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GRK 1422:  Metal Sites in Biomolecules: Structures, Regulation and Mechanisms

Subject Area Biological Chemistry and Food Chemistry
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 20170465
Final Report Year 2016

Final Report Abstract

Almost half of all proteins contain a metal cofactor, and it is well recognized that these metallobiomolecules are of key importance for a large number of biological reactions and phenomena. Furthermore, the interaction of metal ions with biomolecules is important for the field of medicinal inorganic chemistry, since metal complexes have become viable candidates for diagnostics and therapeutics. A detailed understanding of the molecular mechanisms of metallobiosite function is thus of great interest, but requires a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach at the interface of chemistry and biology. To this end, a consortium of 7 – 10 research groups from the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, and 7 research groups from the University of Lund, Sweden, teamed up in the IRTG 1422 to investigate the structures, the regulation and the function of natural and artificial metallobiosites, and to emulate these structures and their functions by small biomimetic or bioinspired model systems. The scientists comprised chemists, biologists and biophysicists with both experimental and theoretical approaches. Importantly, the IRTG provided a stimulating environment for young researchers, where they could gain profound methodological knowledge of different techniques and acquire the necessary skills for cutting-edge research in the challenging field of bioinorganic chemistry. The qualification program of the IRTG offered an attractive and wide range of scientific and soft skill training with pronounced international accentuation. Specific method courses addressed the interdisciplinary nature of the research projects and annual workshops, several of them organized as a joint events with other research consortia, created a unique team spirit. The IRTG 1422 aimed at combining adequate supervision and guidance by thesis committees with the promotion of scientific independence of the young researchers. Active involvement of doctoral students in shaping the program was a key feature of the IRTG 1422. In Göttingen, the IRTG established a structures PhD program “BioMetals” in the framework of the Georg-August-University School of Science (GAUSS). Over the full funding period 2006 – 2015, 8 young research group leaders contributed as principle investigators. All of them received offers for professorship positions while being members of the IRTG, indicating that the IRTG provided a stimulating environment for their successful career development. Over the full 9-years funding period 56 doctoral students and 5 postdoctoral fellows in Göttingen were members of the IRTG. Scientific achievements are documented in a total of 211 research publications (co)authored by doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of the IRTG which have appeared during the period 2007 – 2016. A bioinorganic chemistry conference in Lund in 2014 and the final IRTG symposium in Göttingen in 2015, both with a line-up of renowned international guest speakers, served to showcase the research achievements of the IRTG.



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