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Models, algorithms and complexity for scheduling under uncertainty: On the tradeoffs between performance and adaptivity

Subject Area Theoretical Computer Science
Term from 2012 to 2022
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 201423354
Final Report Year 2023

Final Report Abstract

Scheduling is a major research area studied from both practical and theoretical perspectives in computer science, mathematical optimization, and operations research. Applications range from traditional production scheduling and project planning to emerging resource management tasks in Internet technology, such as distributed cloud service networks and virtual machine allocation. A major challenge in solving such problems lies in the uncertainty about input data in dynamic and data-driven real-world environments: job arrival times are unknown, execution times are over- or underestimated, resource availabilities or processing speeds may not be known, etc. It is of major importance to the system performance to design algorithms that perform well even under uncertainty. In this project, we made substantial contributions to the area of scheduling under uncertainty. We designed first, or new and improved algorithms in the common frameworks of online and stochastic optimization as well as universal and robust, and real-time scheduling. We developed algorithmic and analytic tools for solving scheduling problems with uncertain input, such as unreliable machines, stochastic job processing times, or unknown job arrival times. We solved longstanding open problems and gave first results for newly proposed practice-driven models. A particular focus was on analyzing the tradeoff between the performance of an algorithm and the amount of adaptivity it requires. On the one hand, we aimed for best possible algorithms which are potentially highly dynamic, i.e., scheduling decisions may adapt arbitrarily to the instantiated problem data. On the other hand, we were interested in good but simple algorithms that respect practice-driven adaptivity restrictions.



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