new general methods that allow to show results for large classes of fuzzy description logics in a uniform way. For fuzzy description logics with a decidable consistency problem, we were also interested in finding out whether the complexity of reasoning increases in comparison to the underlying classical description logics. In the course of this project, these goals were fulfilled to a high degree. The decidability and precise complexity of consistency checking in most fuzzy description logics is now known. In particular, we were able to generalize previous undecidability results to large classes of fuzzy description logics that extend EL with any kind of negation constructor. For most of the logics not covered by these results, we showed complementary decidability and tight complexity results. For some logics, fuzzy reasoning becomes trivial in the sense that it is equivalent to reasoning in the underlying classical description logics. In contrast, the family of Gödel description logics is still reasonably expressive, and decidability was shown despite the lack of the finite model property. Even for very expressive combinations of constructors, the complexity of reasoning is not increased by considering fuzzy semantics based on the Gödel t-norm. We were also able to show tight complexity bounds for reasoning in finitely valued fuzzy description logics. Finally, we provided some results for less expressive logics, exhibiting a first example of a description logic that has polynomial-time reasoning complexity in the classical case, but becomes exponential when extended with at least one more truth degree. Our results provide an important map of the complexity landscape of fuzzy description logics, which can aid researchers and modeling experts alike in choosing a fuzzy description logic suitable for their needs.

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Beteiligte Person Professor Dr. Rafael Peñaloza Nyssen