GRK 1360:  Genomics and Systems Biology of Molecular Networks

Subject Area Basic Research in Biology and Medicine
Term from 2006 to 2010
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 19924577

Project Description

This International Research Training Group is formed by groups from Humboldt University Berlin, Free University Berlin, Boston University, and Kyoto University. It focusses on the education of doctoral students in the emerging field of genomics and systems biology of biomolecular networks.
The processes to be studied carry out fundamental processes within living cells, such as metabolic interconversions, cell division, cell differentiation and apoptosis. The basic research performed in this programme is highly relevant for future medical applications, in particular with respect to cancer and other diseases resulting from a dysfunction of signalling pathways and gene-regulatory networks.
All the partners have long and rich experiences in research and education in the field of computational biology. They follow complementary approaches to common goals and have continuously developed contacts and collaborations in recent years. The International Research Training Group will promote the interaction of bioinformatics and mathematical modelling to arrive at an integrative understanding of the complex processes taking place in living cells.
The International Research Training Group provides the doctoral students with a wide range of interdisciplinary and topical research projects in four areas:
(1) dynamics and topology of metabolic networks,
(2) regulation of gene expression,
(3) intra- and intercellular signal transduction, and
(4) structure and function of protein families.
The partners interact by joint supervision of doctoral theses and by providing a framework for the exchange of doctoral students during mobility periods, as well as by exchanging researchers. The International Research Training Group promotes also postdoctoral research and involves undergraduates as research students. The partners provide the students with an interdisciplinary and complementary study programme involving joint lecture courses, practical courses, annual workshops, summer schools, and videoconferences. The International Research Training Group encourages the independence of young researchers in the scientific community through opportunities to present regularly the results of research in front of expert audiences and qualifies students in writing publications at an early career stage.
DFG Programme International Research Training Groups
International Connection Japan, USA
Applicant Institution Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
IRTG-Partner Institution Boston University; Kyoto University
Participating Institution Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie; Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Genetik (MPIMG)
Participating Researchers Professor Dr. Oliver Ebenhöh; Professor Dr. Martin Falcke; Professor Dr. Hanspeter Herzel; Professor Dr. Hermann-Georg Holzhütter; Professor Dr. Ernst-Walter Knapp; Professor Dr. Robert Preissner; Professor Dr. Martin Vingron
Cooperation Partners Professor Tatsuya Akutsu, Ph.D.; Professor Gary Benson, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Charles DeLisi; Professor Dr. Susumo Goto; Professor Minoru Kanehisa, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Simon Kasif; Professor Dr. Hiroshi Mamitsuka; Professor Daniel Segrè, Ph.D.; Professor Dr. Boris Shakhnovich; Professor Dr. Zhiping Weng
Spokesperson Professorin Dr. Edda Klipp