The joint excavation project of the Universities of Tübingen and Tel Aviv, which began in the year 2012 and was focused on the archaeological investigation of the crusader city of Apollonia/Arsur, shall be continued for another two years. Due to the prior work, carried out within a period of 1.5 years and during two excavation campaigns thus far, it was possible to generate important research results. These results demonstrate the successful implementation of the methods used to investigate the city and its hinterland, as well as the successful cooperation of the project partners. The obtained results prompted new research questions, which should be clarified in the course of a continuation of the project. A surprisingly abundant body of source material led to detailed insights into the structure and development of the city and its hinterland.1. In consideration of the analyses of the topography and the inner structure of the crusader city and its relations to the prior settlement, specifically selected areas - which by prior investigations have been proven to hold a key role - shall be prospected by means of geo-radar. These areas will be thoroughly investigated through small trenches, set in accordance with the results of the geo-physical survey.2. The areas excavated up to this point will be extended as well. Thus, related lots, the sequence of building features, the function of the encountered buildings and their integration in the inner topography of the city can be further assessed.3. The ceramic sherds and small finds, which have been retrieved during the excavations of the DFG-project thus far, should not only be evaluated in terms of their age determination. Their thorough analysis will also provide information about social topography, about trade relationships - including through scientific procedures - as well as about cultural adaptation. In order to provide a broader basis for comparison from different areas of the city, the finds of previous excavations will also be included in the analysis.4. In terms of the city's development as part of the former lordship of Arsur, a large number of findspots could already be gathered and entered into a data base during the present research period. In many cases these sites have to be further investigated, in terms of their exact function, through the consult of the documentation of earlier excavations. After the sighting of all available old findings, further surveys will also be necessary for the exact chronological and functional classification of them.The investigations that have been carried out so far during the funded project period, give reason to expect that it will be possible to answer open questions for the first time about the development of a city and the hinterland during the crusader period. Furthermore, the cooperation with the Israeli partners will induce a lasting reinforcement of the use of medieval archaeology and the associated methods in Israel.
DFG Programme
Research Grants
International Connection