Aim of the project is the design of optical modes in two or three dimensions in cy-lindrical resonator structures. Lateral leaky modes in wire-like resonators shall be al-tered in order to enhance the spontaneous or stimulated emission in the wire direction. Also two- or three-dimensional photonic mode confinement shall serve to manipulate the properties of strong light-matter coupling in cylindrical ZnO-, GaN-, and GaAs-based nano- and microresonators (photonic wire respective dot resonator structures). The core wires act as cavity, containing an optically active medium. For both purposes, we will conformally coat free-standing nano- and microwires with concentric Bragg reflec-tors by means of pulsed laser deposition. By carefully controlling the optical mode design and the electronic properties of the resonator structures, different states of the bosonic quasi-particles, the so-called exciton-polaritons, build up in the strong light-matter coupling regime shall be experi-mentally achieved and investigated. Such states represent parametric oscillators in a medium-density regime and form Bose-Einstein condensates and polariton-superfluides in a high-density regime. The complex optical mode structure in such two-dimensionally confined photonic wire resonators shall be used to realize parametric interbranch scat-tering which enables the emission of entangled photons. Furthermore, we will utilize the strong dynamic character and the large propagation length of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensates in ZnO-based resonators to establish guides for polariton con-densates and fluids using photonic wire resonators.
DFG Programme
Research Units