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Gross N transformations and N2O fluxes in biochar-amended soils

Subject Area Soil Sciences
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 213625207
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

Our results show by 15N labelling-tracing that different biochars in different soil environments can capture considerable amounts of nitrate (rather than ammonium), and that this is partly delivered to the growing plants. We showed that already N-enriched biochar was more efficient in taking up newly added 15N than untreated biochar (rather than being “already full”). We also show that nitrate capture by biochar may be a mechanism contributing to reduced N2O emissions with biochar. Particularly the co-composted N-enriched biochar behaved as an (anion) exchange soil constituent. Such a pyrogenic C associated mechanism may contribute to the fertility of PyC-rich soils (ADE soils, chernozems). Our results indicate that research efforts may help to design biochars in such a way that they balance biochar-N protection against N-leaching or N2O-emission losses and release to plants on demand. This may deliver the muchwanted increase in the N-use efficiency of agricultural production in the well-known way that fertile, resilient soils do (Terra preta, study 1). We envisage that further research efforts may enable to use biochar as a fertilizer carrier material (as done with great success by Schmidt et al., 2015). Biochar may be used as N-retaining soil and compost amendment or surplus-N management tool in agriculture (e.g. animal husbandry) to reduce environmental pollution burden by excess N. However, more R&D is clearly needed to unravel mechanisms to deliberately design biochars.



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