FOR 1809:
Light-induced Dynamics in Molecular Aggregates
Subject Area
from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 207601309
Molecular aggregates form the basis for several scientific and technological developments that increasingly gain economic relevance. Especially in the field of optical applications such systems are used because of their widely tunable properties. Decisive for the materials functions are the light-induced dynamics, which in turn are determined by the manifold of interactions between the aggregated building blocks. The interactions can be varied through the properties of the individual molecular subunits, but also via their spatial arrangement. The aim of this Research Unit is to develop an understanding of how the specifically arranged molecular building blocks in aggregates can result in a desired light-induced dynamic and thus in the function of the whole system. The project essentially benefits from close collaborations between work groups with an expertise in the preparative, spectroscopic and theoretical field. To produce the systems we combine chemical synthesis and supramolecular self-organisation ("bottom-up" process) with physical methods of targeted separation and morphology control on the nanoscale. In the field of spectroscopy, the applied methods range from frequency-resolved techniques and photoconductivity measurements to time-resolved coherent two-dimensional spectroscopy. Quantum chemical and quantum dynamical calculations and simulations make it possible to analyse and interpret the data on a quantitative basis. Using this interdisciplinary and cooperative approach, the Research Unit will develop a deeper understanding of basic processes of light-induced dynamics in molecular aggregates, which will allow the production of new materials and material systems that possess tailor-made characteristics.
DFG Programme
Research Units
Dye Conjugates with a Low Band Gap
Lambert, Christoph
Dynamics of photoexcited charge carriers in self-organized organic bulk semiconductors
Dyakonov, Vladimir
Environmental influence on light-induced processes
Engels, Bernd
Excitonic states in spatially confined molecular structures
Pflaum, Jens
Koordinatorantrag / Zentralprojekt
Brixner, Tobias
Light-induced nonadiabatic energy- and charge transfer dynamics
Mitric, Roland
Multidimensional Spectroscopy of Exciton Dynamics
Brixner, Tobias
Quantum dynamics studies of system-bath effects in charge- and energy-transfer processes
Engel, Volker
Synthesis, Complexation Properties, and Hierarchical Organisation of Maktrozyclic Assemblies of Perylene Bisimide Dyes
Würthner, Frank