Vermessung von Profilablösungen mittels verbesserter Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) durch Verwendung von farbigen Tracerpartikeln und weiterentwickelten Prädiktionsmethoden
Professor Dr.-Ing. Bernd Michaelis (†); Professor Dr. Dominique Thévenin
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2006 bis 2011
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 21254181
Keine Zusammenfassung vorhanden
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Towards the investigation of vortex structures in gas flows with 3D-highspeed Particle Tracking using coloured tracers. In: 12th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, (Kompenhans, C. and Schröder, A., Eds), Göttingen, Germany, ISBN 0-9533991-8-4, 251/1-251/9, 2006
Bordas, R., Kuhn, R., Michaelis, B., Thevenin, D. and Wunderlich, B.
Appropriate tracers to measure velocities in particle-laden gas flows using optical techniques. In: International Conference on Multiphase Flow, (Sommerfeld, M., Ed.), Leipzig, Germany, B66/1 - B66/7, 2007
Bordás, R., Fellegi, G., Wunderlich, B., Kuhn, R., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
Colour class identification of tracers using artificial neural networks. In: 10th International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Thessaloniki, Greece, 13/2/1-13/2/8, 2007
Kuhn, R., Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Michaelis, B. and Thevenin, D.
Coloured tracer particles employed for 3D-PTV in gas flows. In: 13th International Symposium on Flow Visualization, (Prenel,J.P. and Bailly, Y., Eds.), Nice, France, 093/1 - 093/12, 2008
Bordas, R., Bendicks, C., Kuhn, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) in gas flows using coloured tracer particles. In: Advances in Turbulence XII, (Eckhardt, B., Ed.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 132, 43-46 (2009)
Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C., Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
Coloured tracer particles employed for 3-D Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) in gas flows. In: Imaging measurement methods for flow analysis, (Nitsche, W. and Dobriloff, C , Eds.), Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multldisciplinary Design, Vol. 106, Springer, 93-102 (2009)
Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C., Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
Mesures par "Particle Tracking Velocimetry" (3-D PTV) gazeuse avec traceurs multicolores. In: 13eme Congres Français de Visualisation et de Traitement d'Images en Mecanique des Fluides, (Polidori, G. and Smigielski, P., Eds.), Reims, France, ISBN 978-2-918241-01-0, 1-8, 2009
Tarlet, D., Bendicks, C , Bordas, R., Wunderlich, B., Thevenin, D. and Michaelis, B.
Use of coloured tracers in gas flow experiments for a Lagrangian flow analysis with increased tracer density. In: 31st DAGM Symposium on Pattern Recognition, (Denzler, J., Notni, C. and Süße, H., Eds.), Springer, 392 - 401, 2009
Bendicks, C., Tarlet, D.. Michaelis, B., Thevenin, D. and Wunderlich, B.
3D-PTV in gas flows using fluorescent micro-particles. In: 14th international Symposium on Flow Visualization, Daegu, Korea, 1-11, 2010
Roloff, C., Bendicks, C., Michaelis, B., Tarlet, D., Thevenin, D., Zähringer, K. and Wunderlich, B.