The Jerash Northwest quarter

Applicant Professor Dr. Achim Lichtenberger
Subject Area Classical, Roman, Christian and Islamic Archaeology
Term from 2011 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 203238603

Project Description

The main goal of the project is investigating the settlement history of the northwest quarter of Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan. Gerasa was re-founded as Antioch in the Hellenistic period and it grew and developed extraordinary in Roman, Byzantine and Islamic times. The city is characterized by two major sanctuaries: the tempel of the Hellenistic Zeus Olympios and the temple of the local goddess Artemis. Close to the temple of Zeus Olympios a Hellenistic settlement had been found, while close to the Artemision several indigenous cult places were detected. Immediately West of the Artemision the Northwest quarter is situated. It has a size of approx. 4 ha and is the research area of the project. This area is the most elevated within the ancient walled city and was before the start of the project in 2011 uninvestigated. The proposal aims at continuing our excavations in this area. One of the main goals of the project is the investigation of all settlement phases of the area, with an emphasis on the Hellenistic and early-Roman periods. The understanding of the Northwest quarter has considerable impact on the understanding of the whole city of Gerasa, as our image of the Roman city is considerably shaped and influenced by the large extension of the City wall (whose date is until now disputed). Another objective of the project is to understand the urban structures of Gerasa beyond the main buildings at the cardo. An important feature is the investigation of the water supply of the city, as in our research area the largest cistern of the city is situated. The methods of the project are mainly yearly archaeological excavations and study of the evidences and finds.Apart from the Investigation of the Northwestquarter of Gerasa and the understanding of the City of Jerash, this project intends to be a case study in an important City in the Eastern Mediterranean between the Hellenistic and Islamic periods.
DFG Programme Research Grants
International Connection Denmark
Participating Person Professorin Dr. Rubina Raja