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"Cyber-Creole:" Jamaican Creole als Kontaktvarietät unter den Bedingungen globalisierter und computergestützter Kommunikation

Subject Area Individual Linguistics, Historical Linguistics
Term from 2011 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 202133155
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

The project “Cyber-Creole: Jamaican Creole as a contact variety in globalised and mediated communication” [Jamaican Creole als Kontaktvarietät unter den Bedingungen globalisierter und computergestützter Kommunikation] investigated very large corpora (> 50 million words) of web-forum data produced by diasporic communities from Jamaica, Nigeria and – in an exploratory fashion – Cameroon. The amount and nature of the material necessitated the development of a new corpuslinguistic tool (N-CAT, “Net Corpora Adminstration Tool”), which combines data visualisation and geolocation analysis with more traditional corpuslinguistic techniques such as concordancing and textual statistics. The results of the research contribute to the following fields of research: (i) varieties of English / World Englishes research / pidgin and creole linguistics: structural description of orthographic, morphosyntactic and lexical features displayed by Jamaican Creole, Nigerian Pidgin and other nonstandard varieties when used on the web; critique of traditional models of World Englishes, which often focus too much on the linguistic legacy of colonialism and hence fail to account for the sociolinguistic dynamics of contemporary globalisation; (ii) discourse analysis of computer-mediated communication (CMC): description of the digital ethnolinguistic repertoires developed by web-based communities of practice; “deterritorialisation” of vernaculars in the social media; (iii) sociocultural linguistics, sociolinguistics of globalisation: impact of media and mobility on the spread of standard and nonstandard Englishes;linguistics of the “New African Diaspora”. Integrating these three layers of analysis, the project has made important contributions to corpus technology, to sociolinguistically informed corpus analysis, and to a deeper understanding of the status and functions of nonstandard Englishes in the world’s rapidly changing mediascapes and ethnoscapes (Appadurai). The “World System of Englishes” model proposed emerges directly form the results of the present project and is a long overdue step towards taking World Englishes out of the long shadow of colonialism and placing them at the core of the emerging research paradigm of the sociolinguistics of globalisation.



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