The rise and decline of the central settlement of Fidvár near Vráble (Southwestern Slovakia) - Studies on the economy, social structure and political organization of a social unit within its wider surroundings
Final Report Abstract
Geographical, mining-archaeological, botanical and archaeological investigations within the framework of a package application have analysed the settlement and cemetery of Fidvár near Vráble (south-western Slovakia) as well as the surrounding settlement landscape. Through the retrieval of archaeological and natural scientific data, the changes in the settlement and cemetery can be reconstructed in the context of the surrounding landscape and environment. In the area of an abandoned Copper Age settlement of the Kosihy-Čaka culture, a 0.4 ha small fortified settlement (wooden earthen rampart, ditch: 4 m deep, max. 12 m wide) emerges around 2050 cal BC. This part of the settlement is destroyed to 90% due to slope erosion of the Žitava river. Based on comparison with similar settlements in southwestern Slovakia, we assume the existence of 8-12 simultaneous house buildings. A larger settlement of 12 ha in size existed around 1850 cal BC through the fusion of several small settlements since 1950 cal BC (Vráble IIC). In this period, 12-14 groups of houses (8-12 houses each) can be reconstructed. A 3-4 m deep ditch and a palisade surrounded the settlement. After the settlement was destroyed by fire, a smaller settlement of 1.2 ha was built around 1730 cal BC (Vráble III), which was again strongly fortified (wooden earthen rampart, ditch: 6-7 deep, max. 18 m wide). Here 2-4 groups of houses can be found. Approximately 200 m south of the settlement lies a cemetery limited by a terrace of the Žitava in the south and southeast. Based on test sections and magnetic prospection data, the area covered 3 ha. A total of 43 graves was excavated, all except of two were disturbed by secondary openings. Their ritual (?) destruction dates predominantly to the period of abandonment of the large settlement (end of Vráble IIC). Only some of the inhabitants of the large settlement were buried here. The destruction of the settlement around 1730 cal BC and secondary openings of graves may indicate exogenous or endogenous conflicts. Evidence for it is delivered by the currently still ongoing anthropological investigations on bones of the 43 graves showing an unusually high number of traumas. The investigations were focused on the comparison of house inventories in the central and peripheral area of the settlement to get clues on possible social and economic differences of the inhabitants. The lifestock is dominated by cattle, followed by pig and sheep/goat. The percentage of wild animals is about 8 %. In the archaeobotanical investigations, macroremains (charcoal) from the different phases of the settlement show no decrease of oak in favour of “low-grade” woods, therefore no signs of resource shortage. Palynological data to investigate this question are unfortunately not available from the surroundings of the settlement, as suitable archives do not exist. The continuation and expansion of the natural scientific and archaeological studies let us expect further robust conclusions.
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