GRK 1401:
Nano- and Biotechniques for Electronic Device Packaging
Subject Area
Systems Engineering
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 20046032
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Das Packaging ist der Teil der Technik, der Funktionskomponenten zu technischen Systemen zusammenführt und die Funktion der Komponenten und des Gesamtsystems unter zugelassenen Umgebungsbedingungen aufrecht erhält und sichert. Es muss folgende Aufgaben erfüllen: geometrische Anordnung der Funktionskomponenten im System; die Energie- bzw. Stromversorgung (einschließlich struktureller werkstoffwissenschaftlicher und elektromagnetischer Aspekte); Signalverteilung (einschließlich topologischer und elektromagnetischer Aspekte); Verlustwärmeabführung; Schutz aller Teilkomponenten und des Gesamtsystems gegen mechanische, chemische, elektromagnetische und andere Störungen, Kompatibilität zur Umgebung.
Das Packaging ermöglicht damit überhaupt erst, dass physikalische, chemische oder biologische Funktionsprinzipien als technische Systeme handhabbar werden. Mit der fortschreitenden Integrationsdichte mikroelektronischer Systeme und der weiteren Entwicklung der Mikro- und Nanosystemtechnik sowie der Biotechnologie steigen die Anforderungen an das Packaging hinsichtlich der Miniaturisierung, der Integration zusätzlicher nichtelektrischer Informations- und Stoffflüsse in solchen Systemen und die Implementierung selektiver Schutzmechanismen.
Das Graduiertenkolleg hat für solche Systeme mit extremen Anforderungen durch die Anwendung von Nano- und Biotechniken neue, innovative Packaginglösungen entwickelt und untersucht. Beispielhaft seien genannt:
Verwendung von Biomolekülen: Biomoleküle sind Polymere, deren charakteristische Dimension im Nanometerbereich liegt und deren Struktur und Abmessungen sich auswählen bzw. sogar präzise einstellen lassen. Damit eignen sie sich z.B. direkt als Leitbahnen oder auch als nanolithografische Masken.
Für die Verdrahtung mikroelektronischer sowie mikro- und nanoelektromechanischer Systeme mit Strukturbreiten von weit unter 100 nm ließen sich SWCNT (single-walled carbon nanotubes) verwenden, deren Wachstum auf speziellen Proteinen gezielt gesteuert werden kann. Solche Proteine wurde wiederum über ein biologisches Templating auf geeigneten Substraten assembliert. Mit solchen Techniken ist die Herstellung von Vias möglich, wobei wegen des dreidimensionalen Charakters neue Entwurfsregeln für die Systemverdrahtung entwickelt werden mussten, da anders als bei der klassischen Mikroelektronik die dreidimensionale elektrisch-thermisch-mechanischen Verkopplungen einschließlich solcher effekte wie Thermomigration berücksichtigt werden müssen.
Wegen der Vielzahl von biomedizinischen und biotechnologischen Anwendungen wird eine immer größere Zahl von Mikro- und Nanosystemen im Kontakt mit lebenden Zellen eingesetzt. Ein solcher Kontakt zwischen technischen und biologischen Systemen ist wegen der Biokompatibilität und der Arbeitsbedingungen des technischen Systems äußerst problematisch. Deshalb wurden Packaging-Lösungen entwickelt und erforscht, mit denen z.B. Zellen durch ein stationäres elektrisches Feld stimuliert und damit hinsichtlich Form, Orientierung, Entwicklung und Bewegungsrichtung gezielt beeinflusst werden können. Besonderer Fokus lag auf Grenzflächen (z.B. Mikroelektronden-Arrays) ohne metallische Elektroden (die die Zellen im Gleichfeld in kurzer Zeit vergiften würden). Für praktische Anwendungen erforderte dies immer die Verbindung mit einem mikrofluidischen System.
Utilizing Dog-Boning to Build up High-Aspect-Ratio Nanofences. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161 (1), D26-D30
G. Scheunert, V. Hoffmann, R. Kullock, JR. Whyte, R. Kirchner, S. Grafström
Conducting Silver Hybrid Particles for RFID Application Proceedings Mikrosystemtechnik Kongress 2007, 821
A. Türke, A. Pich, H.-J. P. Adler
White CdS Nanoluminophore based Tunable Hybrid Light Emitting Diodes, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 2007, 602-603
S. Nizamoglu, E. Mutlugun, O. Akyuz, N. K. Perkgoz, H. V. Demir, L. Liebscher, S. Sapra, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
White CdS Nanoluminophore based Tunable Hybrid Light Emitting Diodes. Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 2007, 602-603
S. Nizamoglu, E. Mutlugun, O. Akyuz, N. K. Perkgoz, H. V. Demir, L. Liebscher, S. Sapra, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
Detection of DNA Using Dielectrophoresis. INASCON 2008, Aarhus (Denmark), September 27 – 30, 2008
A. Henning, E. Reiß, R. Hölzel, F. F. Bier
Determination of the Dielectrophoretic Behaviour of DNA up to 500 MHz. DNA-based Nanodevices 2008, Jena (Germany), May 29-31, 2008
M. Seidel, A. Henning, E. Reiß, R. Hölzel, F. Bier
Electrical Detection of DNA. DNA-based Nanodevices 2008, Jena (Germany), May 29-31, 2008
A. Henning, E. Reiß, R. Hölzel, F. Bier
Faseroptischer Sensor mittels Oberflächenplasmonen-Resonanz. Scientific Reports der Hochschule Mittweida. IWKM, 2008
T. Schuster, R. Herschel, C. G. Schäffer
Label-Free Electrical Quantification of the Dielectrophoretic Response of DNA. PMC Biophysics 2008; 1: 4
A. Henning, J. Henkel, F. F. Bier, R. Hölzel
Laser drilled through silicon vias: Crystal defect analysis by synchrotron x-ray topography, 2nd Electronics System- Integration Technology Conference, 2008
R. Landgraf, R. Rieske, AN Danilewsky, KJ Wolter
The evaluation of thin electroless plated metal layers by means of Surface Plasmon Resonance. Photonics and Microsystems, 2008 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop, pages 23-27. IEEE, 2008
R. Herschel, T. Schuster, C.G. Schäffer
White emitting CdS quantum dot nanoluminophores hybridized on near-ultraviolet LEDs for high-quality white light generation and tuning. New Journal of Physics 2008, 10(2), 23026
S. Nizamoglu, E. Mutlugun, O. Akyuz, N. Kosku Perkgoz, H. Volkan Demir, L. Liebscher, S. Sapra, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
Concept for a fiber-optic sensor utilizing surface-plasmon waves. Proceedings of Eurosensors Conference XXIII, pages 309-312. Elsevier, 2009
T. Schuster, N. Neumann, C.G. Schäffer
Electrical Detection of DNA. Intern. Conference DNATEC09, Dresden (Germany), May 11 – 15, 2009
A. Henning, R. Hölzel, F. F. Bier
Faseroptischer Oberflächenplasmonen-Resonanz-Sensor Tagungsband 6. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium. 2009
T. Schuster, C. G. Schäffer
Functionalization of polymer sensor surfaces by oxygen plasma treatment, 2009, Procedia Chemistry 1 (1), 1015-1018
R. Landgraf, M. K. Kaiser, J. Posseckardt, B. Adolphi, W.-J. Fischer
Hydrogels and Aerogels from Noble Metal Nanoparticles, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 9731–9734
C. Bigall, A.-K. Herrmann, M. Vogel, M. Rose, P. Simon, W. Carrillo-Cabrera, D. Dorfs, S. Kaskel, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
Novel method for crystal defect analysis of laser drilled TSVs, Electronic Components and Technology Conference 59th, 2009, 1139-1146
R. Rieske, R. Landgraf, K.-J. Wolter
The use of nanocrystals with emission in the visible or near infrared and their applications for photonics and optoelectronics, Proceedings of SPIE 2009, 7469 (746908) 1-11
S. G. Hickey, V. Lesnyak, L. Liebscher, S. Miao, S. Tscharntke, C. Waurisch, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
A Fiber-Optic Surface-Plasmon-Resonance Bio-Sensor. Proceedings of OSA Advanced Photonics Congress, page SWB6. Optical Society of America, 2010
T. Schuster, N. Neumann, C.G. Schäffer
Amplifed spontaneous emission of surface plasmon polaritons and limitations on the increase of their propagation length. Optics Letters 2010, 35 (8), 1197-1199
P.M. Bolger, W. Dickson, A.V. Krasavin, L. Liebscher, S.G. Hickey, D.V. Skryabin, A.V.Zayats
Antisticking Layers on Antireflective Chromium for Hybrid (CNP) Nanoimprint Molds, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7545, pp. 7545–0U, 2010
R. Kirchner, B. Adolphi, R. Landgraf, W.-J. Fischer
Covalently Linked DNA Nanotubes. Nano Letters 2010, 10 (4), 1458-1465
O. I. Wilner, A. Henning, B. Shlyahovsky, I. Willner
Dielectrophoresis of DNA: Quantification by Impedance Measurements. Biomicrofulidics 2010, 4, 022803
A. Henning, F. F. Bier, R. Hölzel
DNAzyme-Like Activity of Hemin—Telomeric G-Quadruplexes for the Optical Analysis of Telomerase and its Inhibitors. ChemBioChem 2010, 11 (17), 2362-2367
R. Freeman, E. Sharon, C. Teller, A. Henning, Y. Tzfati, I. Willner
Fabrication of two-dimensional Au-FePt core-shell nanoparticle arrays by photochemical metal deposition. APL 96, 183111 (2010)
T. Härtling, T. Uhlig, A. Seidenstücker, N.C. Bigall, P. Olk, U. Wiedwald, L. Han, A. Eychmüller, A. Plettl, P. Ziemann and L. M. Eng
Ion-Induced DNAzyme Switches. Chemical Communications 2010, 46(19), 3250-3252
S. Shimron, J. Elbaz, A. Henning, I. Willner
Microwave-assisted synthesis of hybrid colloids for design of conducting films, Polymer 51 (2010) 4706-4712
A. Türke , W.-J. Fischer , H.-J. Adler, A.j Pich
Miniaturized fiber-optic sensor utilizing surface plasmon waves, Proc. of 13th International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, Perth, Australia. 2010
T. Schuster, M. Haas and C.-G. Schäffer
pH and Ion-Triggered DNAzyme Annual Conference of the Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at the Hebrew University 2010, Ashkelon (Israel), June 21 – 22, 2010
S. Shimron, J. Elbaz, A. Henning, I. Willner
Solution Space Investigation and Comparison of Modern Data Structures for Heterogeneous 3D Designs, Proc. of 2nd IEEE Int. 3D System Integration Conf. (3DIC), Munich, ISBN 978-1-4577-0526-7, Nov. 16-18, 2010
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, M. Thiele
A novel patch micro electrode array for sensing ionic membrane currents, Procedia Engineering, 2011, 25, 1373 – 1376
A. Aryasomayajula, S. Perike, R. Hensel, J. Posseckardt, G. Gerlach, R. H.W. Funk
Acoustical Method for Objective Food Intake Monitoring Using a Wearable Sensor System, Pervasive Health 2011: The 5th International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, May 23rd - 26th, 2011, Dublin, Ireland. pp. 266-269
S. Päßler, W.-J. Fischer
Assembling 2D Blocks into 3D Chips, Proc. International Symposium on Physical Design, pp. 81-88, 2011
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig
Biosensor System with Polymer Microring Resonators Manufactured by Multilevel-Nanoimprint, 2011 MikroSystemTechnik Congress
R. Landgraf, R. Kirchner, A. Finn, T. Haugwitz, F. Deicke, S. Arndt, W.-J. Fischer
Chemical functional polymers for direct UV assisted nanoimprinting of polymeric photonic microring resonators, 2011, physica status solidi (a) 208 (6), 1308-1314
R. Kirchner, M. K. Kaiser, B. Adolphi, R. Landgraf, W.-J. Fischer
Chemical functional polymers for direct UV assisted nanoimprinting of polymeric photonic microring resonators, Phys. Status Solidi A, vol. 208, no. 6, pp. 1308–1314, 2011
R. Kirchner, M.-K. Kaiser, B. Adolphi, R. Landgraf, W.-J. Fischer
Chewing sound classification using a grammar based classification algorithm, Forum Acusticum 2011, June 26th - July 1st, 2011, Aalborg, Denmark. pp. 39-44
S. Päßler, M. Wolff, W.-J. Fischer
Chewing Sound Classification Using Algorithms of Speech Recognition. BMT 2011: 45. DGBMT Jahrestagung, September 27th-30th, 2011, Freiburg, Germany
S. Päßler, M. Wolff, W.-J. Fischer
Controlled Formation of DNA Nanotubes. 17th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, Pasadena (USA), September 19 – 23, 2011
A. Henning, O. I. Wilner, R. Orbach, M. Wiens, A. K. Dwivedi, N. Haufe, I. Willner, M. Mertig
Covalently Linked DNA Nanotubes. MRS Workshop on Directed Self-Assembly of Materials, Nashville (USA), September 18 - October 1, 2011
A. Henning, O. I. Wilner, B. Shlyahovsky, I. Willner, M. Mertig
Degradation of Perfluorotrichlorosilane Antisticking Layers: The Impact on Mold Cleaning, UV- Nanoimprinting, and Bonded UV-Nanoimprint Molds, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 50, p. 06GK13 (8pp), 2011
R. Kirchner, L. Teng, B. Lu, B. Adolphi, W.-J. Fischer
Dynamic sorting of carbon nanotubes, DPG- Frühjahrstagung, Dresden, März 2011
F. Ostermaier, J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
Eine Methodik zur Nutzung von klassischen IP-Blöcken in 3D- Schaltkreisen, Proc. edaWorkshop 11, pp. 45-50, 2011
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig
Elektromigrationserscheinungen in zukünftigen digitalen Schaltungen, Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2011), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0259-1, pp. 30-35, May 2011
M. Thiele, J. Lienig
Food Intake Activity Detection Using a Wearable Microphone System. IE'11: The Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Environments, July 25th-28th, 2011, Nottingham, UK. pp. 298-301
S. Päßler, W.-J. Fischer
Food Intake Recognition Conception for Wearable Devices. In MobileHealth’11: First ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Pervasive Wireless Healthcare, May 16, 2011, Paris, France. pp. 1-4
S. Päßler, M. Wolff, W.-J. Fischer
Formation of DNA Tubes and Attachment of Nanoparticles. 75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden (Germany), March 13 - 18, 2011
M. Wiens, A. K. Dwivedi, N. Haufe, A. Henning, M. Mertig
Investigating Modern Layout Representations for Improved 3D Design Automation, Proc. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pp. 337-342, 2011
R. Fischbach, J. Lienig, J. Knechtel
Methode zur Herstellung eines portablen, hierarchisch strukturierten und multifunktionalen Mikropartikelarrays, GMM-Fachbericht: Mikro-Nano-Integration, VDE VERLAG Berlin, 2011, 68, 63 – 68
R. Hensel, H.-G. Braun
Miniaturized Fiber-Optic Surface-Plasmon- Resonance Sensor. Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Ottawa, Canada, pages 7753-474. International Societyfor Optics and Photonics, 2011
T. Schuster, N. Neumann, C.G. Schäffer
Modellierung CNT-basierter thermischer Vias für den effektiven Wärmetransport, Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2011), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396- 0259-1, pp. 24-29, May 2011
J. Hertwig, M. Thiele, H. Neubert, J. Lienig
Planar optical waveguide design for UV-nanoimprinted microring resonator based biosensors, 2011, IEEE Sensors Conference, 596-599
R. Landgraf, T. Haugwitz, R. Kirchner, A. Finn, W.-J. Fischer
Self-Assembly of DNA Nanotubes with Controllable Diameters. Nature Communications 2011, 2, 540
O. I. Wilner, R. Orbach, A. Henning, C. Teller, O. Yehezkeli, M. Mertig, D. Harries, I. Willner
Spectral tuning of IR- resonant nanoantennas by nanogap engineering. Opt. Mater. Expr. 2011, 1 (7)
D. Weber, J. Katzmann, F. Neubrech, T. Härtling, A. Pucci
Synthesis and characterization of near-infrared absorbing composites of conjugated macroligands on the surface of PbS nanoparticles. Polymer Preprints 2011, 52, 789-790
I. Kanelidis, J. Zhang, L. Liebscher, S.G. Hickey, A. Eychmüller, E. Holder
Synthesis of Covalently Linked DNA Structures. 75. Jahrestagung der DPG und DPG Frühjahrstagung, Dresden (Germany), March 13 – 18, 2011
A. Henning, O. I. Wilner, B. Shlyahovsky, M. Mertig, I. Willner
UV-assisted Nanoimprinting using Opaque Molds and Substrates, 1st Annual World Congress of Nano-Science&Technology (NANO- S&T), 23.-26.10.2011 in Dalian (China)
R. Kirchner, L. Teng, A. Finn, W.-J. Fischer
UV-Nanoimprinting Using Non-Transparent Molds and Non-Transparent Substrates, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 88, pp. 2004–2008, 2011
R. Kirchner, A. Finn, L. Teng, M. Ploetner, A. Jahn, L. Nueske, and W.-J. Fischer
(2012): Layer thickness of hydrophobin films leads to oscillation in wettability, Langmuir, 28(17):6942-6949
L. Gruner, K. Ostermann, G. Rödel
A Medical Wireless Measurement System for Hip Prosthesis Loosening Detection Based on Vibration Analysis. Sensors & Transducers 2012, 12
S. Friedrich
Adaptation of Models for Food Intake Sound Recognition Using Maximum a Posteriori Estimation Algorithm, Proc. of BSN 2012: The Ninth International Conference on Wearable and Implantable Body Sensor Networks, May 09th-12th, 2012, London, UK. pp. 148-153
S. Päßler, I. Kraljevski, W.-J. Fischer
Assembling 2-D Blocks into 3-D Chips, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 31(2):228- 241, 2012
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig
Biosensing with Optical Waveguides, In: Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices, Springer, 2012, 557-579
T. Schuster, R. Landgraf, A. Finn, M. Mertig, G. Gerlach, K.-J. Wolter
Biosensing with Optical Waveguides. In: G. Gerlach, K.J. Wolter, editors, Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices, pages 557-579. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012
T. Schuster, R. Landgraf, A. Finn, M. Mertig
Colloidal Nanocrystal-Based Gels and Aerogels: Material Aspects and Application Perspectives, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2012, 3, 8−17
N. Gaponik, A.-K. Herrmann, A. Eychmüller
Decoration of Diatom Biosilica with Small (< 10 nm) Noble Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles: Assembly, Characterization and Applications, Chem. Asian J. 2012, 7, 85–90
Jantschke, A.-K. Herrmann, V. Lesnyak, A. Eychmüller, E. Brunner
Direct Nanoimprinting for Micro- and Nanosystems, in Bio and Nano Packaging Techniques for Electron Devices, Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2012), pp. 209–241
R. Kirchner, J. Derix, A. Nocke, R. Landgraf
Directed Connection of Sixhelix DNA Origami Bundles into Higher Ordered Structures. Biochemical Society conference on Bionanotechnology III: from biomolecular assembly to applications, Cambridge (UK), January 4 – 6, 2012
A. Henning, A. K. Dwivedi, M. Wiens, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
Entwicklung eines kompakten faseroptischen Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz-Sensors, Tagungsband 4. Dresdner Medizintechnik- Symposium, Dresden, Germany. 2012
T. Schuster, C. G. Schäffer, M. Mertig
Evaluation of Algorithms for Chew Event Detection, Proc of BodyNets’12: The 7th International Conference on Body Area Networks, September 24– 26, 2012, Oslo, Norway. pp. 20-26
S. Päßler, W.-J. Fischer
Fabrication and characterization of sub-500 nm channel organic field effect transistor using UV nanoimprint lithography with cheap Si-mold, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 97, pp. 38–42, 2012
L. Teng, R. Kirchner, M. Plötner, A. Türke, A. Jahn, J. He, F. Hagemann, W.-J. Fischer
Faseroptischer Sensor zur Detektion biomolekularer Analyten mittels Oberflächenplasmonenresonanz, Tagungsband 16. Heiligenstädter Kolloquium ”Technische Systeme für die Lebenswissenschaften”, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Germany, page 24. IBA, 2012
T. Schuster, C. G. Schäffer, M. Mertig
Fiber Grating-Assisted Investigation on Surface Plasmon Resonance of Fiber Cladding Modes. Proceedings of IEEE Sensors Conference 2012, Taipeh, Taiwan, pages 862-865. IEEE, 2012
T. Schuster, C.G. Schäffer, M. Mertig, M. Bönsch, D. Plettemeier
Food Intake Activity Detection Using an Artificial Neural Network. In: Biomed Tech 2012; 57 (Suppl. 1), Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston. Proceedings of BMT 2012: 46. DGBMT Jahrestagung, September 16th-18th, 2012, Jena, Germany
S. Päßler, W.-J. Fischer
Food intake monitoring: An acoustical approach to automated food intake activity detection and classification of consumed food. Physiol. Meas. 33 (2012) 1073-1093
S. Päßler, M. Wolff, W.-J. Fischer
Free-floating hydrogel-based rafts supporting a microarray of functional entities at fluid interfaces, Soft Matter, 2012, 8, 5293 – 5300
R. Hensel, H.-G. Braun
Geometrical Properties of Multilayer Nano-Imprint-Lithography Molds for Optical Applications, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 98, pp. 284–287, 2012
Finn, R. Hensel, F. Hagemann, R. Kirchner, A. Jahn, W.-J. Fischer
Geometrical properties of multilayer nano-imprint-lithography molds for optical applications, Microelectronic Engineering, 2012, 98, 284 – 287
A. Finn, R. Hensel, F. Hagemann, R. Kirchner, A. Jahn, W.-J. Fischer
High-Performance Electrocatalysis on Palladium Aerogels, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 5743–5747
W. Liu, A.-K. Herrmann, D. Geiger, L. Borchardt, P. Simon, S. Kaskel, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
Infrared Optical Properties of Nanoantenna Dimers with Photochemically Narrowed Gaps in the 5 nm Regime, ACS Nano 2012, 6 (8)
F. Neubrech, D. Weber, J. Katzmann, C. Huck, A. Toma, E. Di Fabrizio, A. Pucci, T. Härtling
Miniaturized Long-Period Fiber Grating Assisted Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor. Journal of Lightwave Technology 30(8):1003-1008, 2012
T. Schuster, R. Herschel, N. Neumann, C.G. Schäffer
Multiobjective Optimization of Deadspace, a Critical Resource for 3D-IC Integration, Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, pp. 705-712, Nov. 2012
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig, M. Thiele
Multiobjective Optimization of Deadspace, a Critical Resource for 3D-IC Integration, Proc. International Conference on Computer- Aided Design, pp. 705-712, 2012
J. Knechtel, I. L. Markov, J. Lienig, M. Thiele
Nanorod formation by photochemical metal deposition in nanoporousaluminum oxide matrices. J. Phys. Chem. C 2012, 116 (44)
J. Katzmann, T. Härtling
Nutzung von klassischen IP-Blöcken in 3D-Schaltkreisen, J. Lienig und M. Dietrich (Herausgeber): Entwurf integrierter 3D-Systeme der Elektronik, Springer Vieweg, pp. 145-174, 2012
J. Knechtel
Optical Biosensors Based on Polymer Micro Ring Resonators, 2nd NaPaNIL-Industrial Day, 28.02.2012 in Berlin
R. Landgraf, R. Kirchner, A. Finn, W.-J. Fischer
Ordered and Nonordered Porous Superstructures from Metal Nanoparticles. In Complex-shaped Metal Nanoparticles; Sau, T. K.; Rogach, A. L., Eds.; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2012, 339–360
A.-K. Herrmann, N. C. Bigall, L. Lu, A. Eychmüller
Packaging of Electronic Devices for Long-Term Implantation, International Spring Seminar on Electronics, Mai 2012
S. Friedrich
PbS- Organic-Mesocrystals: The Relationship Between Nanocrystal Orientationand Superlattice Array. Angewandte Chemie 2012, 51, 10776-10781
P. Simon, E. Rosseeva, I.A. Baburin, L. Liebscher, S.G. Hickey, R. Cardoso-Gil
Planar optical microring resonators used as biosensors: Guidelines for designing polymercompared to semiconductor-based waveguides, Proc. SPIE, vol. 8561, p. 85610Q, 2012
R. Landgraf, T. Haugwitz, R. Kirchner, W.-J. Fischer
Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) covered gold electrode for improved detection of sulfur dioxide and polyphenols in white wines, Volumen 60, 15 January 2012, Pages 184–192
A. Türke; W.-J. Fischer; N. Beaumont; P. A. Kilmartin
Polymer Microring Resonator Directly Patterned by Multilevel-Nanoimprint: Integration into Biosensor System with a Miniaturized Microfluidic System, 2012, Tagungsband, 259-267
R. Landgraf, A. Finn, R. Kirchner, T. Haugwitz, F. Deicke, W.-J. Fischer, S. Arndt
Polymere Einhausungen zum Schutz von aktiven elektronischen Implantaten, Heiligenstädter Kolloquium, August 2012
S. Friedrich
Schutz aktiver Implantate mittels polymerer Einhausungsmaterialien, PLUS, Mai 2012
S. Friedrich
Simulation of Sub- Micrometer Photonic Structures Using High Performance Computing, Problems of technics and technology of telecommunications (PTT) / Optical Technology in Telecommunications (OTT) 2012, Ufa, Russia, Nov. 2012
T. Haugwitz, T. Schuster, N. Neumann & D. Plettemeier
Simultaneous detection of ascorbic acid and sulfur dioxide on a poly(3,4ethylenedioxythiophene) covered gold electrode, IEEE Sensors Conference 2012 Taipeh, 2012, 1-4
M. Schneider, A. Türke, W.-J. Fischer, P.A. Kilmartin
Single-stranded DNA Nanotubes: The Structure Formation Mechanisms, 9th Annual Conference Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO12): Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, Snowbird (USA), April 16-19, 2012
M. Mertig, P. Fuchsenberger, A. Henning, O.I. Wilner, I. Willner
Stamp-and-Repeat UV- Imprinting of Spin-Coated Films: Pre-Exposure and Imprint Defects, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 97, pp. 117–121, 2012
R. Kirchner, L. Nueske, A. Finn, B. Lu, and W.-J. Fischer
Structure Formation of Single-stranded DNA Nanotubes, 244th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition, Philadelphia (USA), August 19-23, 2012
M. Mertig, A. Henning, P. Fuchsenberger, O.I. Wilner, I. Willner
Structure Formation of Single-stranded DNA Nanotubes, Deutsche Nucleinsäurechemiegemeinschaft e.V.- Doktorandenseminar, Bad Herrenalb, October 1-2, 2012
A. Henning, M. Mertig, P. Fuchsenberger, O.I. Wilner, I. Willner
UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography: Towards Direct Patterning of Functional Polymers, 29th International Conference of Photopolymer Science and Technology (ICPST-29), 26.06.- 29.06.2012 in Ciba (Japan)
R. Kirchner, A. Finn, R. Landgraf, L. Nueske, M. Vogler, W.-J. Fischer
UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography: Towards Direct Patterning of Functional Polymers, J. Photopolym. Sci. Technol., vol. 25, no. 5, p. 197, 2012
R. Kirchner, A. Finn, R. Landgraf, L. Nueske, M. Vogler, and W.-J. Fischer
Vermeidung von Elektromigration durch kurze Segmentlängen im Layout digitaler Schaltungen, Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf (DASS 2012), Fraunhofer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8396-0404-5, pp. 52-56, May 2012
M. Thiele, J. Lienig
(2013): Verfahren zur Beschichtung eines Substrats mit einer Hydrophobinbilage und Substrat mit einer Hydrophobinbilagenbeschichtung, DE102011089241 B3
L. Gruner, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann
(2013): Verfahren zur Beschichtung von Substraten mit mindestens einer Monolage selbstassemblierender Proteine, Patent O2013026919 A1; EP2747901 A1; US2014255712 A1
L. Gruner, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann
120 nm Resolution and 55 nm Structure Size in STED-Lithography, Opt. Expr. 2013, 21 (9)
R. Wollhofen, J. Katzmann, C. Hrlescu, J. Jacak, T.A. Klar
A versatile approach for coating oxidic surfaces with a range of nanoparticulate materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2013, 1(7), 1515
J. Poppe, S. Gabriel, L. Liebscher, S. G. Hickey, A. Eychmüller
Advanced Planar-Optical SPR Based Biosensor using Magnetic-Dielectric Core-Shell-Particles as Mobile Substrate", IEEE Sensors 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA, Nov. 2013
T. Haugwitz
Auswirkungen der Gold-Nanopartikel-Morphologie auf die Anordnung in 2 D & 3 D Superstrukturen. Bunsen-Magazin 5, 240 (2013)
D. Haubold, et al.
Barrier Properties of Polymer Encapsulation Materials for Implantable Microsystems, 36th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology, April 2013
S. Friedrich
Bimetallic Aerogels: High-Performance Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 9849–9852
W. Liu, P. Rodriguez, L. Borchardt, A. Foelske, J. Yuan, A.-K. Herrmann, D. Geiger, Z. Zheng, S. Kaskel, N. Gaponik, R. Kötz, T. J. Schmidt, A. Eychmüller
Continues Conformational Change of DNA Origami Tubes Using Divalent Ions. 1st Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden (Germany), April 25-26, 2013
A. Henning, M. Wiens, A. K. Dwivedi, N. Haufe, M. Mertig
Controlled Assembly of Higher-Order DNA Origami Structures. 19th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, Tempe (USA), September 22 – 27, 2013
A. Henning, M. Mertig
Design, Assembly and Enlargement of a tPad Origami Structure. 1st Dresden Nanoanalysis Symposium, Dresden (Germany), April 25-26, 2013
A. Henning, F. Fischer, E. Schreyer, M. Mertig
Einfluss der Elektromigration auf den Layoutentwurf in zukünftigen Technologien, Proc. eda Workshop13, VDE Verlag, ISBN 978-3-8007-3499-3, pp. 45-51, May 2013
M. Thiele, J. Lienig
Entwicklung eines kompakten faseroptischen Oberflächenplasmonenresonanzsensors. Technisches Messen, 80(7- 8):221-228, 2013
T. Schuster, C.G. Schäffer, M. Mertig, D. Plettemeier
Fast patterning of poly(methyl methacrylate) by a novel soft molding approach and its application to the fabrication of silver structures, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2013, 137, 884 – 891
G. Mondin, B. Schumm, J. Fritsch, R. Hensel, J. Grothe, S. Kaskel
Fluid Dynamic Load of Polymers Used as Encapsulation Material for Implantable Microsystems, Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, September 2013
S. Friedrich
High aspect ratio pattern collapse of polymeric UV-nano-imprint molds due to cleaning, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 110, pp. 112–118, 2013
Finn, B. Lu, R. Kirchner, X. Thrun, K. Richter, W.-J. Fischer
Impedimetrische und optische Detektion extrazellulärer DNA im Wundmodell, Proceeding - 11. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, 2013, 201–204
A. Schröter, L. Jiang, T. Landgraf, A. Rösen-Wolff, G. Gerlach
Inkjet printed electrodes for determination of sulfur dioxide and ascorbic acid in wine, IEEE Sensors Conference 2013 Baltimore, 2013, 1-4
M. Schneider, A. Türke, W.-J. Fischer, P.A. Kilmartin
Integration of Thermal Management and Floorplanning Based on Three-Dimensional Layout Representations, Proc. International Conference on Electronics, Circuitsand Systems, pp. 962-965, 2013
P. Budhathoki, J. Knechtel, A. Henschel, I. Elfadel
Interconnection of Nanoparticles within 2D Superlattices of PbS/ Oleic Acid Thin Films. Advanced Materials
P. Simon, L. Bahrig, I.A. Baburin, F. Roder, P. Formanek, J. Sickmann, S.G. Hickey, A. Eychmüller, H. Lichte, R. Kniep, E. Rosseeva
Investigating local (photo-)current and structure of ZnPc:C60 bulk-heterojunctions, Org Electron 14, 2777 (2013).
J. Mönch, P. Guttman, J. Murawski, C. Elschner, M. Riede, L. Müller-Meskamp, K. Leo
Investigation of THz absorption on single-walled carbon nanotubes, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, März 2013
F. Ostermaier, H.G. v. Ribbeck, L. Eng, M. Mertig
Metal Nanoparticle Aerogels and Their Applications, ECS Trans. 2013, 45, 149–154
A.-K. Herrmann, W. Liu, N. Gaponik, N. C. Bigall, A. Eychmüller
Mixed Aerogels from Au and CdTe Nanoparticles, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2013, 23, 1903–1911
T. Hendel, V. Lesnyak, L. Kühn, A.-K. Herrmann, N. C. Bigall, L. Borchardt, S. Kaskel, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
Multi-photon structuring of native polymers: A case study for structuring natural proteins, Eng. Life Sci. 2013, 13
M. Gebinoga, J. Katzmann, U. Fernekorn, J. Hampl, F. Weise, M. Klett, A. Läffert, T.A. Klar, A. Schober
Multikriterielle Layoutoptimierung durch TSV- und Deadspace-Planung für den 3D-IC-Entwurf, Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf, pp. 50-56, 2013
J. Knechtel, M. Thiele, J. Lienig
Nanoimprint assisted inkjet printing to fabricate sub-micron channel organic field effect transistors, Microelectron. Eng., vol. 110, pp. 292–297, 2013
L. Teng, M. Plötner, A. Türke, B. Adolphi, A. Finn, R. Kirchner, W.-J. Fischer
Parameters of the manufacturing process and reliability of embedded components, 36th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), pp. 64–69, 2013
S. Osmolovskyi, R. Schwerz, K.-J. Wolter
Portable measurement system for silicon nanowire field-effect transistor-based biosensors, 36th International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology (ISSE), Alba Iulia, Rumenia, May°8 – 12, 2013, pp. 349 – 354
T. Voitsekhivska, E. Suthau, K.-J. Wolter, L. Baraban, F. Zörgiebel, G. Cuniberti
Preparation of near-Infrared Absorbing Composites Comprised of Conjugated Mac-roligands on the Surface of PbS Nanoparticles. Polymer 2013, 54(21), 5525-5533
J. Zhang, L. Bahrig, A. Puetz, I. Kanelidis, D. Lenkeit, S. Pelz, S.G. Hickey, M.F.G. Klein, A. Colsmann, U. Lemmer, A. Eychmüller, E. Holder
Single Core-Shell Nanoparticle Probes for Non-invasive Magnetic Force Microscopy. Nanotech. 25, 255501 (2013)
T. Uhlig, U. Wiedwald, A. Seidenstücker, P. Ziemann and L. M. Eng
Sorting of CVD-grown single-walled carbon nanotubes by means of gel column chromatography. physica status solidi (b), 250(12):2564-2568, Dezember 2013
F. Ostermaier, M. Mertig
Sorting of single-walled carbon nanotubes by means of gel permeation chromatography, International Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials (IWEPNM), Kirchberg (Tirol), März 2013
F. Ostermaier, M. Mertig
Sorting of single-walled carbon nanotubes using gel permeation chromatography, DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Regensburg, März 2013
F. Ostermaier, M. Mertig
Tunable nanoreplication to explore the omniphobic characteristics of springtail skin NPG. Asia Materials, 2013, 5, e37
R. Hensel, R. Helbig, S. Aland, A. Voigt, C. Neinhuis, C. Werner
Utilizing 2D and 3D Rectilinear Blocks for Efficient IP Reuse and Floorplanning of 3D-Integrated Systems, Proc. International Symposium on Physical Design, pp. 11-16, 2013
R. Fischbach, J. Knechtel, J. Lienig
Wetting resistance at its topographical limit: The benefit of mushroom and serif T structures. Langmuir, 2013, 29, 1100-1112
R. Hensel, R. Helbig, S. Aland, H.-G. Braun, A. Voigt, C. Neinhuis, C. Werner
(2014), Verfahren und System zum direkten, strahlungslosen Energietransfer über flüssige Phasengrenzen, Patent DE102012220083 B3, EP2728355 A1
L. Gruner, G. Rödel, K. Ostermann, A. Eychmüller, L. Bahrig, S.G. Hickey
(2014): Excitable oil droplets - FRET across a liquid-liquid phase boundary, 113th General Assembly of the German Bunsen Society for Physical Chemistry, Hamburg, Deutschland
L. Bahrig, L.J. Gruner, K. Ostermann, S.G. Hickey, G. Rödel, A. Eychmüller
(2014): Synthesis and deposition of metal nanoparticles by gas condensation process. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A, 32(2), 02B113
M. Maicu, R. Schmittgens, D. Hecker, D. Glöß, P. Frach, G. Gerlach, G.
3D-Floorplanning für hochparallele Verbindungsstrukturen, Tagungsband Dresdner Arbeitstagung Schaltungs- und Systementwurf, pp. 16-20, 2014
J. Knechtel, J. Lienig, S. Osmolovskyi
[2014]. Krollcarbons based on silica and alumina templates as highrate electrode materials in electrochemical double-layer capacitors, J. Mate. Chem. A 2(14): 5131 5139
M. Oschatz, S. Boukhalfa, W. Nickel, J.T. Lee, S. Klosz, L. Borchardt, A. Eychmueller, G. Yushin, S. Kaskel
A Membraneless Glucose/O2 Biofuel Cell Based on Pd Aerogels, Chem. - A Eur. J. 2014, 1–7
D. Wen, W. Liu, A.-K.Herrmann, A. Eychmüller
Biocompatible Packaging for Implantable Miniaturized Pressure Sensor Device used for Stent Grafts, 16th Electronic Packaging Conference, Singapore, Dezember 3rd-5th, 2014
S. Kirsten, M. Schubert, M. Braunschweig, T. Voitsekhivska, K.-J. Wolter
Biology-inspired omniphobic surfaces by reverse imprint lithography, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 2029-2033
R. Hensel, A. Finn, R. Helbig, H.-G. Braun, C. Neinhuis, W.-J. Fischer, C. Werner
Characterization of Ionic Permeability and Water Vapor Transmission Rate of Polymers Used for Implantable Electronics, 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering, August 2014
S. Friedrich
Characterization of Polymeric Encapsulation for Implantable Microsystems Applying Dynamic Fluidic and Electrical Load, 16th Electronic Packaging Conference, Singapore, Dezember 3rd-5th, 2014
M. Schubert, S. Kirsten, T. Voitsekhivska, K.-J. Wolter
Chemical in-situ control over geometric dimensions of DNA origami, DNA20 - DNA Computing and Molecular Programming’ September 2014
M. Mertig, E. Schreyer, M. Wiens, A. Henning, N. Haife
Chemical in-situ control over the geometric dimensions of DNA origami, 20th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming (DNA20), Kyoto (Japan), September 22-25, 2014
M. Mertig, E. Schreyer, M. Wiens, A. Henning, N. Haufe
CMOS Multiplexer for Portable Biosensing System with Integrated Microfluidic Interface, 64th Electronics Components and technology Conference, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, May 27th – 30rd, 2014
T. Voitsekhivska, E. Suthau, K.-J. Wolter
Controlling the Growth of Palladium Aerogels with High-Performance toward Bioelectrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 2727–2730
D. Wen, A.-K. Herrmann,L. Borchardt, F. Simon,W. Liu, S. Kaskel, A. Eychmüller
Determination of the wine preservative sulphur dioxide with cyclic voltammetry using inkjet printed electrodes, Food Chemistry, 2014, 428-432.
M. Schneider, A. Türke, W.-J. Fischer, P.A. Kilmartin
Direct UV-Imprinting of Hybrid-Polymer Photonic Microring Resonators and their Characterization, J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 1674–1681, 2014
R. Kirchner, A. Finn, R. Landgraf, L. Nueske, L. Teng, M. Vogler, W.-J. Fischer
Directed assembly of nanoparticles to isolated diatom valves using the non-wetting characteristics after pyrolysis, Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 11637-11645
A. Jantschke, C. Fischer, R. Hensel, H.-G. Braun, E. Brunner
Electronic Properties of Isosymmetric Phase Boundaries in Highly Strained Ca-Doped BiFeO3. Adv. Mater. 26, 4376-4380 (2014)
J. Seidel, M. Trassin, Y. Zhang, P. Maksymovych, T. Uhlig, P. Milde, D. Köhler, A.P. Baddorf, S.V. Kalinin, L.M. Eng, X. Pan and R. Ramesh
Food Intake Monitoring: Automated Chew Event Detection in Chewing Sounds, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 18 (2014) 1, 278- 289
S. Päßler, S., W.-J. Fischer
FRET studies on conformational changes of a DNA tube, Poster EnFI-2014 ‘Engineering of Functional Interfaces’ Juli 2014
E. Schreyer, M. Mertig
From 2D to 1D functionalization: carbon nanotube based biomembrane sensor for curvature sensitive proteins. International Conference on Engineering of Functional Interfaces, Jülich, Juli 2014
F. Ostermaier, L. Scharfenberg, K. Schneider, S. Hennig, K. Ostermann, J. Posseckardt, M. Mertig
Functional surfaces: biologically-inspired omniphobic surfaces by reverse imprint lithography, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26, 2028
R. Hensel, A. Finn, R. Helbig, H.-G. Braun, C. Neinhuis, W.-J. Fischer, C. Werner
In Situ Experiments To Reveal the Role of Surface Feature Sidewalls in the Cassie–Wenzel Transition, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 15162-15170
R. Hensel, A. Finn, R. Helbig, S. Killge, H.-G. Braun, C. Werner
Multimetallic Aerogels by Template-Free Self-Assembly of Au, Ag, Pt, and Pd Nanoparticles, Chem. Mater. 2014, 26, 1074–1083
A.-K. Herrmann, P. Formanek, L. Borchardt, M. Klose, L. Giebeler, J. Eckert, S. Kaskel, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
Package Characterization of FET-based Biochemical Sensors, 16th Electronic Packaging Conference, Singapore, Dezember 3rd-5th, 2014
T. Voitsekhivska, E. Suthau, S. Kirsten, M. Schubert, F. Zoergiebel, K.-J. Wolter
Relationship of the nanocrystal morphology and atomistic structure with respect to the superstructure ordering within PbS- and Gold-Mesocrystals. MRS Proceedings 1705, mrss14-1705-ss07-07 (2014)
L. Bahrig, D. Haubold, et al.
Reliability assessment of discrete passive components embedded into PCB core, Thermal, Mechanical and Multi-Physics Simulation and Experiments in Microelectronics and Microsystems (EuroSimE), pp. 1–7, 2014
R. Schwerz, M. Roellig, S. Osmolovskyi, K.-J. Wolter
Serum-free medium and hydroxyethyl starch supports cell survival better than Minimal Essential Medium and dextran in organcultured mouse corneas, Br J Ophthalmol. 2014, 98(12):1744-50
L. Knels , D. Goetze , K. Engelmann , M. Valtink
Structural Planning of 3D-IC Interconnects by Block Alignment, Proc. Asia South Pacific Design Automation Conference, pp. 53-60, 2014
J. Knechtel, E. F. Y. Young, J. Lienig
Surface-Enhanced Infrared Spectroscopy Using Nanometer-Sized Gaps, ACS Nano 2014, 8 (5)
C. Huck, F. Neubrech, J.Vogt, A. Toma, D. Gerbert, J. Katzmann, T. Härtling, A. Pucci
The multi-layered protective cuticle of Collembola – A chemical analysis, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 2014, 11, 20140619
J. Nickerl, M. Tsurkan, R. Hensel, C. Neinhuis, C. Werner
Using DNA Origami as Templates for the Precise Assembly of Inorganic Nanoparticles. Intl. Conference DNATEC14, Dresden (Germany), May 5 – 9, 2014
S. Leubner, M. Kruszynska, A. Henning, A. Heerwig, S.G. Hickey, M. Mertig, A. Eychmüller
Verfahren und System zum direkten, strahlungslosen Energietransfer über flüssige Phasengrenzen 2014, Europäisches Patent 13191563.9-1361
L. J. Gruner, L. Bahrig, K. Ostermann, S. G. Hickey, A. Eychmüller, G. Rödel
(2015): Plasma deposition of silver nanoparticles on ultrafiltration membranes: Antibacterial and anti-biofouling properties. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 94, 524-537
M. Cruz, G. Ruano, M. Wolf, D. Hecker, E. C. Vidaurre, R. Schmittgens, V. B. Rajal
(2015, June): Electrospray ionization deposition of BSA under vacuum conditions. SPIE Microtechnologies (pp. 951729-951729). International Society for Optics and Photonics
D. Hecker, D. Gloess, P. Frach, G. Gerlach
[2015]. Synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbon materials by dry etching, Chemistry - an European Journal 21(42): 14753 1475
W. Nickel, M. Oschatz, Rico-Frances, S. Klosz, T. Biemelt, G. Mondin, A. Eychmueller, J. Silvestre-Albero, S. Kaskel
[2015]. Unusual ultrahydrophilic, porous carbon cuboids for atmospheric-water capture, Angewandte Chemie-international Edition 54(6): 1941 1945
G.-P. Hao, G. Mondin, Z. Zheng, T. Biemelt, S. Klosz, R. Schubel, A. Eychmueller, S. Kaskel
[2015]. Znpd/zno aerogels as potential catalytic materials, Adv. Funct.
C. Ziegler, S. Klosz, L. Borchardt, M. Oschatz, S. Kaskel, M. Friedrich, R. Kriegel, T. Keilhauer, M. Armbruester, A. Eychmueller
Aufbau und Biofunktionalisierung einer LSPR- Molekülsorikeinheit, 12. Dresdner Sensor-Symposium, Dresden, Dez 2015
N. Steinke, R. Wuchrer, T. Härtling
Biocompatible Packaging for Implantable Miniaturized Pressure Sensor Device used for Stent Grafts, 16th Electronics Packaging Technology Conference (EPTC), Dezember 2014; 015, 7, S. 3647 – 3656., 2015
S. Friedrich
DNA under confinement and the use of DNA as confinement,, 2015, 23(2), pp. 1-16
H. Brutzer, E. Sperling, K. Günther, J. Dikic, F. Schwarz, D. Klaue, F. Cichos, M. Mertig, R. Seidel
Effektive Finite-Elemente-Methode zur Elektromigrationsanalyse im Entwurf komplexer Schaltkreise, Proc. edaWorkshop15, Pro BUSINESS, ISBN 978-3- 86386-914-4, pp. 33-38, May 2015
M. Thiele, J. Lienig
Fabrication of multilevel polymer photonic microsystems by UV- nanoimprintbased replication, Mikrosystemtechnik und Entwurf von Mikrosystemen, Dresdner Beiträge zur Sensorik 59 (2015), pp. 129–143, ISBN 978-3-95908-011-8
R. Kirchner, A. Finn
From 2d to 1d functionalization: Steps towards a carbon nanotube based biomembrane sensor for curvature sensitive proteins. physica status solidi (a), 212(6):1389-1394, Juni 2015
F. Ostermaier, L. Scharfenberg, K. Schneider, S. Hennig, K. Ostermann, J. Posseckardt, Gerhard Rödel, Michael Mertig
Function-Led Design of Aerogels: Self-Assembly of Alloyed PdNi Hollow Nanospheres for Efficient Electrocatalysis, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2015, 44, 13101–13105
B. Cai, D. Wen, W. Liu, A.-K. Herrmann, A. Benad, A. Eychmüller
Hot Brownian motion and photophoretic self-propulsion. 2015, 23(1), 1-19
R. Schachoff, M. Selmke, A. Bregulla, F. Cichos, D. Rings, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, K. Günther, A. Henning-Knechtel, E. Sperling, M. Mertig
In-situ control over the geometric dimensions of DNA origami, 4th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology, Xi’an (China), June 27-29, 2015
M. Mertig, E. Schreyer, M. Wiens, A. Henning, N. Haufe
In-situ control over the geometric dimensions of DNA origami, 4th International Conference on DNA Nanotechnology’, Juni 2015
M. Mertig, E. Schreyer, M. Wiens, A. Henning, N. Haufe
Investigating the aggregation behaviour of DNA origami frames. Physica Status Solidi A 2015, 212(6), 1375-1381
F. Fischer, A. Henning-Knechtel, M. Mertig
Kinetically Controlled Synthesis of PdNi Bimetallic Porous Nanostructures with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity, Small 2015, 12, 1430-1434
Chengzhou Zhu, Dan Wen, Martin Oschatz, Matthias Holzschuh, Wei Liu, Anne-Kristin Herrmann, Frank Simon, Stefan Kaskel, Alexander Eychmüller
Krümmungssensitive Biomembransensoren: Ein Aufbau mit Kohlenstoffnanoröhren, Springer 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-11925-6
F. Ostermaier
Multicolor generation using silicon nanodisk absorber Multicolor generation using silicon nanodisk absorber. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(8), 081112
S.-C. Yang, K. Richter, W.-J. Fischer
Noble Metal Aerogels — Synthesis, Characterization, and Application as Electrocatalysts, Acc. Chem. Res. 2015, 48, 154–162
W. Liu, A.-K. Herrmann, N. C. Bigall, P. Rodriguez, D. Wen, M. Oezaslan, T. J. Schmidt, N. Gaponik, A. Eychmüller
pH measurements of FET-based (bio)chemical sensors using portable measurement system, 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC’15), Aug. 25-29, 2015, pp. 6445-6448
T. Voitsekhivska, F .Zörgiebel, E. Suthau, K.-J. Wolter, K. Bock, G. Cuniberti
Printed MWCNT-PDMS-Composite Pressure Sensor System for Plantar Pressure Monitoring in Ulcer Prevention. IEEE Sensors Journal. - 15. 2015, 7, S. 3647 – 3656., 2015
C. Gerlach, D. Krumm, M. Illing, J. S. Lange, O. Kanoun, St. Odenwald, A. C. Hübler
Pump- Probe Kelvin-Probe Force Microscopy: Principle of Operation and Resolution Limits, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 154302 (2015)
J. Murawski, T. Graupner, P. Milde, R. Raupach, U. Zerweck-Trogisch, L.M. Eng
Synthesis of multifunctional plasmonic nanopillar array using soft thermal nanoimprint lithography for highly sensitive refractive index sensing. Nanoscale, 2015, 7(13), 5760-5766
S.-C. Yang, J.-L. Hou, A. Finn, A. Kumar, Y. Ge, W.-J. Fischer
Tracking speed bumps in organic field-effect transistors via pump-probe Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, J. Appl. Phys. 118, 244502 (2015)
J. Murawski, T. Mönch, P. Milde, M. Hein, S. Nicht, U. Zerweck-Trogisch, L.M. Eng
Transportables Messsystem für biochemische Sensoren, 9. Deutsches BioSensor Symposium, München, März 11-13, 2015, p.130
T. Voitsekhivska, E. Suthau und K.-J. Wolter
Tunable optical cross-dipole antenna, ISMOT2015, 15th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, Dresden, Germany, Jun. 2015
T. Haugwitz, N. Neumann & D. Plettemeier
Gold Aerogels: Three-Dimensional Assembly of Nanoparticles and Their Use as Electrocatalytic Interfaces. ACS Nano 1705, acsnano.5b07505 (2016)
D. Wen, W. Liu, D. Haubold, D. et al.
Load-Aware Redundant Via Insertion for Electromigration Avoidance. Proc. of the 2016 ACM International Symposium on Physical Design (ISPD), Mar. 2016
S. Bigalke, J. Lienig
Nanocomposite ceramics based on Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95 and MgO, Solid State Ion., 288, May 2016, Pages 98-102
V. Vashook, J. Zosel, E. Sperling, K. Ahlborn, F. Gerlach, F. Fichtner, M. Schelter, U. Guth, M. Mertig
Soft-lithographically fabricated nanofluidic channels for single-DNA measurements, Phys. Status Solidi A, 2015, 212(6), pp. 1229–1233
E. Sperling, M. Hohlfeld, M. Mertig
DFG Programme
Research Training Groups