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Polypharmazie als Folge der Multimorbidität älterer Menschen: rationalere Therapie durch die neue FORTA-Klassifikation?

Subject Area Public Health, Healthcare Research, Social and Occupational Medicine
Term from 2012 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 209090849
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

Based on our results, our work group has ascertained that the FORTA classification system with its newly-developed clinical aspect (FORTA List) may have great potential, not only in Germany, but also throughout Europe and other countries, to be used as an aid in optimizing the pharmacotherapy of the aged. Within the context of the FORTA Project as a whole, and according to feedback we have received both by the participating experts and by the participating physicians and clinical staff, we are helping to awaken a keen interest in improving quality of care for our elderly patients. Specifically, in the everyday clinical setting, we have observed that interdisciplinary efforts focusing attention on the pharmacotherapy of patients on an individual basis using the solid background of the FORTA concept not only help in the immediate, acute treatment of the patient at the bedside, but also contributed to the overall, and long-term education of and communication among the physicians and health care staff, thus possibly resulting in long-term and further-reaching benefits for both physicians and their elderly patients. The positive results of the VALFORTA trial which in terms of significance and clinical outcomes (NNT for avoidance of ADR by FORTA only 5) exceeded our expectations trigger the planning of a corresponding trial in general practices. A funding proposal is submitted simultaneously to the DFG. Presently, we prepare an update of the FORTA list by the same Delphi procedure as for FORTA 2012; most experts have agreed to serve again as raters. In parallel, this procedure will be performed in 5-6 European countries to finally build a European FORTA list.



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