Hochauflösende thermoakustische Messung und Bildgebung im Nahfeldbereich
Fachliche Zuordnung
Medizinische Physik, Biomedizinische Technik
Förderung von 2012 bis 2018
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 214937490
This proposal considers building fundamental knowledge on previously undocumented near-field thermoacoustic (NFT) technology for the development of a new sensing modality that can advance our understanding on the mechanisms and uses of electromagnetic absorption at the sub-cellular, cellular and tissue levels. Near-field technology leads to mesoscopic (30-200 micron) and to ultra-high (<5-10 micron) imaging resolution, which can 1) directly measure electro-magnetic (EM) energy deposition and effects in cells and tissues, 2) resolve dielectric properties and effects within cells/cellular compartments and tissues and 3) study intrinsic high resolution tissue contrast or extrinsically administered (para-) magnetic and (semi-)conductive particles used as contrast agents. The proposal foresees the development of 1) hybrid NFT and fluorescence microscopy and 2) a tissue imaging NFT system coupled with conventional ultrasound imaging. It then considers the independent study of electro-acoustic and magneto-acoustic contrast mechanisms. Finally it researches three application areas, i.e. 1) the direct measurement of EM depositions at the cellular and sub-cellular level and the observation of possible biological effects, using fluorescent tags, 2) the generation of methods to experimentally measure EM energy deposition and dielectric properties in tissues in high resolution and 3) the development of a portable sensing and imaging modality for medical applications in particular in bed-side or point of care.
Reinhart Koselleck-Projekte