Variability of the oceanic warm water route during marine isotope stage 3 - Investigations with a comprehensive coupled climate model
Final Report Abstract
With a focus on the Last Glacial Maximum and Marine Isotope Stage 3, the project addressed glacial climate changes using a comprehensive coupled ocean-atmosphere-sea ice model (CCSM3). The conducted MIS3 simulations represent an important model dataset to explore the climate of the last glacial period and, to our knowledge, have not yet been done with any other complex general circulation model. The experimental setup was motivated by millennial-scale climate variability during MIS3. Results demonstrate a significant response of the global ocean overturning circulation to Heinrich-type meltwater input into the glacial ocean but also to MIS3 stadial and interstadial forcing. MIS3 changes in the Indonesian throughflow could be demonstrated from an analysis of ocean heat transports. Atmospheric dynamics is affected both by the glacial ice sheets and the orbital forcing which is clearly reflected in the monsoon response and changes in the tropical hydrological cycle.
Poster presentation at the 2nd International Conference on Earth System Modelling, Hamburg (27.-31.8.2007): “Sensitivity studies on glacial climate using a complex general circulation model”
Ute Merkel
Poster presentation at the 9th International Conference on Paleoceanography “The Future Ocean – Perspectives from the past”, Shanghai, China (3.-7.9.2007): “Sensitivity of monsoon systems to glacial boundary conditions in a comprehensive climate model”
Ute Merkel
Poster presentation at the international IODP symposium “North Atlantic and Arctic Climate Variability”, Bremen (15.-16.8.2007): “North Atlantic Climate Response to Last Glacial Boundary Conditions in Comprehensive Model Simulations”
Ute Merkel
Talk at the International Conference and 97th Annual Meeting of the Geologische Vereinigung (GV) “The Oceans in the Earth System”, Bremen (1.-5.10.2007): “Sensitivity of the African monsoon to glacial boundary conditions in a comprehensive climate model”
Ute Merkel
Talk at the International MARUM Workshop “Response of North African ecosystems to abrupt climate change”, Bremen (13.-16.11.2007): “Sensitivity of the African monsoon to glacial boundary conditions in a comprehensive climate model”
Ute Merkel
Invited Talk at the “Ocean circulation and climate dynamics” department seminar at the IFM- GEOMAR, Kiel (30.6.2008): “Glacial climate as simulated by a comprehensive climate model”
Ute Merkel
Talk at the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria (14.- 19.4.2008): “Atmospheric circulation at the last glacial as simulated by a complex coupled general circulation model”
Ute Merkel
Talk at the General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria (14.- 19.4.2008): “West African drying triggered by glacial slowdowns of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation”
Ute Merkel