Heapocrates: Healing Polymers for preventing Corrosion of Metallic Systems

Antragsteller Dr. Daniel Crespy; Privatdozent Dr. Michael Rohwerder
Fachliche Zuordnung Werkstofftechnik
Förderung Förderung von 2011 bis 2015
Projektkennung Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 202564587


The project Heapocrates has the ambition to create novel coatings for intelligent corrosion protection and self-healing and unravel the fundamental aspects of the healing and anticorrosive properties upon corrosive attack. There are many causes for corrosive attacks, which can be of physical (e.g. mechanical delamination upon impact, scratches etc…) or chemical nature (imperfections at the interface, e.g. due to contaminations, etc..). Hence, the only useful universal trigger for initiating the self-healing process is the onset of corrosion itself. Typical trigger signals for corrosion are changes in pH, ionic strength and decrease of electrode potential. The latter is the most reliable trigger since it is the most case-selective and the best defined (the potential change is more or less the same under even quite different conditions). Our aim is to synthesize a novel complex self-healing system for the inhibition of corrosion and self-healing of materials attacked by corrosion. The complex 3D structures that we propose to synthesize are based on encapsulated self-healing chemicals in particles or fibers that can be released via a change of potential. Semiconducting polymer shell for the particles and fibers will be prepared as responsive material and a polymerization is the self-healing reaction. The trigger sensitivity, release activity, mobility of reactive species, and healing performance of the materials will be investigated.
DFG-Verfahren Schwerpunktprogramme
Teilprojekt zu SPP 1568:  Design and Generic Principles of Self-Healing Materials
Beteiligte Person Professorin Dr. Katharina Landfester