Final Report Year
No abstract available
Fetuin-A mRNA expression is elevated in NASH compared with NAFL patients. Clinical science. 2013;125(8):391-400
Kahraman A, Sowa JP, Schlattjan M, Sydor S, Pronadl M, Wree A, Beilfuss A, Kilicarslan A, Altinbaş A, Bechmann LP, Syn WK, Gerken G, Canbay A
High age and low sodium urine concentration are associated with poor survival in patients with hepatorenal syndrome. Ann Hepatol. 2013 Jan;12(1):92-9
Hinz M, Wree A, Jochum C, Bechmann LP, Saner F, Gerbes AL, Gerken G, Canbay A
DFG Programme
Research Fellowships
International Connection