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Chromatin-based mechanisms of dynamic gene expression/repression

Subject Area General Genetics and Functional Genome Biology
Term from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 211400705
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

The project elucidated chromatin-based mechanisms of gene regulation by the conserved Notch signaling pathway. Upon ligand binding, the nuclear factor RBP-J activates transcription of target genes whereas in the absence of signaling, RBP-J switches off target genes expression by assembling a corepressor complex. In this project, we determined the molecular mechanism of how histone acetylation and methylation at Notch target genes are dynamically regulated. RBP-J, via its cofactor SHARP, recruits opposing complexes, the HDACs-containing NCoR corepressor complex and the KMT2D/UTX coactivator complex, which competitive recruitment is controlled by phosphorylation of chromatin modifiers. In addition to the lysine methyltransferase KMT2D, we discovered that an arginine methyltransferase, CARM1/PRMT4, is a Notch modulator. CARM1 is part of the Notch coactivator complex and directly methylates the intracellular domain of the Notch1 receptor (NICD1) at five conserved arginine residues within its activation domain. A methylation-defective NICD1 5RA mutant shows impaired ubiquitination and increased stabilization. Surprisingly, the stabilization of the NICD1 RA mutant does not result in a significant increase of its transcriptional activity compared to wildtype NICD1. Based on our biochemical and functional results, we developed a mathematical model wherein the normal NICD1 produces a short, strong transcriptional pulse, whereas the methylation-defective NICD1 mutant results in a weaker but prolonged response. Together, we propose that the above chromatin modifiers are potential targets for Notch-mediated diseases such as leukemia.



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