Fabrication of multishaped magnetic structures via a knowledge-based biomimetic approach supported by atomistic modeling - Phase 3

Applicants Professor Dr.-Ing. Lucio Colombi Ciacchi; Privatdozent Dr. Michael Maas, since 2/2016
Subject Area Synthesis and Properties of Functional Materials
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 210326315

Project Description

The present proposal aims to establish a novel biomimetic strategy for the controlled fabrication of two-dimensional oxide films with tailored magnetic properties, in a cheaper and environmentally friendlier way than traditional deposition methods. In line with the objectives of the SPP call, a biochemically and genetically well-characterized biomineralizing template will be employed, namely ferritin. Differently from the few previously followed approaches pursuing the fabrication of assembled nanoparticle films using whole protein cages, we envisage to make use of individual ferritin subunits immobilized on a stable alumina surface as a dense monolayer. This will allow the fabrication of continuous inorganic films and the hierarchical assembling of multi-layers with functionally graded properties. A thorough characterization of the formation mechanisms, of the materials structures and of their magnetic properties will be performed in parallel to an in-depth theoretical investigation by means of atomistic modelling at multiple scales. In this way, we will first develop a comprehensive understanding of the key relationships between the mineralization conditions, the resulting mineral phase structure and composition, and its physical properties. This will allow us subsequently to design and produce functional magnetic structures following a knowledge-based fabrication protocol, rather than a traditional trial-and-error loop. The mineral growth shall be promoted and controlled by taking advantage of the interactions at organic/inorganic interfaces, as elucidated in advanced atomistic simulations and realized by means of a variety of experimental methods, combining the wellestablished mutual expertises of the two applicants’ research groups.
DFG Programme Priority Programmes
Subproject of SPP 1569:  Generation of Multifunctional Inorganic Materials by Molecular Bionics
Ehemalige Antragstellerin Dr. Laura Treccani, until 2/2016