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Cell biology of osteoclasts II: PSTP1, an adaptor of protein tyrosine phosphatases, as a major component controlling of actin and sealing zone dynamics during bone degradation

Subject Area Cell Biology
Term from 2011 to 2016
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 204054066
Final Report Year 2017

Final Report Abstract

Through these two DFG funded projects, we have been able to illustrate the function of two key components FGD6 and PSTPIP1/3. Using MS-based quantitative proteomics, we have identified their key interactors. Using cell-based assays performed on osteoclasts treated with siRNA to depleted deplete osteoclasts of FGD6 or PSTPIP1/2 or their interactors, we could decipher fundamental molecular mechanisms allowing osteoclasts either to coordinate actin dynamics (podosome, sealing zone dynamics) and membrane traffic or podosome/sealing zone assembly/disassembly through SRC- and PTPN-dependent phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycles. These studies have paved the way for a more systematic analysis of many other components that we have identified in our initial studies. Our studies also required the development of new methodologies of quantitative proteomic analyses (SILAC to identify Src or PTPN substrates, label free quantitative proteomics). These different methods developed in the context of these projects have been applied to other projects.



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