Analysis of the interrelationship between haskalah and Neohumanism, edition of programmatic works on 'Bildung' by D. Friedlaender und his correspondence with W. v. Humboldt.
Subject Area
General Education and History of Education
Religious Studies and Jewish Studies
from 2012 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 214497859
On the basis of the assumption that the Jewish enlightener David Friedlaender (1750-1834) was a notable personage in the early formative environment of Wilhelm von Humboldt (1767-1835), the detailed analysis of the influence of the haskalahs educational programme on Humboldt serves as the purpose of the research project. The educational conceptions of the Jewish enlightenment must be recreated. These represent an alternative position for Philantropism and Neohumanism which emerged from the Jewish enlighteners criticism of the dominating educational ideas. By means of the method of culture-transfer (cultural studies) the project will demonstrate that this alternative, particularly put across by Friedlaender, influenced Humboldts idea of human education (Bildung). Thus some important origins of his Bildungstheorie can be ascribed to Friedlaender. The results of the analysis are to be published as a Monograph, combined with an edition, including the complete handed down correspondence between Friedlaender and Humboldt as well as some selected programmatic works on Bildung by Friedlaender.
DFG Programme
Research Grants