GRK 1373: Brain Signalling: From Neurons to Circuits
Final Report Abstract
The Research Training Group 1373 ‘Brain signaling: from neurons to circuits’ helped establish at the Medical School of the Technical University of Munich a platform for the multidisciplinary scientific training in neurosciences of doctoral students from various fields, including medicine, natural sciences and engineering. The participating institutions included the Georgetown University, USA, during the first funding period, the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Munich. The research activities ranged from the analysis of basic mechanisms in neuroscience to the analysis of the mechanisms underlying various brain diseases. More specifically, the basic research in neuroscience focused on the analysis of the neuronal ion channels, the auditory system as well as cortical, cerebellar and motor circuits. The pathophysiological studies included analyses of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, irritable bowel syndrome and various pain syndromes. The doctoral students were exposed to a thorough multidisciplinary training in cutting-edge technologies, including molecular biology and genetics, cell biology, high-resolution electrophysiology and optical imaging, optogenetics, optoacoustics, functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography. Many of the results obtained by the doctoral students and their mentors were published in prestigious scientific journals, including Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Neurons and Science.
(2006) Optical monitoring of brain function in vivo: from neurons to networks. Pflugers Arch 453:385- 396
Garaschuk O, Milos RI, Grienberger C, Marandi N, Adelsberger H, Konnerth A
(2007) Quality-based registration and reconstruction of optical tomography volumes. Med Image Comput Comput Assist Interv 10(Pt2): 718-725
Wein W, Blume M, Leischner U, Dodt H-U, Navab N
(2007) Ultramicroscopy: three-dimensional visualization of neuronal networks in the whole mouse brain. Nat Methods 4, 331-336
Dodt H-U, Leischner U, Schierloh A, Jahrling N, Mauch CP, Deininger K, Deussing JM, Eder M, Zieglgänsberger W, Becker K
(2008) Clusters of hyperactive neurons near amyloid plaques in a mouse model of Alzheimer´s diesease. Science, Sept 19(321):1686-9
Busche MA, Eichhoff G, Adelsberger H, Abramowski D, Wiederhold K-H, Haass C, Staufenbiel M, Konnerth A, Garaschuk O
(2008) Ex vivo imaging of motor axon dynamics in murine triangularis sterni explants. Nat Protoc 3(10):1645-53
Kerschensteiner M, Reuter MS, Lichtman JW, Misgeld T
(2008) In vivo calcium imaging of the aging and diseased brain, Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 35 Suppl 1: p99-106
Eichhoff G, Busche MA, Garaschuk O
(2008) TRPC3 channels are required for synaptic transmission and motor coordination. Neuron 59(3):392-398
Hartmann J, Dragicevic E, Adelsberger H, Henning HA, Sumser M, Abramovitz J, Dietrich A, Freichel M, Flockerzi V, Birnbaumer L, Konnerth A
(2009) Early-Onset and Robust Amyloid Pathology in a New Homozygous Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS ONE 4(11): e7931
Willuweit A, Velden J, Godemann R, Manook A, Jetzek F, et al.
(2009) Fenestration of the calyx of Held occurs sequentially along the tonotopic axis, is influenced by afferent activity, and facilitates glutamate clearance. J Comp Neurol 514(1): 92-106
Ford MC, Grothe B, Klug A
(2009) Resolution of Ultramicroscopy and Field of View Analysis. PloS one 4(6): 1-14
Leiss V, Illison J, Domes K, Hofmann F, Lukowski RLeischner U, Zieglgänsberger W, Dodt H-U
(2009). Cognitive decline in multiple sclerosis: Impact of topographic lesion distribution on differential cognitive deficit patterns. Mult Scler 15(10):1164-74
Tiemann, L., Penner, I.-K., Haupts, M., Schlegel, U., Calabrese, P.
(2009). Der Zusammenhang zwischen kognitiven Defiziten und strukturellen zerebralen Veränderungen bei Multipler Sklerose. Ärztliche Praxis Neurologie Psychiatrie 2, 34-7
Tiemann L.
(2009). Neuropsychological sequelae of carotid angioplasty with stent placement: correlation with ischemic lesions in diffusion weighted imaging. PLoS One 10;4(9):e7001
Tiemann, L., Reidt, J.H., Esposito, L., Sander, D., Theiss, W., Poppert, H.
(2010) Disruption of the Olivo-Cerebellar Circuit by Purkinje Neuron-Specific Ablation of BK Channels. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(27):12323-8
Chen X, Kovalchuk Y, Adelsberger H, Henning HA, Sausbier M, Wietzorrek G., Ruth P, Yarom Y, and Konnerth A
(2010) In Vivo Ca2+ Imaging of the Living Brain Using Multi-cell Bolus Loading Technique. In A. Verkhratsky and Ole H. Petersen (eds.), Calcium Measurement Methods, Neuromethods, vol. 43 Humana Press, a part of Springer Science + Business Media
Eichhoff G, Kovalchuk Y, Varga Z, Verkhratsky A, Garaschuk O
(2010) Recordings from human myenteric neurons using voltage-sensitive dyes. J Neurosci Methods 192(2):240-8
Vignali S, Peter N, Ceyhan G, Demir IE, Zeller F, Senseman D, Michel K, Schemann M
(2010). Gamma oscillations as a neuronal correlate of the attentional demands of pain. Pain 150(2):302-8
Tiemann, L., Schulz, E., Ploner, M
(2011) A Novel (18)F-Labeled Imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazole (IBT) for High-Contrast PET Imaging of β-Amyloid Plaques. ACS Med Chem Lett 2(9):673-7
Yousefi B, Drzezga A, von Reutern B, Manook A, Schwaiger M, Wester HJ, Henriksen G
(2011) Dendritic coding of multiple sensory inputs in single cortical neurons in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(37):15420-5
Varga Z, Jia H, Sakmann B, Konnerth A
(2011) Development of direction-selectivity in mouse cortical neurons, Neuron 71(3):425-432
Rochefort NL, Narushima M, Grienberger C, Marandi N, Hill DN and Konnerth A
(2011) Facilitation and Ca2+-dependent Inactivation Are Modified by Mutation of the Cav1.2 Channel IQ Motif. J Biol Chem 286(3): 26702-26707
Poomvanicha M, Wegener JW, Blaich A, Fischer S, Domes K, Moosmang S, Hofmann F
(2011) Functional mapping of single spines in cortical neurons in vivo. Nature 26;475(7357):501-5
Chen X, Leischner U, Rochefort NL, Nelken I, Konnerth A
(2011) Synthesis and evaluation of 11C-labeled imidazo[2,1-b]benzothiazoles (IBTs) as PET tracers for imaging β-amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease. J Med Chem. 54(4):949-56
Yousefi BH, Manook A, Drzezga A, von Reutern B, Schwaiger M, Wester HJ, Henriksen G
(2011) Truncation of murine CaV1.2 at Asp-1904 results in heart failure after birth. J Biol Chem 286(39): 33863-33871
Domes K, Ding J, Lemke T, Blaich A, Wegener JW, Brandmayr J, Moosmang S, Hofmann F
(2012) Activity of protease-activated receptors in primary cultured human myenteric neurons. Front Neurosci 12(6):133
Kugler EM, Mazzuoli G, Demir IE, Ceyhan GO, Zeller F, Schemann M
(2012) Critical role of soluble amyloid-β for early hippocampal hyperactivity in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 109: 8740-8745
Busche MA, Chen X, Henning HA, Reichwald J, Staufenbiel M, Sakmann B, Konnerth A
(2012) Deletion of the C-terminal Phosphorylation Sites in the Cardiac β-Subunit Does Not Affect the Basic β-Adrenergic Response of the Heart and the Cav1.2 Channel. J Biol Chem 287(27): 22584-22592
Brandmayr J, Poomvanicha M, Domes K, Ding J, Blaich A, Wegener JW, Moosmang S, Hofmann F
(2012) Imaging calcium in neurons. Neuron 73(5):862-885
Grienberger C, Konnerth A
(2012) In vivo imaging of disease-related mitochondrial dynamics in a vertebrate model system. J Neurosci 32(46):16203-12
Plucińska G, Paquet D, Hruscha A, Godinho L, Haass C, Schmid B, Misgeld T
(2012) LOTOS- based two-photon calcium imaging of dendritic spines in vivo. Nat Protoc 7(10):1818-29
Chen X, Leischner U, Varga Z, Jia H, Deca D, Rochefort NL, Konnerth A
(2012) Mutation of the Calmodulin Binding Motif IQ of the L-type Cav1.2 Ca2+ Channel to EQ Induces Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Death. J Biol Chem 287(27): 22616-22625
Blaich A, Pahlavan S, Tian Q, Oberhofer M, Poomvanicha M, Lenhardt P, Domes K, Wegener JW, Moosmang S, Ruppenthal S, Scholz A, Lipp P, Hofmann F
(2012) Small-animal PET imaging of amyloid-beta plaques with [11C]PiB and its multimodal validation in an APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. PLoS One. 7(3):e31310
Manook A, Yousefi BH, Willuweit A, Platzer S, Reder S, Voss A, Huisman M, Settles M, Neff F, Velden J, Schoor M, von der Kammer H, Wester HJ, Schwaiger M, Henriksen G, Drzezga A
(2012) Staged decline of neuronal function in vivo in an animal model of Alzheimer’s Disease. Nat Commun 3: 774
Grienberger C, Rochefort NL, Adelsberger H, Henning HA, Hill DN, Reichwald J, Staufenbiel M and Konnerth A
(2012) The mast cell degranulator compound 48/80 directly activates neurons. PLoS One 7(12):e52104
Schemann M, Kugler EM, Buhner S, Eastwood C, Donovan J, Jiang W, Grundy D
(2012). Behavioral and neuronal investigations of hypervigilance in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome. PLoS One 7(4):e35068
Tiemann L, Schulz E, Winkelmann A, Ronel J, Henningsen P, Ploner M
(2013) Adaptation in sound localization: from GABAB receptor-mediated synaptic modulation to perception. Nat Neurosci 16(12): 1840- 1847
Stange A, Myoga MH, Lingner A, Ford MC, Alexandrova O, Felmy F, Pecka M, Siveke I, Grothe B
(2013) Cellular organization of cortical barrel columns is whisker-specific. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110(47):19113-8
Meyer HS, Egger R, Guest JM, Foerster R, Reissl S, Oberlaender M
(2013) Depolarisation-induced suppression of a glycinergic synapse in the superior olivary complex by endocannabinoids. J Neurochem 127(1):78-90
Trattner B, Berner S, Grothe B, Kunz L
(2013) Metabolic Maturation of Auditory Neurones in the Superior Olivary Complex. PLOS ONE 8(6):e67351
Trattner B, Gravot CM, Grothe B, Kunz L.
(2013) Multibranch activity in basal and tuft dendrites during firing of layer 5 cortical neurons in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 110(33):13618-23
Hill DN, Varga Z, Jia H, Sakmann B, Konnerth A
(2013) The role of cGMP/cGKI signalling and Trpc channels in regulation of vascular tone. Cardiovasc Res 100 (2): 280-287
Loga F, Domes K, Freichel M, Flockerzi V, Dietrich A, Birnbaumer L, Hofmann F, Wegener JW
(2013) Thrombocytosis as a Response to High Interleukin-6 Levels in cGMP- Dependent Protein Kinase I Mutant Mice. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 33(8):1820-1828
Zhang L, Lukowski R, Gaertner F, Lorenz M, Legate KR, Domes K, Angermeier E, Hofmann F, Massberg S
(2013) Truncation of murine CaV1.2 at Asp 1904 increases CaV1.3 expression in embryonic atrial cardiomyocytes. Pflugers Arch - Europ J Physiol 465(7):955-964
Ding J, Domes K, Hofmann F, Wegener JW
(2014) Action potential generation in an anatomically constrained model of medial superior olive axons. J Neurosci 34(15):5370-84
Lehnert S, Ford MC, Alexandrova O, Hellmundt F, Felmy F, Grothe B, Leibold C
(2014) An assay to image neuronal microtubule dynamics in mice. Nat Commun 12(5):4827
Kleele T, Marinković P, Williams PR, Stern S, Weigand EE, Engerer P, Naumann R, Hartmann J, Karl RM, Bradke F, Bishop D, Herms J, Konnerth A, Kerschensteiner M, Godinho L, Misgeld T
(2014) Calcium recording and channelrhodopsin-2 activation through a single optical fiber, Imaging in Neuroscience: A Laboratory Manual, R. Yuste, F. Helmchen and A. Konnerth, editors, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY, chapter 81
Adelsberger H, Grienberger C, Stroh A, Konnerth A
(2014) CentrinFish permit the visualization of centrosome dynamics in a cellular context in vivo. Zebrafish 11(6):586-7
Engerer P, Yoshimatsu T, Suzuki SC, Godinho L
(2014) Common pathobiochemical hallmarks of progranulin-associated frontotemporal lobar degeneration and neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis. Acta Neuropathol 127(6): 845-60
Götzl JK, Mori K, Damme M, Fellerer K, Tahirovic S, Kleinberger G, Janssens J, van der Zee J, Lang CM, Kremmer E, Martin JJ, Engelborghs S, Kretzschmar HA, Arzberger T, Van Broeckhoven C, Haass C, Capell A
(2014) Expression of cGMP-dependent protein kinase type I in mature white adipocytes. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 452(1):151–156
Leiss V, Illison J, Domes K, Hofmann F, Lukowski R
(2014) Generation and screening of mice with transgenic neuronal labelling controlled by thy1-regulatory elements. Imaging in Neuroscience: A Laboratory Manual, R. Yuste, F. Helmchen and A. Konnerth, editors, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY chapter 22
Marinkovic P, Godinho LN and Misgeld T
(2014) Immune cell imaging using multi-spectral optoacoustic tomography. Opt Lett 39(12): 3523-2526
Tzoumas S, A. Zaremba, U. Klemm, A. Nunes, K. Schaefer, V. Ntziachristos
(2014) In vivo imaging of mitochondria in intact zebrafish larvae. Methods Enzymol. 547:151-64
Paquet D, Plucińska G, Misgeld T
(2014) In vivo two-photon calcium imaging using multicell bolus loading of fluorescent indicators, Imaging in Neuroscience: A Laboratory Manual, R. Yuste, F. Helmchen and A. Konnerth, editors, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY, chapter 49
Rochefort NL, Grienberger C, Konnerth A
(2014) Linear integration of spine Ca2+ signals in layer 4 cortical neurons in vivo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 111(25):9277-82
Jia H, Varga Z, Sakmann B, Konnerth A
(2014) Muti-parametric optical analysis of redox signals during neuronal physiology and pathology in vivo. Nat Med 20(5):555-60
Breckwoldt MO, Pfister F, Bradley, PM, Marinković P, Williams PR, Brill MS, Plomer B, Schmalz, A, St. Clair DK, Naumann R, Griesbeck O, Schwarzländer M, Godinho L, Bareyre FM, Dick TP, Kerschensteiner M and Misgeld T
(2014) Neuronal activation by mucosal biopsy supernatants from irritable bowel syndrome patients is linked to visceral sensitivity. Exp Physiol 99(10):1299-311
Buhner S, Braak B, Li Q, Kugler EM, Klooker T, Wouters M, Donovan J, Vignali S, Mazzuoli- Weber G, Grundy D, Boeckxstaens G, Schemann M
(2014) NMDA receptor-dependent multidendrite Ca(2+) spikes required for hippocampal burst firing in vivo. Neuron 19;81(6):1274-81
Grienberger C, Chen X, Konnerth A
(2014) Pervasive axonal transport deficits in multiple sclerosis models. Neuron 84(6):1183-90
Sorbara CD, Wagner NE, Ladwig A, Nikić I, Merkler D, Kleele T, Marinković P, Naumann R, Godinho L, Bareyre FM, Bishop D, Misgeld T, Kerschensteiner M
(2014) Rapid adaptive optical recovery of optimal resolution over large volumes. Nat Methods. 11(6):625-8
Wang K, Milkie DE, Saxena A, Engerer P, Misgeld T, Bronner ME, Mumm J, Betzig E
(2014) Roles of cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (cGKI) and PDE5 in the regulation of Ang II induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci 111(35):12925–12929
Patrucco E, Domes K, Sbroggió M, Blaich A, Schlossmann J, Desch M, Rybalkin SD, Beavo JA, Lukowski R, Hofmann
(2014) Spatiospectral denoising framework for multispectral optoacoustic imaging based on sparse signal representation. Med Phys 41(11): 113301
Tzoumas S, A. Rosenthal, C. Lutzweiler, D. Razansky, V. Ntziachristos
(2014) Two-photon imaging of neural networks in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. In: Optical Imaging in Neuroscience (Konnerth A, Yuste R, Helmchen F, eds). Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, NY chapter 90
Eichhoff G, Garaschuk O
(2014) Unmixing molecular agents from absorbing tissue in multispectral optoacoustic tomography. IEEE Trans Med Imaging vol. 33(1): 48-60
Tzoumas S, Deliolanis NC, S. Morscher, V. Ntziachristos
(2014). Dopamine precursor depletion influences pain affect rather than pain sensation. PLoS One 23;9(4):e96167
Tiemann L, Heitmann H, Schulz E, Baumkötter J, Ploner M
(2015) Analysis of signal processing in vestibular circuits with a novel light-emitting diodes-based fluorescence microscope. Eur J Neurosci 41:1332-44
Direnberger S, Banchi R, Brosel S, Seebacher C, Laimgruber S, Uhl R, Felmy F, Straka H, Kunz L
(2015) Decreased amyloid-β and increased neuronal hyperactivity by immunotherapy in Alzheimer's models. Nat Neurosci 18: 1725-1727
Busche MA, Grienberger C, Keskin AD, Song B, Neumann U, Staufenbiel M, Förstl H, Konnerth A
(2015) Deep two-photon brain imaging with a red-shifted fluorometric Ca2+ indicator. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 112(36):11377-82
Tischbirek, C, Birkner, A
(2015) Dendritic function in vivo. Trends Neurosci 38(1):45-54
Grienberger C, Chen X, Konnerth A
(2015) FIBT versus Florbetaben ans PiB: a Preclinical Comparison Study with Amyloid-PET in Transgenis Mice. EJNMMI Res. 5:20
Yousefi BH, von Reutern B, Scherübl D, Manook A, Schwaiger M, Grimmer T, Henriksen G, Förster S, Drzezga A, Wester HJ
(2015) Locomotor corollary activation of trigeminal motoneurons: coupling of discrete motor behaviors. J Exp Biol 218:1748-58
Hänzi S, Banchi R, Straka H, Chagnaud BP
(2015) Mechanical stress activates neurites and somata of myenteric neurons. Front Cell Neurosci 15(9)9:342
Kugler EM, Michel K, Zeller F, Demir IE, Ceyhan GO, Schemann M, Mazzuoli-Weber G
(2015) Optical and Optoacoustic Model-Based Tomography: Theory and current challenges for deep tissue imaging of optical contrast, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32: 88-100
Mohajerani P, Tzoumas S, A. Rosenthal, V. Ntziachristos
(2015) Prefrontal Gamma Oscillations Encode Tonic Pain in Humans. Cereb Cortex 25(11):4407-14
Schulz E, May ES, Postorino M, Tiemann L, Nickel MM, Witkovsky V, Schmidt P, Gross J, Ploner M
(2015) Reduced Responses of Submucous Neurons from Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients to a Cocktail Containing Histamine, Serotonin, TNFα, and Tryptase (IBS-Cocktail). Front Neurosci 9(465)
Ostertag D, Buhner S, Michel K, Pehl C, Kurjak M, Götzberger M, Schulte-Frohlinde E, Frieling T, Enck P, Phillip J, Schemann M
(2015) Rescue of long-range circuit dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease models. Nat Neurosci 18: 1623- 1630
Busche MA, Kekus M, Adelsberger H, Noda T, Förstl H, Nelken I, Konnerth A
(2015) Sparsity-based acoustic inversion in cross-sectional multiscale optoacoustic imaging, Medical physics 42(9): 5444–5452
Han Y,Tzoumas S, A. Nunes, V. Ntziachristos, and A. Rosenthal
(2015) Spinal corollary discharge modulates motion sensing during vertebrate locomotion. Nat Comm 6:7982
Chagnaud BP, Banchi R, Simmers J, Straka H
(2015) Trends of patient referral to a memory clinic and towards earlier diagnosis from 1985-2009 Int Psychogeriatr 27: 1939-44
Grimmer T, Beringer S, Kehl V, Alexopoulos P, Busche MA, Förstl H, Goldhardt O, Natale B, Ortner M, Peters H, Riedl L, Roßmeier C, Valentin W, Diehl-Schmid J, Kurz A
(2015) Tuning of Ranvier node and internode properties in myelinated axons to adjust action potential timing. Nat Commun 6:8073
Ford MC, Alexandrova O, Cossell L, Stange-Marten A, Sinclair J, Kopp-Scheinpflug C, Pecka M, Attwell D, Grothe B
(2015) η-Secretase processing of APP inhibits neuronal activity in the hippocampus. Nature 526: 443-447
Willem M, Tahirovic S, Busche MA, Ovsepian SV, Chafai M, Kootar S, Hornburg D, Evans LD, Moore S, Daria A, Hampel H, Müller V, Giudici C, Nuscher B, Wenninger-Weinzierl A, Kremmer E, Heneka MT, Thal DR, Giedraitis V, Lannfelt L, Müller U, Livesey FJ, Meissner F, Herms J, Konnerth A, Marie H, Haass C
(2015). Differential neurophysiological correlates of bottom-up and top-down modulations of pain. Pain 156(2):289-96
Tiemann L, May ES, Postorino M, Schulz E, Nickel MM, Bingel U, Ploner M
High-throughput sparsity-based inversion scheme for optoacoustic tomography, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Lutzweiler C,Tzoumas S, A. Rosenthal, V. Ntziachristos, D. Razansky
Murine cardiac growth, TRPC channels, and cGMP kinase I. (2015) Pflugers Arch – Europ J Physiol 467(10): 2229-2234
Domes K, Patrucco E, Loga F, Dietrich A, Birnbaumer L, Wegener JW, Hofmann F
Neuronal hyperactivity – A key defect in Alzheimer's disease? Bio-Essays 2015; 37: 624-632
Busche MA, Konnerth A
αβ T-cell receptors from multiple sclerosis brain lesions show MAIT cell-related features. (2015) Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm 2(4):e107
Held K, Bhonsle-Deeng L, Siewert K, Sato W, Beltrán E, Schmidt S, Rühl G, Ng JK, Engerer P, Moser M, Klinkert WE, Babbe H, Misgeld T, Wekerle H, Laplaud DA, Hohlfeld R, Dornmair K
(2016) Branch- Specific Microtubule Destabilization Mediates Axon Branch Loss during Neuromuscular Synapse Elimination. Neuron 23;92(4):845-856
Brill MS, Kleele T, Ruschkies L, Wang M, Marahori NA, Reuter MS, Hausrat TJ, Weigand E, Fisher M, Ahles A, Engelhardt S, Bishop DL, Kneussel M, Misgeld T
(2016) Eigenspectra optoacoustic tomography achieves deep tissue blood oxygenation imaging. Nat Commun 7:12121
Tzoumas S, Nunes A, I. Olefir, S. Stangl, P. Symvoulidis, S. Glasl, C. Bayer, G. Multhoff, V. Ntziachristos
(2016) Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation: Cellular Substrates and Response Patterns of Neurons in the Vestibulo-Ocular Network. J Neurosci 36:9097-110
Gensberger KD, Kaufmann AK, Dietrich H, Branoner F, Banchi R, Chagnaud BP, Straka H
(2016) Imaging of neuronal mitochondria in situ. Curr Opin Neurobiol 39:152-63
Plucińska G, Misgeld T
(2016) Imaging Subcellular Structures in the Living Zebrafish Embryo. J Vis Exp 110:e53456
Engerer P, Plucinska G, Thong R, Trovò L, Paquet D, Godinho L
(2016) Impaired protein degradation in FTLD and related disorders. Ageing Res Rev 32:122-139
Götzl JK, Lang CM, Haass C, Capell A
(2016) Impairments of neural circuit function in Alzheimer´s disease. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 5; 371 (1700)
Busche MA, Konnerth A
(2016) In vivo imaging reveals rapid astrocyte depletion and axon damage in a model of neuromyelitis optica-related pathology. Ann Neurol Mar 6
Herwerth M, Kalluri SR, Srivastava R, Kleele T, Kenet S, Illes Z, Merkler D, Bennett JL, Misgeld T, Hemmer B
(2016) Mechanismen der Alzheimer-Krankheit: Neuronale Hyper- und Hypoaktivität als neue Therapieziele. Nervenarzt
Busche MA, Staufenbiel M, Willem M, Haass C, Förstl H
(2016) Mitochondrial redox and pH signaling occurs in axonal and synaptic organelle clusters. Scientific Reports 6:23251
Breckwoldt MO, Armoundas AA, Aon MA, Bendszus M, O`Rourke B, Schwarzländer M, Dick TP, Kurz FT
(2016) Mouse redox histology using genetically encoded probes, Science Signaling. 9(419):rs1
Fujikawa Y, Roma LP, Sobotta MC, Rose AJ, Diaz MB, Locatelli G, Breckwoldt MO, Misgeld T, Kerschensteiner M, Herzig S, Müller-Decker K, Dick TP
(2016) Super-resolution microscopy writ large. Nat Biotechnol 8;34(9):928-30
Engerer P, Fecher C, Misgeld T
(2016) Wie Schlaf und Alzheimer zusammenhängen – Insomnie, Amnesie und Amyloid. Nervenarzt
Busche MA, Kekus M, Förstl H
(2016): Prolonged vestibular stimulation induces homeostatic plasticity of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in larval Xenopus laevis. Eur J Neurosci 44:1787-96
Dietrich H, Straka H
Statistical detection framework for multispectral optoacoustic tomography. IEEE Trans Med Imaging
Tzoumas S, Kravitz A, Y. Gao, A. Buehler, V. Ntziachristos
(2017) Brain oscillations differentially encode noxious stimulus intensity and pain intensity. Neuroimage 7(148):141-147
Nickel MM, May ES, Tiemann L, Schmidt P, Postorino M, Ta Dinh S, Gross J, Ploner M