Ore potential of volatile-bearing magmas: Experimental investigation on the partitioning of metals between magmatic melts, minerals and fluids
Subject Area
Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry
from 2011 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 207330778
Magmatic processes play a fundamental role in the formation of several types of ore deposits, for instance, they are associated with the origin of giant or world-class deposits of ores composed of metals such as Au, Platinum Group Elements (PGE), Cu, Ni, Mo (among many others) that are extremely valuable for global industry and economy. In order to estimate the relevance or ore potential of an individual magmatic system as a source of metals, a general understanding of circumstances leading to an optimization of main oremineralization processes in natural volatile-bearing magmas is required. This proposal explores the potential of magmas and magmatic fluids to transport and concentrate noble and base metals with direct implications on our understanding of the formation of porphyry Cu-Au-Mo ore deposits and Cu-Ni-PGE+Au sulfide deposits, that are two main hightemperature metal deposit types worldwide. The new information will be gained using innovative approaches combining high pressure experimental simulations and high resolution geochemical analyses to determine of the partitioning of metals (Au, PGE, Cu, Ni, Mo) between magmatic phases (melts, minerals and fluids) under P-T-fO2 conditions corresponding to the Earth’s lower to upper crust.
DFG Programme
Research Grants