Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope
Fachliche Zuordnung
Physikalische Chemie
Förderung in 2011
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 203345990
To perform quantitative analysis of the uptake of viruses, artificial viruses, nanoparticles and drug carrier systems as well as virus assembly and release, it has become essential to perform three-dimensional confocal microscopy on living-cells. In two-dimensional images of particles interacting with live cells, it is ambiguous as to whether or not the particles or viruses are intercellular (e.g. have been taken up by the cell) or external to the cell. Therefore, it is necessary to collect three-dimensional images using z-stacks over long time periods. Upon uptake, particles are often rapidly transported along the microtubule network, making it imperative that the z-stacks are collected as quickly as pos-sible (ideally, with sub-second resolution) to allow tracking of the individual particles. To image quickly over several minutes to a couple of hours, the highest sensitivity is required such that photobleaching and phototoxic affects can be avoided or minimized. The new spinning disk scan unit in the proposed system has improved optical properties over the older version we current have. Another important capability for our planned experiments is the elaborate alternating excitation schemes, which are currently not possible.
5090 Spezialmikroskope