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Noninvasive and simultaneous determination of thickness and sound velocity of layered structures with ultrasound

Subject Area Measurement Systems
Term from 2011 to 2024
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 207003883
Final Report Year 2024

Final Report Abstract

Conventional ultrasound methods measure the time of flight (ToF) to determine the reflector distance (imaging method) if the speed of sound is known or similarly, the speed of sound (material characterisation), if the layer thickness is known. Simultaneous determination of layer thickness and sound velocity is preferable, for example for non-destructive determination of material parameters of unknown solid-state layered systems or to improve ultrasonic imaging. However, this is not possible in most cases, as reference reflectors or other transducers are required at defined distances. As part of the project, two non-invasive, non-destructive ultrasound methods were developed for the simultaneous determination of layer thicknesses and sound velocities using annular arrays. The functional efficiency test showed a deviation of less than 1% for singlelayered media. In the investigation of metal plates with a superimposed water layer (two-layered system), deviations of between 3% and 5% were achieved with both methods compared to the conventionally measured sound velocities and layer thicknesses, whereby the conventional measurement methods themselves have an uncertainty in this range. In each case, a geometric model was used to determine the delay times. This model does not adequately represent the sound propagation and therefore limits the achievable accuracy of the methods. Therefore, the main focus in the second project phase was on the development of an algorithm for calculating the impulse response of the individual elements of the annular array. The algorithm developed is based on exact, transient GREEN‘s functions for multi-layered structures and a spatial convolution for calculating the extended transducer. It is therefore very efficient without any loss of accuracy and, for the first time, enables fast calculation of the impulse response as a function of the respective layer structure. The signal for any excitation function can be calculated from the impulse response. By comparing simulated and measured echo signals, it is possible to iteratively determine sound velocities and layer thicknesses simultaneously. As the developed calculation algorithm, in contrast to fully numerical methods for calculating signals, can also be used with centre frequencies above 100 MHz, it has high potential for use in ultrasound microscopy for testing microelectronic components. For this reason, it is to be extended to more than two-layered structures and arbitrarily shaped transducers, taking multiple reflections into account.


  • Simultaneous measurement of thickness and sound velocities of each layer in multi-layered structures. 2013 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 372(2013, 7), 146-149. IEEE.
    Kummritz, S.; Wolf, M. & Kuhnicke, E.
  • "Advanced signal analysis for the examination of multilayered structures using annular arrays", 11th ECNDT, 2014, Prague
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • "Simultaneous Determination of Thickness and Sound Velocity in Layered Structures", 11th ECNDT, 2014, Prague
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • Simultane Bestimmung von Dicken und Schallgeschwindigkeiten, DGZfP Jahrestagung, DGZfP-Berichtsband BB 148-CD, 2014, Potsdam.
    Kümmritz, Sebastian; Wolf, Mario & Kühnicke, Elfgard
  • "Material Characterization of Layered Structures by the Simultaneous Determination of Sound Velocity and Thickness", VIIIth International Workshop NDT in Progress, 2015, Prague. Proceedings, p. 198, ISBN 978-80-214-5262-6
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • "Schichtdickenbestimmung mit Ultraschall bei unbekannten Schallgeschwindigkeiten", DAGA, Tagungsband, S. 281., 2015, Nürnberg
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • "Verbesserung der Signalauswertung bei der Untersuchung mehrschichtiger Strukturen mit Annular-Arrays", DAGA, Tagungsband. S. 281f., 2015, Nürnberg
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • Material Characterization of Layered Structures with Ultrasound. Physics Procedia, 70(2015), 330-333.
    Kümmritz, S.; Wolf, M. & Kühnicke, E.
  • schwindigkeiten", DGZfP Jahrestagung, DGZfP-Berichtsband BB 148-CD, 2014, Potsdam
    Kühnicke, E.; Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Lenz, M.
  • Simultane Bestimmung von Dicken und Schallgeschwindigkeiten geschichteter Strukturen. tm - Technisches Messen, 82(3), 127-134.
    Kümmritz, Sebastian; Wolf, Mario & Kühnicke, Elfgard
  • A wave propagation model for simultaneous determination of thickness and sound velocity of layered structures. Journal of Nondestructive Testing, 2016, 21. Jg., Nr. 7
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • Annular arrays for novel ultrasonic measurement techniques. Journal of Sensors and Sensor Systems, 5(2), 373-380.
    Wolf, Mario; Kühnicke, Elfgard; Kümmritz, Sebastian & Lenz, Michael
  • Approach for simultaneous determination of thickness and sound velocity in layered structures based on sound field simulations. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1806(2017), 090012. Author(s).
    Kühnicke, Elfgard; Wolf, Mario & Kümmritz, Sebastian
  • Investigation of embedded structures in media with unknown acoustic properties. AIP Conference Proceedings, 1806(2017), 080013. Author(s).
    Kümmritz, S.; Wolf, M. & Kühnicke, E.
  • Neuer Ansatz zur zerstörungsfreien Bestimmung von Materialeigenschaften mit Ultraschall, DAGA 2017, Kiel
    Wolf, M.; Kümmritz, S. & Kühnicke, E.
  • P2.1 - Novel simulation algorithms for developing measuring techniques for multichannel ultrasonic microscopy. Proceedings Sensor 2017 (2017), 579-584. AMA Service GmbH, Von-Münchhausen-Str. 49, 31515 Wunstorf, Germany.
    Kühnicke, E. & Wolf, M.
  • Transiente Green’sche Funktionen bei ringförmiger Anregung zur verbesserten Modellierung für die Entwicklung neuer Ultraschallmessverfahren. daga 2017
    Wolf, M. & Kühnicke, E.
  • Schallfeldbasierte Ultraschallmessverfahren zur gleichzeiti-gen Messung von Schallgeschwindigkeiten und Abständen. In: 45. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik – DAGA 2019, 18.-21.03.2019, Rostock, Proceedings, 1041-1044
    Wolf, M. & Kühnicke, E.
  • Transient approximated Green’s Function of a circular line source on a half space for fast simulation of axisymmetric problems. 2019 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), 16(2019, 10), 2507-2510. IEEE.
    Wolf, Mario & Kuhnicke, Elfgard
  • Ultraschallmessverfahren mit Annular Arrays zur verbesserten Bestimmung von Materialeigenschaften und Charakterisierung von Einschlüssen. TUDpress, 2020
    Kümmritz, S.
  • Signalprädiktion für simulationsbasierte Messverfahren in der Ultraschallmikroskopie, 5. Workshop des Fachaussusses Ultraschall der DEGA e.V. „Messtechnische Anwendungen von Ultraschall“ vom 20.6. -22.6. 2022 in Drübeck
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  • Automated echo separation in scanning acoustic microscopy fortesting multi-layered electronic devices. 13th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing 2023, Lissabon
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  • Wave Propagation in Layered Media using Transient GREEN's Functions, ICTCA 2023, Monterey 6.-11.8.2023
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