The importance of the technological trend More than Moore being described in the technology roadmap for semiconductors, has increased constantly over the last 10 years. More than Moore relies on the integration of different technologies and functionalities for enabling the interaction with the environment and the autonomous energy supply in a miniaturized system beneath signal and information processing. Besides the digital and analogous electronics, also sensors and actuators, passive devices, high frequency and high voltage technology, biotechnology and components for energy supply are part of such systems. Because of this and the ongoing trend towards miniaturization of components and systems, the demand exists for integration of nanotechnologies to incorporate novel and drastically enhanced functionalities or for the integration of existing functionalities in smaller size.The research unit 1713 Smart Micro und Nano Systems aims for such micro and nano technological concepts for the Smart Systems Integration. Smart Systems are miniaturized, multifunctional building blocks and systems and consist of heterogeneous components on smallest space. Some examples are new sensing principles on the basis of nano structures as magnetic nano membranes, nano electro mechanical systems (NEMS) on the base of carbon nanotubes, or the usage of solid state building elements like transistors as sensing transducers.In these areas, there exists an exhaustive demand for basic research at a high scientific level. Because of the ongoing miniaturization of the structure geometries and the increasing complexity of the components and systems, the development tools on all abstraction levels need to be adapted. The transition from micro to nano technologies leads to new processes and materials that need to be incorporated in the systems and components as well as in the semiconductor industry. Additionally, structures in the nanometer range demand characterization techniques with a high spatial resolution and further developed models for the reliability characterization.Therefore, in the center of the research activities are theory, system development methods, processes and characterization for the integration of new materials and nano technologies for sensor applications. The methodical work is being pursued in the three different technological lines:The strived goals demand a close cooperation between enigneers, scientists, physicists, chemists, and material scientist. The researchers of the research unit are working at the Technische Universität Chemnitz or are linked to the university via common nominations of the Fraunhofer Institute ENAS or the Leibniz Institute of Solid State and Materials Research or honorary professorships. The sub projects are structured in a way that all necessary competence fields are covered starting from quantum mechanical description of single molecules via the simulation of heterogeneous components and systems, the developme
DFG Programme
Research Units