Projekt Druckansicht

Vermessung von Profilablösungen mittels verbesserter Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) durch Verwendung von farbigen Tracerpartikeln und weiterentwickelten Prädiktionsmethoden

Fachliche Zuordnung Strömungsmechanik
Förderung Förderung von 2006 bis 2011
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 21254181
Erstellungsjahr 2010

Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden

Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)

  • Towards the investigation of vortex structures in gas flows with 3D-highspeed Particle Tracking using coloured tracers. In: 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, (Kompenhans, C. and Schröder, A., Eds), Göttingen, Germany, ISBN 0-9533991-8-4, 251/1-251/9, 2006
    Bordas, R., Kuhn, R., Michaelis, B., Thevenin, D. and Wunderlich, B.
  • Appropriate tracers to measure velocities in particle-laden gas flows using optical techniques. In: International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (Sommerfeld, M., Ed.), Leipzig, Germany, B66/1 - B66/7, 2007
    Bordás, R., Fellegi, G., Wunderlich, B., Kuhn, R., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
  • Colour class identification of tracers using artificial neural networks. In: 10th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13/2/1-13/2/8, 2007
    Kuhn, R., Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Michaelis, B. and Thevenin, D.
  • Coloured tracer particles employed for 3D-PTV in gas flows. In: 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, (Prenel,J.P. and Bailly, Y., Eds.), Nice, France, 093/1 - 093/12, 2008
    Bordas, R., Bendicks, C., Kuhn, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
  • 3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) in gas flows using coloured tracer particles. In: Advances in Turbulence XII, (Eckhardt, B., Ed.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 132, 43-46 (2009)
    Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C., Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
  • Coloured tracer particles employed for 3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) in gas flows. In: Imaging measurement methods for flow analysis, (Nitsche, W. and Dobriloff, C , Eds.), Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multldisciplinary Design, Vol. 106, Springer, 93-102 (2009)
    Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C., Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
  • Mesures par "Particle Tracking Velocimetry" (3-D PTV) gazeuse avec traceurs multicolores. In: 13eme Congres Français de Visualisation et de Traitement d'Images en Mecanique des Fluides, (Polidori, G. and Smigielski, P., Eds.), Reims, France, ISBN 978-2-918241-01-0, 1-8, 2009
    Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C , Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
  • Use of coloured tracers in gas flow experiments for a Lagrangian flow analysis with increased tracer density. In: 31st DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, (Denzler, J., Notni, C. and Süße, H., Eds.), Springer, 392 - 401, 2009
    Bendicks, C., Tarlet, D.. Michaelis, B., Thevenin, D. and Wunderlich, B.
  • 3D-PTV in gas flows using fluorescent micro-particles. In: 14th international Symposium on Flow Visualization, Daegu, Korea, 1-11, 2010
    Roloff, C., Bendicks, C., Michaelis, B., Tarlet, D., Thevenin, D., Zähringer, K. and Wunderlich, B.


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