GRK 1384:
Enzymes and Multienzyme Complexes Acting on Nucleic Acids
Subject Area
Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 19985993
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
The International Research Training Group (IRTG) was formed by scientists from the Justus‐Liebig‐Universität Giessen, the Philipps‐Universität Marburg, the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences. In addition, scientists from the Institute of Biotechnology (Vilnius) and the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (Warsaw) were associated. All participants were selected based on the strength of their expertise in enzymology, molecular and cellular biology, bioinformatics, structural biology, bioorganic and biophysical chemistry.
The IRTG focussed on the training of doctoral researchers in the biochemistry of enzymes and multienzyme complexes acting on nucleic acids. These enzymes are crucial for copying, maintenance, repair, and expression of genetic information. Malfunction of several of these enzymes is causally related to human diseases, and understanding their mechanism of action may eventually lead to new therapeutic concepts.
Our study and research programme did not only consider proteins as individual structures, but also as components of macromolecular machines or larger networks. Using an array of interdisciplinary expertise present among the partners, we made substantial progress in understanding the structure and function of these enzymes and enzyme complexes, as well as in uncovering functional implications of the cooperation of subunits in multienzyme complexes. Our network based on three main pillars: classical and cutting‐edge methodologies to investigate chromatin/DNA‐ and RNA‐associated processes, modern global genome/transcriptome‐wide experimental approaches, and bioinformatic expertise and capacities. The doctoral researchers analysed in detail the molecular mechanisms of how enzymes acting on nucleic acids function at the single‐molecule level and used this knowledge to develop cutting‐edge tools e.g. for precision genome surgery. Moreover, we used novel chemical and biochemical approaches to investigate large, complex and dynamic complexes both in vitro for high‐resolution structural analysis as well in vivo on a global scale.
During the course of the IRTG the emerging role of small non‐coding RNA in cellular function was investigated, and tools for high‐precision genome engineering were developed. High‐throughput approaches, including RNA (RNA‐Seq) deep sequencing, or ChIP‐based techniques, such as ChIP‐Chip or ChIP‐Seq combined with bioinformatic analyses opened up global and integrated views of the dynamics of expression and the processing of genetic information.
We attracted dedicated doctoral researchers who learnt and applied contemporary interdisciplinary approaches to address important and timely questions about a subject of central importance in biochemistry and molecular biology, namely the enzymology of enzymes acting on nucleic acids. Our network offered unique opportunities to pursue research projects in an environment of research excellence provided by partners who have similar interests and complementary expertise.
(2003). An exosome-like complex in Sulfolobus solfataricus. EMBO Rep 4, 889-93
Evguenieva-Hackenberg, E., Walter, P., Hochleitner, E., Lottspeich, F. & Klug, G.
(2005). RNA polyadenylation in Archaea: not observed in Haloferax while the exosome polynucleotidylates RNA in Sulfolobus. EMBO Rep 6, 1188-93
Portnoy, V., Evguenieva-Hackenberg, E., Klein, F., Walter, P., Lorentzen, E., Klug, G. & Schuster, G.
(2005). The archaeal exosome core is a hexameric ring structure with three catalytic subunits. Nat Struct Mol Biol 12, 575-81
Lorentzen, E., Walter, P., Fribourg, S., Evguenieva-Hackenberg, E., Klug, G. & Conti, E.
(2006). Characterization of native and reconstituted exosome complexes from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Mol Microbiol 62, 1076-89
Walter, P., Klein, F., Lorentzen, E., Ilchmann, A., Klug, G. & Evguenieva- Hackenberg, E.
(2006). Sm core variation in spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins from Trypanosoma brucei. EMBO J 25, 4513-23
Wang, P., Palfi, Z., Preusser, C., Lucke, S., Lane, W. S., Kambach, C. & Bindereif, A.
(2007). Aufklärung von Struktur und Funktion des archaealen Exosoms durch Charakterisierung nativer und rekonstituierter Proteinkomplexe aus Sulfolobus solfataricus, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Walter, P.
(2007). RNase P of the Cyanophora paradoxa cyanelle: a plastid ribozyme. Biochimie 89, 1528-38
Li, D., Willkomm, D. K., Schon, A. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2008). dCHD3, a novel ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler associated with sites of active transcription. Mol Cell Biol 28, 2745-57
Murawska, M., Kunert, N., van Vugt, J., Langst, G., Kremmer, E., Logie, C. & Brehm, A.
(2008). Positive selection at the receptor-binding site of haemagglutinin H5 in viral sequences derived from human tissues. J Gen Virol 89, 1805-10
Kongchanagul, A., Suptawiwat, O., Kanrai, P., Uiprasertkul, M., Puthavathana, P. & Auewarakul, P.
(2008). Rrp4 and Csl4 are needed for efficient degradation but not for polyadenylation of synthetic and natural RNA by the archaeal exosome. Biochemistry 47, 13158-68
Evguenieva-Hackenberg, E., Roppelt, V., Finsterseifer, P. & Klug, G.
(2009). Codon volatility of hemagglutinin genes of H5N1 avian influenza viruses from different clades. Virus Genes 38, 404-7
Auewarakul, P., Chatsurachai, S., Kongchanagul, A., Kanrai, P., Upala, S., Suriyaphol, P. & Puthavathana, P.
(2009). dMec: a novel Mi-2 chromatin remodelling complex involved in transcriptional repression. EMBO J 28, 533-44
Kunert, N., Wagner, E., Murawska, M., Klinker, H., Kremmer, E. & Brehm, A.
(2009). Entwicklung eines lichtschaltbaren Restriktionsenzyms : Kontrolle der enzymatischen Aktivität mit Licht, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Schierling, B.
(2009). Insights into RNase P RNA structure and function by a retro-evolution approach (Hartmann, R., Ed.), Philipps-Universität Marburg
Li, D.
(2009). Minor changes largely restore catalytic activity of archaeal RNase P RNA from Methanothermobacter thermoautotrophicus. Nucleic Acids Res 37, 231-42
Li, D., Willkomm, D. K. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2009). Multiple aspects of ATP-dependent nucleosome translocation by RSC and Mi-2 are directed by the underlying DNA sequence. PLoS One 4, e6345
van Vugt, J. J., de Jager, M., Murawska, M., Brehm, A., van Noort, J. & Logie, C.
(2009). New azobenzene derivatives for directed modification of proteins. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 35, 549-555
Hien, L. T., Schierling, B., Ryazanova, A. Y., Zatsepin, T. S., Volkov, E. M., Kubareva, E. A., Velichko, T. I., Pingoud, A. & Oretskaya, T. S.
(2009). Physical and functional interactions between Escherichia coli MutL and the Vsr repair endonuclease. Nucleic Acids Res 37, 4453-63
Heinze, R. J., Giron-Monzon, L., Solovyova, A., Elliot, S. L., Geisler, S., Cupples, C. G., Connolly, B. A. & Friedhoff, P.
(2009). SMN-assisted assembly of snRNP- specific Sm cores in trypanosomes. Genes Dev 23, 1650-64
Palfi, Z., Jae, N., Preusser, C., Kaminska, K. H., Bujnicki, J. M., Lee, J. H., Gunzl, A., Kambach, C., Urlaub, H. & Bindereif, A.
(2009). Special Sm core complex functions in assembly of the U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein of Trypanosoma brucei. Eukaryot Cell 8, 1228-34
Preusser, C., Palfi, Z. & Bindereif, A.
(2010). Analysis of bacterial RNase P RNA and protein interaction by a magnetic biosensor technique. Biochimie 92, 772-8
Li, D., Meyer, M. H., Willkomm, D. K., Keusgen, M. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2010). Controlling the enzymatic activity of a restriction enzyme by light. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 107, 1361-6
Schierling, B., Noel, A. J., Wende, W., Hien le, T., Volkov, E., Kubareva, E., Oretskaya, T., Kokkinidis, M., Rompp, A., Spengler, B. & Pingoud, A.
(2010). Functional analysis of crosstalk in DNA mismatch repair, Justus- Liebig-Universität Gießen
Heinze, R. J.
(2010). NS reassortment of an H7-type highly pathogenic avian influenza virus affects its propagation by altering the regulation of viral RNA production and antiviral host response. J Virol 84, 11323-35
Wang, Z., Robb, N. C., Lenz, E., Wolff, T., Fodor, E. & Pleschka, S.
(2010). NS reassortment of an H7-type highly pathogenic avian influenza virus affects its propagation by1 altering the regulation of viral RNA production and anti-viral host response, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Wang, Z.
(2010). Regulation of translation initiation at the Poliovirus IRES, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Hirnet, J.
(2010). Sm core variation and biogenesis of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins in Trypanosoma brucei, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Preußer, C.
(2010). The NS segment of an H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) is sufficient to alter replication efficiency, cell tropism, and host range of an H7N1 HPAIV. J Virol 84, 2122-33
Ma, W., Brenner, D., Wang, Z., Dauber, B., Ehrhardt, C., Hogner, K., Herold, S., Ludwig, S., Wolff, T., Yu, K., Richt, J. A., Planz, O. & Pleschka, S.
(2011). Archaeal-bacterial chimeric RNase P RNAs: towards understanding RNA's architecture, function and evolution. Chembiochem 12, 1536-43
Li, D., Gossringer, M. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2011). CHD chromatin remodelers and the transcription cycle. Transcription 2, 244-53
Murawska, M. & Brehm, A.
(2011). Chemical trapping of the dynamic MutS-MutL complex formed in DNA mismatch repair in Escherichia coli. J Biol Chem 286, 17326-37
Winkler, I., Marx, A. D., Lariviere, D., Heinze, R. J., Cristovao, M., Reumer, A., Curth, U., Sixma, T. K. & Friedhoff, P.
(2011). Functional characterization of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers of the CHD family of Drosophila, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Murawska, M.
(2011). Generation of DNA nanocircles containing mismatched bases. Biotechniques 51, 259-62, 264-5
Xiao, Y., Jung, C., Marx, A. D., Winkler, I., Wyman, C., Lebbink, J. H., Friedhoff, P. & Cristovao, M.
(2011). In vivo and in vitro analysis of 6S RNA-templated short transcripts in Bacillus subtilis. RNA Biol 8, 839-49
Beckmann, B. M., Burenina, O. Y., Hoch, P. G., Kubareva, E. A., Sharma, C. M. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2011). Proteinortho: detection of (co-)orthologs in large-scale analysis. BMC Bioinformatics 12, 124
Lechner, M., Findeiss, S., Steiner, L., Marz, M., Stadler, P. F. & Prohaska, S. J.
(2011). Restriction endonuclease SsoII with photoregulated activity--a "molecular gate" approach. Bioconjug Chem 22, 1366-73
Hien le, T., Zatsepin, T. S., Schierling, B., Volkov, E. M., Wende, W., Pingoud, A., Kubareva, E. A. & Oretskaya, T. S.
(2011). SAYP: a bridge connecting specific and general transcription regulators. Cell Cycle 10, 2420
Kreher, J. & Brehm, A.
(2011). snRNA-specific role of SMN in trypanosome snRNP biogenesis in vivo. RNA Biol 8, 90-100
Jae, N., Preusser, C., Kruger, T., Tkacz, I. D., Engstler, M., Michaeli, S. & Bindereif, A.
(2011). Stress-induced PARP activation mediates recruitment of Drosophila Mi-2 to promote heat shock gene expression. PLoS Genet 7, e1002206
Murawska, M., Hassler, M., Renkawitz-Pohl, R., Ladurner, A. & Brehm, A.
(2011). Two paralogous splicing factors, hnRNP L and L-like, cooperate in multiple-exon regulation of CD45 alternative splicing, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Preußner, M.
(2012). 2'-modified oligoribonucleotides containing 1,2-diol and aldehyde groups. Synthesis and properties. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 38, 488-499
Khomyakova, E. A., Zubin, E. M., Pavlova, L. V., Kazanova, E. V., Smirnov, I. P., Pozmogova, G. E., Muller, S., Dolinnaya, N. G., Kubareva, E. A., Hartmann, R. K. & Oretskaya, T. S.
(2012). A novel zinc-finger nuclease platform with a sequence-specific cleavage module. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 2623-38
Schierling, B., Dannemann, N., Gabsalilow, L., Wende, W., Cathomen, T. & Pingoud, A.
(2012). A pRNA-induced structural rearrangement triggers 6S-1 RNA release from RNA polymerase in Bacillus subtilis. EMBO J 31, 1727-38
Beckmann, B. M., Hoch, P. G., Marz, M., Willkomm, D. K., Salas, M. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2012). Comparative genomics of Rickettsia helvetica strain AS819. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 302, 108-108
Speck, S., Dilcher, M., Wehner, S., Riege, K., Marz, M., Hufert, F., Essbauer, S. & Dobler, G.
(2012). Controlling the DNA cleavage activity of lightinducible chimeric endonucleases by bidirectional photoactivation. Bioconjug Chem 23, 1105-9
Schierling, B. & Pingoud, A.
(2012). Covalently trapping MutS on DNA to study DNA mismatch recognition and signaling. Mol Biosyst 8, 1861-4
Heinze, R. J., Sekerina, S., Winkler, I., Biertumpfel, C., Oretskaya, T. S., Kubareva, E. & Friedhoff, P.
(2012). Crosslinking studies of the bacterial RNase P holoenzyme and functional characterisation of the novel protein-only RNase P from Arabidopsis thaliana. Philipps-Universität Marburg
Pavlova, L. V.
(2012). Die Methyl-Binde-Domäne-Proteine MBD2 und MBD3 rekrutieren spezifische NuRD Komplexe, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Rust, M.
(2012). Differential stimulation of hepatitis C virus RNA translation by microRNA-122 in different cell cycle phases. Cell Cycle 11, 277-85
Fehr, C., Conrad, K. D. & Niepmann, M.
(2012). Genetic characterization of Tribec virus and Kemerovo virus, two tick-transmitted human-pathogenic Orbiviruses. Virology 423, 68-76
Dilcher, M., Hasib, L., Lechner, M., Wieseke, N., Middendorf, M., Marz, M., Koch, A., Spiegel, M., Dobler, G., Hufert, F. T. & Weidmann, M.
(2012). Glycyl-tRNA synthetase specifically binds to the poliovirus IRES to activate translation initiation. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 5602-14
Andreev, D. E., Hirnet, J., Terenin, I. M., Dmitriev, S. E., Niepmann, M. & Shatsky, I. N.
(2012). Heterogeneous complexes of the RNA exosome in Sulfolobus solfataricus. Biochimie 94, 1578-87
Witharana, C., Roppelt, V., Lochnit, G., Klug, G. & Evguenieva-Hackenberg, E.
(2012). HnRNP L and L-like cooperate in multiple-exon regulation of CD45 alternative splicing. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 5666-78
Preussner, M., Schreiner, S., Hung, L. H., Porstner, M., Jack, H. M., Benes, V., Ratsch, G. & Bindereif, A.
(2012). Immunostaining of Drosophila polytene chromosomes to investigate recruitment of chromatin-binding proteins. Methods Mol Biol 809, 267-77
Murawska, M. & Brehm, A.
(2012). mRNA splicing in trypanosomes. Int J Med Microbiol 302, 221-4
Preusser, C., Jae, N. & Bindereif, A.
(2012). Recruitment of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler dMi-2 to the transcribed region of active heat shock genes. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 4879-91
Mathieu, E. L., Finkernagel, F., Murawska, M., Scharfe, M., Jarek, M. & Brehm, A.
(2012). Redesigning the single-chain variant of the restriction endonuclease PvuII by circular permutation. FEBS Lett 586, 1736-41
Schierling, B., Wende, W. & Pingoud, A.
(2012). Single-molecule multiparameter fluorescence spectroscopy reveals directional MutS binding to mismatched bases in DNA. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 5448-64
Cristovao, M., Sisamakis, E., Hingorani, M. M., Marx, A. D., Jung, C. P., Rothwell, P. J., Seidel, C. A. & Friedhoff, P.
(2012). The Drosophila MI-2 chromatinremodeling factor regulates higher-order chromatin structure and cohesin dynamics in vivo. PLoS Genet 8, e1002878
Fasulo, B., Deuring, R., Murawska, M., Gause, M., Dorighi, K. M., Schaaf, C. A., Dorsett, D., Brehm, A. & Tamkun, J. W.
(2012). The ordered processing of intervening sequences in 23S rRNA of Rhodobacter sphaeroides requires RNase J. RNA Biol 9, 343-50
Rische, T. & Klug, G.
(2012). The rotation-coupled sliding of EcoRV. Nucleic Acids Res 40, 4064-70
Dikic, J., Menges, C., Clarke, S., Kokkinidis, M., Pingoud, A., Wende, W. & Desbiolles, P.
(2012). tRNA processing by protein-only versus RNA-based RNase P: kinetic analysis reveals mechanistic differences. Chembiochem 13, 2270-6
Pavlova, L. V., Gossringer, M., Weber, C., Buzet, A., Rossmanith, W. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2012). Untersuchungen zur Funktion der RNase J in Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Rische, T. K.
(2013). Compact designer TALENs for efficient genome engineering. Nat Commun 4, 1762
Beurdeley, M., Bietz, F., Li, J., Thomas, S., Stoddard, T., Juillerat, A., Zhang, F., Voytas, D. F., Duchateau, P. & Silva, G. H.
(2013). Conformational changes and complex formation in DNA mismatch repair, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Marx, A. D.
(2013). Die Methylbindeproteine MBD2 und MBD3 unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihres genomweiten Bindeverhaltens an methylierten CpG-Inseln, Promotoren und Exon-Sequenzen, sowie ihres Einflusses auf die Genexpression, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Günther, K.
(2013). Differential roles for MBD2 and MBD3 at methylated CpG islands, active promoters and binding to exon sequences. Nucleic Acids Res 41, 3010-21
Gunther, K., Rust, M., Leers, J., Boettger, T., Scharfe, M., Jarek, M., Bartkuhn, M. & Renkawitz, R.
(2013). Exo-endo trans splicing: a new way to link. Cell Res 23, 1071-2
Preusser, C. & Bindereif, A.
(2013). Generierung hochspezifischer Nukleasen für die zielgerichtete Spaltung genomischer DNA-Sequenzen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Yanik, M.
(2013). Improved dual promotordriven reverse genetics system for influenza viruses. J Virol Methods 193, 603-10
Mostafa, A., Kanrai, P., Ziebuhr, J. & Pleschka, S.
(2013). Integrative "omics"-approach discovers dynamic and regulatory features of bacterial stress responses. PLoS Genet 9, e1003576
Berghoff, B. A., Konzer, A., Mank, N. N., Looso, M., Rische, T., Forstner, K. U., Kruger, M. & Klug, G.
(2013). Investigation of microRNA-protein complex recruitment to the hepatitis C virus untranslated regions, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Conrad, K. D.
(2013). Light dependent activity of restriction endonucleases. Febs Journal 280, 597-597
Abrosimova, L., Monakhova, M., Schierling, B., Volkov, E., Romanova, E., Wende, W., Pingoud, A., Kubareva, E. & Oretskaya, T.
(2013). MicroRNA-122 dependent binding of Ago2 protein to hepatitis C virus RNA is associated with enhanced RNA stability and translation stimulation. PLoS One 8, e56272
Conrad, K. D., Giering, F., Erfurth, C., Neumann, A., Fehr, C., Meister, G. & Niepmann, M.
(2013). Orthology-based approaches and applications for comparative genomics, Phillips-Universität Marburg
Lechner, M.
(2013). Reassortment of NS segments modifies highly pathogenic avian influenza virus interaction with avian hosts and host cells. J Virol 87, 5362-71
Petersen, H., Wang, Z., Lenz, E., Pleschka, S. & Rautenschlein, S.
(2013). Siteand strand-specific nicking of DNA by fusion proteins derived from MutH and I-SceI or TALE repeats. Nucleic Acids Res 41, e83
Gabsalilow, L., Schierling, B., Friedhoff, P., Pingoud, A. & Wende, W.
(2013). STED nanoscopy combined with optical tweezers reveals protein dynamics on densely covered DNA. Nat Methods 10, 910-6
Heller, I., Sitters, G., Broekmans, O. D., Farge, G., Menges, C., Wende, W., Hell, S. W., Peterman, E. J. & Wuite, G. J.
(2013). Systematic analysis and evolution of 5S ribosomal DNA in metazoans. Heredity 111, 410-421
Vierna, J., Wehner, S., Siederdissen, C. H. Z., Martinez-Lage, A. & Marz, M.
(2013). TALE-PvuII fusion proteins--novel tools for gene targeting. PLoS One 8, e82539
Yanik, M., Alzubi, J., Lahaye, T., Cathomen, T., Pingoud, A. & Wende, W.
(2013). The correlation of genome size and DNA methylation rate in metazoans. Theory Biosci 132, 47-60
Lechner, M., Marz, M., Ihling, C., Sinz, A., Stadler, P. F. & Krauss, V.
(2013). The heterogeneity of the RNA degradation exosome in Sulfolobus solfataricus, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Witharana, C.
(2013). Tropism of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus to mesenchymal stem cells and CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells. PLoS One 8, e81805
Thanunchai, M., Kanrai, P., Wiboon-Ut, S., Puthavathana, P., Hongeng, S. & Thitithanyanont, A.
(2014). A functional insulator screen identifies NURF and dREAM components to be required for enhancerblocking. PLoS One 9, e107765
Bohla, D., Herold, M., Panzer, I., Buxa, M. K., Ali, T., Demmers, J., Kruger, M., Scharfe, M., Jarek, M., Bartkuhn, M. & Renkawitz, R.
(2014). Circulation of classical swine influenza virus in Europe between the wars? Arch Virol 159, 1467-73
Lange, J., Groth, M., Kanrai, P., Pleschka, S., Scholtissek, C., Durrwald, R., Platzer, M., Sauerbrei, A. & Zell, R.
(2014). CTCF induces histone variant incorporation, erases the H3K27me3 histone mark and opens chromatin. Nucleic Acids Res 42, 11941-51
Weth, O., Paprotka, C., Gunther, K., Schulte, A., Baierl, M., Leers, J., Galjart, N. & Renkawitz, R.
(2014). Deletion of the Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 kaiAB1C1 gene cluster causes impaired cell growth under lightdark conditions. Microbiology 160, 2538-50
Dorrich, A. K., Mitschke, J., Siadat, O. & Wilde, A.
(2014). Detection of very long antisense transcripts by whole transcriptome RNA-Seq analysis of Listeria monocytogenes by semiconductor sequencing technology. PLoS One 9, e108639
Wehner, S., Mannala, G. K., Qing, X., Madhugiri, R., Chakraborty, T., Mraheil, M. A., Hain, T. & Marz, M.
(2014). Dissemination of 6S RNA among bacteria. RNA Biol 11, 1467-78
Wehner, S., Damm, K., Hartmann, R. K. & Marz, M.
(2014). Ectopically tethered CP190 induces large-scale chromatin decondensation. Sci Rep 4, 3917
Ahanger, S. H., Gunther, K., Weth, O., Bartkuhn, M., Bhonde, R. R., Shouche, Y. S. & Renkawitz, R.
(2014). Entwicklung hochspezifischer Nickasen für gene targeting- Anwendungen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Gabsalilow, L.
(2014). ER stress: how trypanosomes deal with it. Trends Parasitol 30, 549-50
Bindereif, A. & Preusser, C.
(2014). Evidence for the existence of two new members of the family Chlamydiaceae and proposal of Chlamydia avium sp. nov. and Chlamydia gallinacea sp. nov. Syst Appl Microbiol 37, 79-88
Sachse, K., Laroucau, K., Riege, K., Wehner, S., Dilcher, M., Creasy, H. H., Weidmann, M., Myers, G., Vorimore, F., Vicari, N., Magnino, S., Liebler-Tenorio, E., Ruettger, A., Bavoil, P. M., Hufert, F. T., Rossello-Mora, R. & Marz, M.
(2014). Exploring the transcription activator-like effectors scaffold versatility to expand the toolbox of designer nucleases. BMC Mol Biol 15, 13
Juillerat, A., Beurdeley, M., Valton, J., Thomas, S., Dubois, G., Zaslavskiy, M., Mikolajczak, J., Bietz, F., Silva, G. H., Duclert, A., Daboussi, F. & Duchateau, P.
(2014). Function of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler Mi-2 in the regulation of ecdysone dependent genes in Drosophila melanogaster, Philipps- Universität Marburg
Kreher, J.
(2014). Gene expansion shapes genome architecture in the human pathogen Lichtheimia corymbifera: an evolutionary genomics analysis in the ancient terrestrial mucorales (Mucoromycotina). PLoS Genet 10, e1004496
Schwartze, V. U., Winter, S., Shelest, E., Marcet-Houben, M., Horn, F., Wehner, S., Linde, J., Valiante, V., Sammeth, M., Riege, K., Nowrousian, M., Kaerger, K., Jacobsen, I. D., Marz, M., Brakhage, A. A., Gabaldon, T., Bocker, S. & Voigt, K.
(2014). Genome-wide RNA-binding analysis of the trypanosome U1 snRNP proteins U1C and U1-70K reveals cis/trans-spliceosomal network. Nucleic Acids Res 42, 6603-15
Preusser, C., Rossbach, O., Hung, L. H., Li, D. & Bindereif, A.
(2014). Genomewide comparison and novel ncRNAs of Aquificales. BMC Genomics 15, 522
Lechner, M., Nickel, A. I., Wehner, S., Riege, K., Wieseke, N., Beckmann, B. M., Hartmann, R. K. & Marz, M.
(2014). In vitro and in vivo studies on 6S-1 and 6S-2 RNA from Bacillus subtilis, Philipps-Universität Marburg
Hoch, P. G.
(2014). Is thymidine glycol containing DNA a substrate of E. coli DNA mismatch repair system? PLoS One 9, e104963
Perevozchikova, S. A., Trikin, R. M., Heinze, R. J., Romanova, E. A., Oretskaya, T. S., Friedhoff, P. & Kubareva, E. A.
(2014). Mechanistic comparison of Bacillus subtilis 6S-1 and 6S-2 RNAs--commonalities and differences. RNA 20, 348-59
Burenina, O. Y., Hoch, P. G., Damm, K., Salas, M., Zatsepin, T. S., Lechner, M., Oretskaya, T. S., Kubareva, E. A. & Hartmann, R. K.
(2014). Origin of the European avian-like swine influenza viruses. J Gen Virol 95, 2372-6
Krumbholz, A., Lange, J., Sauerbrei, A., Groth, M., Platzer, M., Kanrai, P., Pleschka, S., Scholtissek, C., Buttner, M., Durrwald, R. & Zell, R.
(2014). Orthology detection combining clustering and synteny for very large datasets. PLoS One 9, e105015
Lechner, M., Hernandez-Rosales, M., Doerr, D., Wieseke, N., Thevenin, A., Stoye, J., Hartmann, R. K., Prohaska, S. J. & Stadler, P. F.
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