Development of a procedure for hyper-pure germanium detector response calibration combining experimental measurements with Monte Carlo simulations
Fachliche Zuordnung
Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik, Quantenmechanik, Relativitätstheorie, Felder
Förderung von 2011 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 200971961
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Although the HPGe detector was ordered to ORTEC by our Brazilian partners upon the start of the project, it was not received until June 22nd, 2012. This delay forced us to start working with another smaller HPGe detector.
Owing to the findings of the first two articles we were motivated to study the effect that modifications of the atomic form factors of Rayleigh scattering have in the simulated detection efficiency. Several modifications were tested but up until now the results are inconclusive. Nevertheless, we continue investigating this line of research.
During the project the German applicant has coded a Fortran program that automatically generates the geometry of an HPGe detector with the dead layer dimensions provided by the user, together with the necessary input files in order to run a PENELOPE simulation. The tallied energy spectrum produced by the execution of this program serves as input of a Mathematica program coded by the Brazilian group. This Mathematica code processes the experimental and simulated energy spectra and compares them. We are now preparing a manuscript for reporting about this suit of programs that will be made freely available.
During the project we have not conducted the studies on the electric field in the HPGe crystal and electric charge trapping. We plan to start with these tasks once the research on atomic form factors and Compton interaction cross sections, that was not foreseen, has reached a conclusion. Although funding from DFG finalized on October 2013, the work on the tasks proposed in the project has continued. As it has been already written, there are still several unconcluded areas within the project in which we will continue to work.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
A combined approach of variance-reduction techniques for the efficient. Monte Carlo simulation of linacs Phys. Med. Biol. 3013–3024, 57, 2012
M. Rodriguez, J. Sempau, L. Brualla
Measurement of peripheric dead layers in HPGe x-ray detectors. 2012 International Symposium on Radiation Physics (ISRP 2012), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. October 2012
N.L. Maidana, V.R. Vanin, V. Jahnke, W. Godoy, J.M. Fernandez, M.N. Martins, L. Brualla
Retinoblastoma external beam photon irradiation with a special ‘D’-shaped collimator: a comparison between measurements, Monte Carlo simulation and a treatment planning system calculation. Phys. Med. Biol. 7741–7751, 57, 2012
L. Brualla, P.A. Mayorga, A. Fl¨hs, A.M. Lallena, J. Sempau, W. Sauerwein
Accurate estimation of dose distributions inside an eye irradiated with 106Ru plaques. Strahlenther. Onkol. 68–73, 189, 2013
L. Brualla, J. Sempau, F.J. Zaragoza, A. Wittig, W. Sauerwein
Efficiency calibration of x-ray HPGe detectors for photons with energies above the Ge K binding energy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 729 (2013) 371–380
N.L. Maidana, V.R. Vanin, V. Jahnke, J.M. Fernández-Varea, M.N. Martins, L. Brualla
PRIMO: A graphical environment for the Monte Carlo simulation of Varian and Elekta linacs. Strahlenther. Onkol. 881–886, 189, 2013
M. Rodriguez, J. Sempau, L. Brualla
Electron beam quality kQ,Q0 factors for various ionization chambers: a Monte Carlo investigation with PENELOPE Phys. Med. Biol. 6673–6691, 59, 2014
F. Erazo, L. Brualla, A. Lallena
Efficiency simulation of a planar detector with a non-uniform frontal dead layer. European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS), Bologna, Italy. June 2014
N.L. Maidana, V.R. Vanin, L. Brualla
Monte Carlo simulation of TrueBeam flattening-filter-free beams using Varian phase-space files: Comparison with experimental data Med. Phys. 051707 (pp. 11), 41, 2014
M.F. Belosi, M. Rodriguez, A. Fogliata, L. Cozzi, J. Sempau, A. Clivio, G. Nicolini, E. Vanetti, H. Krauss, C. Khamphan, P. Fenoglietto, J. Puxeu, D. Fedele, P. Mancosu, L. Brualla
Monte Carlo study for designing a dedicated “D”-shaped collimator used in the external beam radiotherapy of retinoblastoma patients. Med. Phys. 011714 (pp. 12), 41, 2014
P.A. Mayorga, L. Brualla, W. Sauerwein, A.M. Lallena
Technical Note: Influence of the phantom material on the absorbed-dose energy dependence of the EBT3 radiochromic film for photons in the energy range 3 keV–18 MeV. Med. Phys. 112103 (pp. 6), 41, 2014
M. Hermida-López, L. Lüdemann, A. Flühs, L. Brualla
Determination of the detection efficiency of a planar HPGe detector with a non-uniform frontal dead layer. X-Ray Spectrometry, Volume 44, Issue 3. Special Issue: Presented at the European Conference on X‐Ray Spectrometry, Bologna, Italy, 15–20 June 2014, May/June 2015, Pages 89-92
L. Brualla, N.L. Maidana, V.R. Vanin
Monte Carlo simulation of the treatment of eye tumors with 106 Ru plaques: A study on maximum tumor height and eccentric placement Ocul. Oncol. Pathol. 1–11, 1, 2015
L. Brualla, F. Zaragoza, W. Sauerwein
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