Studies on tribological stresses of helical compression springs with the objective of the optimization of friction and wear

Applicant Professor Dr.-Ing. Ulf Kletzin
Subject Area Engineering Design, Machine Elements, Product Development
Term from 2011 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 201227216

Project Description

The aim of the project is the systematic study of the impact of tribological stresses on function and durability of helical compression springs and the possibilities for their consideration in the design of the spring and spring usage in the future, to prevent damage as far as possible. The basic results of the pre-project of the mechanism of the damage of the spring due to tribological stress (Impact of tribological stresses on function and durability of helical compression springs, reference number: SCHO 589/6-1 to 6-3, processing time: 01.04.2003 March 31, 2007) and the ongoing Project: Studies on tribological stresses of helical compression springs with the aim of improving friction and wear (reference number: KL 1044/2-1) already indicate a number of important parameters. Also some reference points for a specific engineering design to influence the tribological behaviour of springs are known and applied. However, there are still a number of open questions requiring further systematic research. Focus of the research project is in continuation of the ongoing project the systematic study of the influence of the design of end and transition coils and galvanized and Crapal treated wires on friction and wear, as well as lubricants, the quality of the grinded area of the end coils and the load parameters on friction and wear. By using the additional test results and the FEA Simulation results, the tribological models developed in the ongoing project should be further developed and validated on a wider basis of experimental results.
DFG Programme Research Grants