GRK 1355:
Physics with New Advanced Coherent Radiation Sources
Subject Area
Optics, Quantum Optics and Physics of Atoms, Molecules and Plasmas
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 19903418
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Das Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1355 widmete sich der Entwicklung, dem Einsatz und der Charakterisierung kohärenter Strahlungsquellen und Materiewellenfelder an der Universität Hamburg und dem Helmholtz-Zentrum DESY. Das Kolleg bündelte dabei die Kompetenz in den Bereichen Laserphysik, Photonik, Quantenoptik, Röntgenphysik, Beschleunigerphysik und Ultrakurzzeitphysik für die Forschung und die Graduiertenausbildung. Es verknüpfe modellartig die Graduiertenausbildung von Universität und DESY und leistete damit einen entscheidenden Beitrag zur Verbindung von universitärer und außeruniversitärer Forschung. Dieses Konzept diente als Vorbild für weitere kollaborative Forschungsverbünde in Hamburg wie dem SFB 925 und dem Bundesexzellenzcluster CUl. Die teilweise weltweit einzigartigen Möglichkeiten der Strahlungsquellen vom tiefen Infrarot bis hin zu Röntgenlicht am Forschungscampus in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld erlaubten nicht nur eine hervorragende und übergreifende Graduiertenausbildung, sondern auch die Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung dieser Quellen auf höchstem internationalen Niveau.
Im Graduiertenkolleg wurden Freie-Elektronen-Laser (FEL), kurzwellige Festkörperlaser, kristalline Wellenleiter-Laser und Faserlaser entwickelt, charakterisiert und auf mögliche Anwendungen hin untersucht. Mit Seltenerd-dotierten Lasermaterialien konnten Festkörper-Lasersysteme für den sichtbaren und den ultravioletten Spektralbereich realisiert werden, die sowohl beeindruckende Leistungsrekorde erzielen konnten als auch höchste Effizienz aufweisen. Anwendung wie die resonatorinterne Absorptionsspektroskopie von Verbrennungsprozessen wurde erfolgreich mit der Entwicklung von Faserlasem verknüpft. Hervorzuheben ist auch die Entwicklung kristalliner Wellenleiter-Laser mit fs-Strukturierung sowie PLD-Verfahren, die ein neues und international viel beachtetes Forschungsfeld eröffnet hat. Der derzeit weltweit einzige supraleitende Freie-Elektronen-Laser FLASH spielte mit seinen ultrakurzen, hochbrillanten, kohärenten Pulsen und einer hohen Repetitionsrate eine sehr wichtige Rolle im Kolleg. Neben der vorhandenen hohen transversalen Kohärenz hat das Kolleg entscheidenden Anteil an der Optimierung der longitudinalen Kohärenz, was durch extrem kurze Elektronenpakete erreicht wird. Ein weiterer technischer Durchbruch war die Übertragung der Kohärenzeigenschaften eines externen Seed-Lasers auf den Verstärkungsprozess im Elektronenpaket mit einer zeitlichen Synchronisation von wenigen Femtosekunden.
Neben der Entwicklung und genauen Charakterisierung von zukunftsweisenden Lichtquellen standen Röntgenabbildung und -Spektroskopie im Vordergrund des Kollegs. Von entscheidender Bedeutung war dabei die extrem kmrze Pulsdauer der FEL-Pulse, die in einem besonderes eindrucksvollen Experiment über die Feldverteilung von THz-Pulsen durch das sogenannte Streaking von Photoelektronen bestimmt werden konnte. Die Pulsdauer erlaubte die Durchführung von zeitaufgelöster Spektroskopie und abbildenden Verfahren zur Kurzzeitdynamik der elektronischen Struktur von Atomen bis hin zu Festkörpern. Unter anderem konnte zum ersten Mal ein zeitlich variierendes Energieprofil von Auger-Elektronen vermessen werden. An Proteinen konnten erstmals Strahlenschäden elektronischer Natur nachgewiesen werden, die durch einzelne FEL-Pulse induziert wurden. Hervorzuheben ist, dass es Experimente mit einzelnen Pulsen erlauben Korrelationen zu bestimmen wie zum Beispiel zwischen Anregungs- und Abfragezeitpunkt. Die hohe Zahl von Photonen in einem einzelnen Puls erschließt neue Anwendungsgebiete für die Röntgen-Korrelationsspektroskopie, die erfolgreich zur Bestimmung von Dynamik und Orientierungsordnung in komplexen Flüssigkeiten eingesetzt wurde.
Neben den Kohärenzeigenschaften standen auch bei Materiewellen die Korrelationen im Vordergrund der Untersuchungen. Das Materiewellenfeld wird durch ein atomares Bose-Einstein-Kondensat (BEC) realisiert und mit Hilfe von Laserfeldern gefangen und manipuliert. Im Kolleg ist es in einem Hochfinesse-Resonator erstmals gelungen, sub- und superradiante Materiewellenstreuung im rückstoßaufgelösten Regime zu untersuchen. ln zweidimensionalen Systemen konnte der algebraische Abfall der Korrelationsfunktion sowie der Übergang vom supraleitenden BCS zum BEC Regime untersucht werden. Der Schwerpunkt bei weiteren, weltweit viel beachteten Studien im Kolleg lag auf der Quantensimulation von frustriertem Magnetismus auf einem Dreiecksgitter und von Quantenphasen in Graphen-artigen Gittern.
Zusammenfassend erlaubte die Bündelung von Expertise und gemeinsamen Anstrengungen im Graduiertenkolleg GRK 1355 sowohl eine hervorragende Graduiertenausbildung als auch eine einmalige Forschungsaktivität. Diese wird dokumentiert durch herausragende Promotionen der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden im Kolleg mit mehr als 150 Publikationen in Fachzeitschriften sowie 130 Veröfientlichungen in Proceedings und Berichten. Nicht zuletzt war das Graduiertenkolleg eine entscheidende Keimzelle für weitere kollaborative Forschungsvorhaben in Hamburg wie dem SFB 925 und dem Exzellenzcluster CUI der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.
Analytical calculation of wake fields in conical cavity, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A548, 298 (2005)
A. Tsakanian
Transverse impedance of two-layer tube. Proc. of Part. Accel. Conf. 2005, Knoxville, Tennessee, 3138 (2005)
M. Ivanian and A. Tsakanian
Analytical presentation of resistive impedance for the laminated vacuum chamber, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 9, (2006)
M. Ivanian, A. Tsakanian
Fiber laser intracavity absorption spectroscopy of ammonia and hydrogen cyanide in low pressure hydrocarbon flames. Chemical Physics Letters 423, 147-151 (2006)
A. Goldmann, I. Rahinov, S. Cheskis, B. Löhden, S. Wexler, K. Sengstock, V. M. Baev
Beam analyzing system and method for analyzing pulsed particle or laser beams, patent no. US 7,663,761 B2, date of patent: Feb 16, 2010, filed May 15, 2007
H. Schlarb, F. Löhl, K. Hacker, and M. Wendt
Dynamic aperture, impedances and instabilities in CANDLE light source, ICFA Beam Dyn. Newslett. 44, 176 (2007)
G. Amatuni, A. Tsakanian et al.
Epitaxial growth by pulsed laser deposition of Er-doped SC2O3 films on sesquioxides monitored in situ by reflection high energy electron diffraction, Appl. Phys. Lett. 91,083103 (2007)
T. Gün, Y. Kuzminykh, K. Petermann, H. Scheife, and G. Huber
Epitaxial growth of Yb-doped YAG and YbAG PLD-films monitored in situ by reflection high energy electron diffraction. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CE8_6 (Munich, Germany, June 17 - June 22, 2007)
T. Gün, Y. Kuzminykh, K. Petermann, H. Scheife, and G. Huber
Strahlanalysesystem für eine Beschleunigeranlage, Gebrauchsmusterschrift DE 20 2006 017 713 UI 2007.03.08
H. Schlarb, F. Löhl, K. Hacker, and M. Wendt
Ultrafast charge transfer and atomic orbital polarization, J. Chem. Phys. 127, 174708 (2007)
M. Deppe, A. Föhlisch, F. Hennies, M. Beye, M. Nagasono, D. Sanchez-Portal, P. M. Echenique, and W. Wurth
A femtosecond X-ray/optical cross-correlator. Nature Photonics 2, 165 (2008)
C. Gahl, A. Azima, M. Beye, M. Deppe, K. Dobrich, U. Hasslinger, F. Hennies, A. Melnikov, M. Nagasono, A. Pietzsch, M. Wolf, W. Wurth, and A. Föhlisch
Collisions of Dark Solitons in Elongated Bose-Einstein Condensates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 120406 (2008)
S. Stellmer, C. Becker, P. Soltan-Panahi, E.-M. Richter, S. Dörscher, M. Baumert, J. Kronjäger, K. Bongs, and K. Sengstock
Conceptual idea for the temporal overlap of the electron beam and the seed laser for sFLASH, Proceedings of FEL08, TUPPH051 (2008)
R. Tarkeshian, J.Bödewadt, M. Drescher, J. Rossbach, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, R. Ischebeck
Epitaxial layer-by-layer growth of Yb:YAG and YbAG PLD-films, Appl. Phys. A 93, 387 (2008)
T. Gün, Y. Kuzminykh, F. Tellkamp, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Experimental Layout of 30 nm High Harmonic Laser Seeding at FLASH, Proceedings of EPAC08, MOPC028 (2008)
A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, M. Drescher, H. Delsim-Hashemi, S. Khan, T. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Rossbach, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, H. Schlarb, S. Düsterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann
In-band Pumping of Epitaxially Grown Er:(Gd.Lu)2O3 Waveguides for Active Integrated Optical Devices, 3th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2008, paper THoD.2 (Paris, August 31 - September 5, 2008)
A. Kahn, H. Kühn, S. Heinrich, T. Gün, F. Tellkamp, K. Petermann, J. Bradley, F. Ay, K. Wörhoff, M. Pollnau, Y. Kuzminykh, Y. Luo, P. Hoffmann, and G. Huber
Longitudinal and Transverse Impedances of XFEL Kicker Vacuum Chamber, EPAC08, Italy, TUPP76 (2008)
A. Tsakanian, M. Ivanian, and J. Rossbach
Mono-Crystalline Rare Earth Doped (Gd.Lu)2O3 Waveguiding Films Produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition and Structured by Reactive Ion Etching, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO - IQEC), paper CTuSI (San Jose, USA, May 5-May 9, 2008)
A. Kahn, T. Gün, B. Ileri, H. Kühn, K. Petermann, J.D.B. Bradley, F. Ay, K. Wörhoff, M. Pollnau, Y. Luo, P. Hoffmann, and G. Huber
Multilayer tube impedance and external radiation, Phys.Rev.ST Accel. Beams 11 (2008)
M. Ivanian, E. Laziev, A. Tsakanian, A. Vardanyan, and S. Heifets
Numerical Studies of Resistive Wall Effects, Proc. of Europ. Part. Accel. Conf. EPAC08, Italy, TUPP075 (2008)
A. Tsakanian, M. Dohlus, and I. Zagorodnov
Oscillations and Interactions of dark and dark-bright Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates. Nature Physics 4, 496 - 501 (2008)
C. Becker, S. Stellmer, P. Soltan-Panahi, S. Dörscher, M. Baumert, E.-M. Richter, J. Kronjäger, K. Bongs, and K. Sengstock
PETRA III Storage Ring Resistive Wall Impedance, ICFA Beam Dyn. Newslett. 45 (2008)
M. Ivanian, E. Laziev, A. Tsakanian, A. Vardanyan, and R. Wanzenberg
sFLASH: An experiment for seeding VUV radiation at FLASH, Proceedings of FEL08, TUPPH072 (2008)
X. A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, S. Khan, T. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Roßbach, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Düsterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, A. Meseck
Single-shot timing measurement of extreme-ultraviolet free-electron laser pulses, New J. Phys. 10, 033026 (2008)
T. Maltezopoulos, S. Cunovic, M. Wieland, M. Beye, A. Azima, H. Redlin, M. Krikunova, R. Kalms, U. Frühling, F. Budzyn, W. Wurth, A. Föhlisch, and M. Drescher
Tolerance Studies on the High Harmonic Laser Seeding at FLASH, Proceedings of FEL08, TUPPH003 (2008)
A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, M. Drescher, H. Delsim-Hashemi, S. Khan, T. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Roßbach, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, H. Schlarb, S. Düsterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann, and R. Ischebeck
Towards time resolved core level photoelectron spectroscopy with femtosecond x-ray free-electron lasers. New J. Phys. 10,033004 (2008)
A. Pietzsch, A. Föhlisch, M. Beye, M. Deppe, F. Hennies, M. Nagasono, E. Suljoti, W. Wurth, C. Gahl, K. Döbrich, and A. Melnikov
Two-dimensional growth of lattice matched Nd-doped (Gd.Lu)2O3-films on by pulsed laser deposition, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 053108 (2008)
T. Gün, A. Kahn, B. Ileri, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Continuous-wave ultraviolet generation at 261.3 nm by intracavity frequency doubling of a laser diode pumped green emitting Pr:LiYF4 laser. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CA.P.6 (Munich, Germany, June 14 - June 19, 2009)
T. Gün, A. Richter, E. Heumann, and G. Huber
Demonstration of a fs-Laser Written Highly Efficient Yb:YAG Channel Waveguide Laser, Femtosecond Laser Microfabrication (LM), San Jose, 2009, OSA Technical Digest (CD), paper: LMTuC2 (2009)
J. Siebenmorgen, T. Calmano, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Dynamics of Electron-Phonon Scattering: Crystal- and Angular-Momentum Transfer Probed by Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 237401 (2009)
M. Beye, F. Hennies, M. Deppe, E. Suljoti, M. Nagasono, W. Wurth, and A. Föhlisch
Efficient Femtosecond Laser Written Nd:YAG Channel Waveguide Laser with an Output Power of more than 1 W. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CJ7_1 (Munich, Germany, June 14 - June 19, 2009)
J. Siebenmorgen, T. Calmano, O. Hellmig, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Fabrication of a Stress-Induced Nd:YAG Channel Waveguide Laser Using fs-Laser Pulses. Advanced Solid-State Photonics, OSA Technical Digest Series (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper MB29
J. Siebenmorgen, T. Calmano, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Fast two-dimensional detection for X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy using the PILATUS detector, J. Synchrotron Rad. 16, 687 (2009)
F. Westermeier, T. Autenrieth, C. Gutt, O. Leupold, A. Duri, A. Menzel, I. Johnson, C. Broennimann, and G. Grübel
Femtosecond Laser Written Nd:YAG Channel Waveguide Laser with a PLD grown C3+:YAG Thin Film Absorber. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CJ_P36 (Munich, Germany, June 14-June 19, 2009)
F. Tellkamp, J. Siebenmorgen, T. Calmano, O. Hellmig, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Femtosecond laser written stress-induced Nd: Y3Al5012 (Nd:YAG) channel waveguide laser. Applied Physics B 97, 251 (2009)
J. Siebenmorgen, K. Petermann, G. Huber, K. Rademaker, S. Nolte, A. Tünnermann
Miniature Lasers on the Basis ofYb:Sc2O3, Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP) 2009, paper WB5 (Vancouver, Canada, January 28 - January 31, 2009)
K. Scholle, P. Fuhrberg, T. Gün, Y. Kuzminykh, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy with x-ray free-electron lasers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 134102 (2009)
D.P. Bernstein, Y. Acremann, A. Scherz, M. Burkhardt, J. Stöhr, M. Beye, W. F. Schlotter, T. Beeck, F. Sorgenfrei. A. Pietzsch, W. Wurth, and A. Föhlisch
Numerical Calculation of Wake Fields in Structures with Conductive Walls, Proc. of Part. Accel. Conf PAC09, Canada, TH5PFP059 (2009)
A. Tsakanian, M. Dohlus, I. Zagorodnov
Photon diagnostic for the seeding experiment at FLASH, Proceedings of FEL2009, THOB05 (2009)
F. Curbis , A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, T. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Rossbach, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Duesterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, S. Khan, A. Meseck, R. Ischebeck
Status of the XUV Seeding Experiment at FLASH, Proceedings of 23rd Particle Accelerator Conference, 4.-8. May 2009, TU5RFP072 (2009)
A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, T. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Roßbach, S. Schulz, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Düsterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, A. Meseck, S. Khan, R. Ischebeck
Status of the XW seeding experiment at FLASH, Proceedings of PAC09, TU5RFP072 (2009)
A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, T. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Roßbach, S. Schulz, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Düsterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, A. Meseck, S. Khan, R. Ischebeck
Technical Design of the XUV Seeding Experiment at FLASH, Proceedings of FEL09, WEPC05 (2009)
V. Miltchev, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, M. Drescher, H. Delsim-Hashemi, T. Maltezopoulos, M. Mittenzwey, J. Rossbach, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Düsterer, J. Feldhaus, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, A. Meseck, S. Khan, R. Ischebeck
The effect of the metal oxidation on the vacuum chamber impedance, Tesla-FEL Reports, DESY-TESLA-FEL-2009-05 (2009)
A. Tsakanian, M. Dohlus, and I. Zagorodnov
Towards X-ray induced transient grating methods for nanometer scale dynamics: Diffraction on transient structures induced by extreme ultraviolet radiation from FLASH, Eur. phys. J. - Spec. Top. 169, 123 (2009)
A. Föhlisch, M. Beye, H. Redlin, and S. Düsterer
X-ray diffraction measurements of a femtosecond-laser written waveguides in an YAG single crystal. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CM_P2 (Munich, Germany, June 14 - June 19, 2009)
O. Henneberg, R. Menzel, R. Elsner, D. Korn, J. Siebenmorgen, G. Huber
Anomalous Energetics in Tetrahydrofuran Clathrate Hydrate Revealed by X-ray Compton Scattering, Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 2832 (2010)
F. Lehmkuehler, A. Sakko, C. Sternemann, M. Hakkala, K. Nygard, C. J. Sahle, S. Galambosi, I. Steinke, S. Tiemeyer, A. Nyrow, T. Buslaps, D. Ponioni, M. Tolan, and K. Hamalainen
Characterization of Seeded FEL Pulses at FLASH: Status, Challenges and Opportunities, Proceedings of FEL10, TUPB21 (2010)
F. Curbis, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt. H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, U. Hipp, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, M. Rehders. J. Roßbach, J. Rönsch- Schulenburg, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Bajt, S. Düsterer, T. Laarmann, and H. Schlarb
Diode pumped Yb:YAG channel waveguide laser, fabricated by fs-laser writing. 4th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2010, paper ThB5 (Hamburg, Germany, August 29 - September 3, 2010)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Efficient cw deep-ultraviolet laser radiation at 261.3 nm based on a GaN-laser diode pumped Pr:LiYF4 laser. 4th* EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference, paper FrA3 (Hamburg, August 29 - September 3, 2010)
P. Metz, T. Gün, and G. Huber
Fabrication of a Stress-Induced Nd: YAG Channel Waveguide Laser using fs-Laser Pulses. Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP) 2010, paper MB29 (San Diego, USA, January 31 - February 3, 2010)
J. Siebenmorgen, T. Calmano, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Femtosecond Temporal Overlap ofInjected Electron Beam and EUV Pulse at sFLASH, Proceedings of IPAC10, MOPD091 (2010)
R. Tarkeshian, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, H. Delsim-Hashemi, V. Miltchev, J. Roßbach, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg
Frustrated Quantum Antiferromagnetism with Ultracold Bosons in a Triangular Lattice, Europhysics Letters 89, 10010 (2010)
A. Eckardt, P. Hauke, P. Soltan-Panahi, C. Becker, K. Sengstock, and M. Lewenstein
Herstellung von Wellenleiterlasern mittels Femtosekunden-Laserstrukturierung in Nd- und Yb-dotierten YAG-Kristallen, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-86853-683-6 (2010)
J. Siebenmorgen
Highly Efficient Yb:YAG Channel Waveguide Laser with 1.7 W Output Power Fabricated by fs-Laser writing. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO - IQEC), paper CTuU2 (San Jose, USA, Mai 16-May 21, 2010)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Highly eflicient Yb:YAG channel waveguide laser written with a femtosecond laser. Opt. Express 18, 16035 (2010)
J. Siebenmorgen, T. Calmano, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Increased efficiency of rf-evaporative cooling by utilizing gravity. Physical Review A 81,043414 (2010)
J. Klinner, M. Wolke, and A. Hemmerich
Longitudinal coherence measurements of an extreme-ultraviolet free-electron loses, Optics Letters 35, 3 (2010)
W. F. Schlotter, F. Sorgenfrei, T. Beeck, M. Beye, S. Gieschen, H. Meyer, M. Nagasono, A. Föhlisch, and W. Wurth
Measurement of the Predicted Asymmetric Closing Behaviour of the Band Gap of Silicon Using X-ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy, New Journal of Physics 12, 043011 (2010)
M. Beye, F. Hennies, M. Deppe, E. Suljoti, M. Nagasono, W. Wurth, and A. Föhlisch
Nd:YAG waveguide laser with 1.3 W output power, fabricated by direct femtosecond laser writing. Appl. Phys. B 100, 131 (2010)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, O. Hellmig, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Power scaling of GaN laserdiode pumped Pr:LiYF4 lasers. 4th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2010, paper FrA5 (Hamburg, Germany, August 29 - September 3, 2010)
T. Gün, P. Metz, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
sFLASH - First Results of Direct Seeding at FLASH. Proceedings of FEL10, WEOA12 (2010)
J. Bödewadt, A. Azima, F. Curbis, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, E. Hass, U. Hipp, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, M. Rehders, J. Roßbach, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Bajt, S. Düsterer, and T. Laarmann
sFLASH - First Results of Direct Seeding at Flash. Proceedings of LIN AC10, TUP012 (2010)
J. Bödewadt. A. Azima, F. Curbis, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, E. Hass, U. Hipp, Th. Maltezopoulos. V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, M. Rehders, J. Roßbach, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, R. Tarkeshian, M. Wieland, S. Bajt, S. Düsterer, and T. Laarmann
Spontaneous Pattern Formation in an Anti-Ferromagnetic Quantum Gas, Physical Review Letters 105,090402 (2010)
J. Kronjäger, C. Becker, P. Soltan-Panahi, K. Bongs, and K. Sengstock
Status of sFLASH. the Seeding Experiment at FLASH, Proceedings of IPAC10, TUPE009 (2010)
H. Delsim-Hashemi, A. Azima, S. Bajt, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, M. Drescher, K. Honkavaara, R. Ischebeck, S. Khan, T. Laarmann, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Roßbach, J. Ronsch-Schulenburg, H. Schlarb, R. Tarkeshian, and M. Wieland
The extreme ultraviolet split and femtosecond delay unit at the plane grating monochromator beamline PG2 at FLASH, Rev. Sci. Instr. 81, 043107 (2010)
F. Sorgenfrei, W.F. Schlotter, T. Beeck, M. Nagasono, S. Gieschen, H. Meyer, A. Föhlisch, M. Beye, and W. Wurth
Time Domain Numerical Studies of Resistive Wall Wakefields Excited by Ultra-Short Electron Bunch. DESY thesis / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS-2010-041, ISSN 1435-8085 (2010)
A. Tsakanian
Ultracold Quantum Gases in Triangular Optical Lattices. New Journal of Physics 12,065025 (2010)
C. Becker, P. Soltan-Panahi, J. Kronjäger, S. Dörscher, K. Bongs, and K. Sengstock
Ultrafast Dynamics in Solids Studied with Soft X-rays. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-86853-603-4 (2010)
M. Beve
Characterization of an Yb:YAG ceramic waveguide laser, fabricated by the direct femtosecond-laser writing technique. Appl. Phys. B 103, 1 (2011)
T. Calmano, A.-G. Paschke, J. Siebenmorgen, S.T. Fredrich-Thornton, H. Yagi, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Crystal Growth, spectroscopy, and diode pumped laser performance of Pr+Mg:SrAl12O19, Appl. Phys. B 102, 731 (2011)
M. Fechner, F. Reichert, N.-O. Hansen, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Crystalline Pr:SrAl12O19 waveguide laser in the visible spectral region. Opt. Lett. 36,4620 (2011)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, F. Reichert, M. Fechner, A.-G. Paschke, N.-O. Hansen, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Dauerstrich-Festkörperlaser im tief-ultravioletten Spektralbereich. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-0067-6 (2011)
T. Gün
Diagnostics of Femtosecond Low-charge Electron Bunches at REGAE, Proceedings of IPAC2011, TUPC081 (2011)
S. Bayesteh, H. Delsim-Hashemi
Diode pumped high power operation of a femtosecond laser inscribed Yb:YAG waveguide laser, Opt. Materials E.xpr. 1, 428 (2011)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, A.-G. Paschke, C. Fiebig, K. Paschke, G. Erbert, K. Petermann, and G. Huber
Efficient continuous wave deep ultraviolet Pr3+:LiYF4 laser at 261.3 nm. Appl. Phy. Lett. 99, 181103 (2011)
T. Gün, P. Metz, and G. Huber
Electron wave packet sampling with laser-generated extreme ultraviolet and terahertz fields. Opt. Express 19, 18833 (2011)
B. Schütte, U. Frühling, M. Wieland, A. Azima, and M. Drescher
Femtosecond laser written Pr:SrAl12O19 channel-waveguide laser in the visible spectral range. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CJ8_1 (Munich, Germany, May 22 - May 26, 2011)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, F. Reichert, M. Fechner, A.-G. Paschke, N.-O. Hansen, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Femtosecond Resolved Determination of Electron Beam and XUV Seed Pulse Temporal Overlap in sFLASH, Proceedings of PAC11, WEOCN6 (2011)
R. Tarkeshian, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, M. Drescher, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, H. Delsim-Hashemi, K. Honkavaara, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, and R. Ischebeck
Femtosecond-Laser Written Highly Doped Yb(15%): YAG Ceramic Waveguide Laser, Advances in Optical Materials (AlOM) 2011, paper AlThF2 (Istanbul, Turkey, February 13 - February 16, 2011)
T. Calmano, J. Siebenmorgen, A.-G. Paschke, S. T. Fredrich-Thornton, H. Yagi, K. Petermann und G. Huber
Fiber laser intracavity absorption spectroscopy for in situ multicomponent gas analysis in the atmosphere and combustion environments. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics 102, 331-344 (2011)
B. Löhden, S. Kuznetsova, K. Sengstock, V. M. Baev, A. Goldman, S. Cheskis, and B. Pálsdóttir
First ceramic laser in the visible spectral range. Opt. Materials Expr. 1, 1511 (2011)
T.T. Basiev, V.A. Konyushkin, D.V. Konyushkin, M.E. Dorochenko, G. Huber, F. Reichert, N.-O. Hansen, and M. Fechner
FLASH - Present Status and Commissioning Results, Proceedings of IPAC11, TUZA02 (2011)
V. Miltchev, S. Ackermann, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, M. Drescher, E. Hass, Th. Maltezopoulos, M. Mittenzwey, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, R. Tarkeshian, H. Delsim-Hashemi, K. Honkavaara, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, and M. Tisc
Höchstempfindliche Absorptionsspektroskopie im Resonator Er3+ -dotierter Faserlaser, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-86853-896-0 (2011)
B. Löhden
Laser-based terahertz-field-driven streak camera for the temporal characterization of ultrashort processes, DESY thesis / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS-2011-028, ISSN 1435-8085 (2011)
B. Schütte
Multi-Component Quantum Gases in Spin-Dependent Hexagonal Lattices, Nature Physics 7,434-440 (2011)
Parvis Soltan-Panahi, Julian Struck, Philipp Hauke, Andreas Bick, Wiebke Plenkers, Georg Meineke, Christoph Becker, Patrick Windpassinger, Maciej Lewenstein, Klaus Sengstock
Power scaling of laser diode pumped Pr3+:Li YF4 cw lasers: efficient laser operation at 522.6 nm, 545.9 nm, 607.2 nm, and 639.5 nm. Opt. Lett. 36(6), 1002 (2011)
T. Gün, P. Metz, and G. Huber
Temperature-Induced Structural Changes of Tetrahydrofuran Clathrate and of the Liquid Water/Tetrahydrofuran Mixture, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 21009 (2011)
F. Lehmkuehler, A. Sakko, I. Steinke, C. Sternemann, M. Hakala, C. J. Sahle, T. Buslaps, L. Simonelli, S. Galambosi, M. Paulus, T. Pylkkanen, M. Tolan, and K. Hamalainen
Yb-Doped Laser Materials: Advances and Challenges. Advanced Solid-State Photonics (ASSP) 2011, JWB2 (Istanbul, Turkey, February 13 - February 16, 2011)
G. Huber, K. Beil, T. Calmano, S. T. Fredrich-Thornton, U. Kelling, C. Kränkel, H. Kühn, J. Siebenmorgen, U. Wolters und K. Petermann
Cavity cooling below the recoil limit. Science 337, 85-87 (2012)
M. Wolke, J. Klinner, H. Keßler, A. Hemmerich
Diode pumped laser operation and spectroscopy of Pr3+:LaF3. Opt. Express 20, 20387-20395 (2012)
F. Reichert, F. Moglia, D.-T. Marzahl, P. Metz, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen, and G. Huber
Diode Pumped Laser Oscillation and Spectroscopy of Pr3+:LaF3, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS) paper CM2D.2 (Baltimore, USA, May 6 - May 11, 2012)
F. Reichert, F. Moglia, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen, D.-T. Marzahl, and G. Huber
Dual Wavelength and Switchable Laser Operation of Visible Pr:SrAl12O19 Waveguide Lasers. 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper FrB.2 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
T. Calmano, S. Müller, F. Reichert, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen und G. Huber
Efficient Laser Operation of Pr3-.Mg2+:SrAl12O19, Opt. Lett. 37 (23), 4889-4891 (2012)
F. Reichert, D.-T. Marzahl, P. Metz, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen, and G. Huber
Er:LiLuF4 upconversion waveguide laser fabricated by femtosecond-laser writing, 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper TuP.25 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 -August 31, 2012)
F. Moglia, S. Müller, T. Calmano und G. Huber
Femtosecond Resolved Diagnostics for Electron Beam and XUV Seed Temporal Overlap at sFLASH. DESY thesis / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS-2012-004, ISSN 1435-8085 (2012)
R. Tarkeshian
Femtosecond-laser Written Diode pumped Visible Pr:LiYF4 Waveguide Laser. 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper FrB.1 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
S. Müller, T. Calmano, P. Metz, C.Kränkel und G. Huber
Femtosecond-Laser-Written Diode Pumped Pr:LiYF4 Waveguide Laser, Opt. Lett. 37, 5223-5225 (2012)
S. Müller, T. Calmano, P. Metz, N.-O. Hansen, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
First Direct Seeding at 38nm, Proceedings of FEL2012, TUOA101 (2012)
C. Lechner et al.
Highly efficient Pr:LiYF4-lasers. 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper FrA.4 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
P. Metz, F. Reichert, S. Müller, D.-T. Marzahl, N.-O. Hansen, M. Fechner, C. Kränkel and G. Huber
Laser Operation and Spectroscopy of Pr3+:LaMgAli11O19, 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper ThP.3 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
D.-T. Marzahl, F. Reichert, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen, and G. Huber
Laser written waveguides in KTP for broadband Type II frequency doubling. European Conference on Integrated Optics (EClO) (Barcelona, Spain, 2012)
F. Laurell, C. Canalias, T. Calmano, S. Müller und G. Huber
Laser-written waveguides in KTP for broadband Type ll second harmonic generation. Optics Express 20 (20), 22308-22313 (2012)
F. Laurell, T. Calmano, S. Müller, P. Zeil, C. Canalias, and G. Huber
Laserkühlung in optischen Resonatoren unter der Rückstoßgrenze. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-0763-7 (2012)
M. Wolke
Multi-Component Quantum Gases in Hexagonal Lattices. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-0286-1 (2012)
P. Soltan-Panahi
Neodymium and ytterbium doped sapphire films grown by pulsed laser deposition. Advances in Optical Materials (AIOM) 2012, paper IF2A.5 (San Diego, USA, January 29 - February 3, 2012)
S. Heinrich, T. Gün und G. Huber
OPSL-Pumped Laser Operation of Pr3+:SrAl12O19. 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper WeP.7 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
F. Reichert, D.-T. Marzahl, P. Metz, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen, and G. Huber
Pulsed Laser Deposition of Nd.LujAl5O12: Elimination of Particulates Using a Vane Velocity Filter. 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper ThP.9 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
S. Heinrich, J. Thielmann, F. Tellkamp, S. Waeselmann, C. Kränkel und G. Huber
Q-Switched Operation of a fs-Laser Written Nd:YAG/Cr3+: YAG monolithic waveguide laser. Advances in Optical Materials (AIOM) 2012, paper IF2A.4 (San Diego, USA, January 29 - February 3, 2012)
T. Calmano, A.-G. Paschke, S. Müller, C. Kränkel und G. Huber
Quantum phase transition to unconventional multi-orbital superfluidity in optical lattices. Nature Physics 8, 71-75 (2012)
P. Soltan-Panahi, D.-S. Lühmann, J. Struck, P. Windpassinger, K. Sengstock
Single Shot Spatial and Temporal Coherence Properties of the SLAC Linac Coherent Light Source in the Hard X-Ray Regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 024801 (2012)
C. Gutt, P. Wochner, B. Fischer, H. Conrad, M. Castro-Colin, S. Lee, F. Lehmkuehler, I. Steinke, M. Sprung, W. Roseker, D. Zhu, H. Lemke, S. Bogle, P. H. Fuoss, G. B. Stephenson, M. Cammarata, D. M. Fritz, A. Robert, and G. Gruebel
Spatial and temporal coherence properties of single free-electron laser pulses. Optics Express 20, 17480 (2012)
A. Singer, F. Sorgenfrei, A.P. Mancuso, N. Gerasimova, O.M Yefanov, J. Gulden, T. Gorniak, T. Senkbeil, A. Sakdinawat, Y. Liu, D. Attwood, S. Dziarzhytski, D.D. Mai, R. Treusch, E. Wecken, T. Salditt, A. Rosenhahn, W. Wurth, and I.A. Vartanyants
Spectroscopy and laser operation of Nd-doped mixed sesquioxides (Lul-xScx)2O3, App. Phys. B 108,475 (2012)
F. Reichert, M. Fechner, P. Koopmann, C. Brandt, K. Petermann and G. Huber
Structure and short-time dynamics in concentrated suspensions of charged colloids. J. Chem. Phys. 137, 114504(2012)
F. Westermeier, B. Fischer, W. Roseker, G. Grübel, G. Nägele, and M. Heinen
Time-Resolved Jitter-Free Experiments at FLASH: From Longitudinal Coherence Studies to Nonlinear Dynamics. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1132-0 (2012)
F. Sorgenfrei
Tunable Laser Operation of Pr3+:LaF3, 5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2012, paper ThP.14 (Stockholm, Sweden, August 26 - August 31, 2012)
F. Reichert, F. Moglia, D.-T. Marzahl, P. Metz, M. Fechner, N.-O. Hansen, and G. Huber
Advances in visible and near-infrared fs-laser-written waveguide lasers. LASE SPIE Photonics West, Paper: 8599-5 (San Francisco, USA, 2013)
S. Müller, T. Calmano, F. Reichert, M. Fechner, C. Kränkel und G. Huber
Creation of quantum-degenerate gases of ytterbium in a compact 2D-/3D-magneto-optical trap setup. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 84,043109 (2013)
S. Dörscher, A. Thobe, B. Hundt, A. Kochanke, R. Le Targat, P. Windpassinger, C. Becker, K. Sengstock
Curved Yb:YAG waveguide lasers, fabricated by femtosecond laser inscription. Opt. Express 21,25501-25508 (2013)
Thomas Calmano, Anna-Greta Paschke, Sebastian Müller, Christian Kränkel, and Günter Huber
Efficient Laser Operation of Diode Pumped Pr3+, Mg2+:SrAl12O19. Appl. Phys. B (2013)
Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Fabian Reichert, Philip Werner Metz, Matthias Fechner, Nils-Owe Hansen and Günter Huber
Efficient Pr3+:SrAl12O19 laser pumped with four diode lasers. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CA-P3 SUN (Munich, Germany, May 12 - May 16, 2013)
D.-T. Marzahl, F. Reichert, P. Metz, N.-O.Hansen, and G. Huber
Efficient visible laser operation of Pr.Mg:SrAl12O19 channel waveguides. Opt. Lett. 38, 2698-2701 (2013)
F. Reichert, T. Calmano, S. Müller, D.-T. Marzahl, P. W. Metz, and G. Huber
Er:LiLuF4 upconversion waveguide laser with femtosecond-laser written circular cladding structures. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CJ-P.3 (Munich, Germany, May 12 - May 16, 2013)
F. Moglia. S. Müller. T. Calmano. C. Krankel und G. Huber
Femtosekundenlaser-geschriebene kristalline Wellenleiterlaser im sichtbaren und nahen infraroten Spektralbereich. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1161-0 (2013)
T. Calmano
Generation of Coherent 19- and 38-nm Radiation at a Free-Electron Laser. Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 114801 (2013)
S. Ackermann, A. Azima, S. Bajt, J. Boedewadt, F. Curbis, H. Dachraoui, H. Delsim-Hashemi, M. Drescher, S. Duesterer, B. Faatz, M. Felber, J. Feldhaus, E. Hass, U. Hipp, K. Honkavaara, R. Ischebeck, S. Khan, T. Laarmann, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, V. Miltchev, M. Mittenzwey, M. Rehders, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Rossbach, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, L. Schroedter, M. Schulz, S. Schulz, R. Tarkeshian, M. Tischer, V. Wacker, and M. Wieland
Highly Efficient fs-Laser Inscribed Yb:YAG Waveguide Lasers Fabricated with a Novel Writing Scheme, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CJ-P.32 (Munich, Germany, May 12 - May 16, 2013)
T. Calmano, S. Müller, C. Kränkel und G. Huber
Laser Operation and Spectroscopic Properties of Pr3+:SrAl12O19, Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2013, paper AW1A.9 (Paris, France, October 27 - November 1, 2013)
F. Reichert, D.-T. Marzahl, and G. Huber
Natively inhibited trypanosoma brucei Cathepsin B structure determined by using an x-ray laser. Science 339, 227-230 (2013)
L. Redecke, K. Nass, D.P. DePonte, T.A. White, D. Rehders, A. Barty, F. Stellato, M. Liang, T.R.M. Barends, S. Bouiet, G.J. Williams, M. Messerschmidt, M.M. Seibert, A. Aquila, D. Amiund, S. Bajt, T. Barth, M.J. Bogan, C. Caleman, T.-C. Chao, R.B. Doak, H. Fleckenstein, M. Frank, R. Fromme, L. Galli, I. Grotjohann, M.S. Hunter, L.C. Johansson, S. Kassemeyer, G. Katona, R.A. Kirian, R. Koopmann, C. Kupitz, L. Lomb, A.V. Martin, S. Mogk, R. Neutze, R.L. Shoeman, J. Steinbrener, N. Timneanu, D. Wang, U. Weierstall, N.A. Zatsepin, J.C.H. Spence, P. Fromme, I. Schlichting, M. Duszenko, C. Betzel, and H.N. Chapman
Novel Rare Earth Solid State Lasers with Emission Wavelengths in the Visible Spectral Range, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CA-2.5 SUN (Munich, Germany, May 12 - May 16, 2013)
P. W. Metz, F. Moglia, F. Reichert, S. Müller, D.-T. Marzahl, N.-O. Hansen, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Results and Perspectives on the FEL Seeding Activities at FLASH, Proceedings of FEL2013, New York, NY, USA (2013)
J. Bödewadt and C. Lechner
Single-crystalline rare-earth-doped In2O3 waveguides epitaxially grown on LU2O3. Photonics West Conference 8599, Solid State Lasers XXII: Technology and Devices, paper, 8599-9 (San Francisco, USA, February 3 - February 5, 2013)
S. Heinrich, S. H. Waeselmann, C. Kränkel, und G. Huber
Structural and optical properties of epitaxially grown N3+ -doped InYO3 thin films on Lu2O3, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CEP (Munich, Germany, May 12-May 16, 2013)
S. Waeselmann, S. Heinrich, C. Kränkel und G. Huber
Structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre determined by serial femtosecond crystallography. Nature Communications 4, 2911 (2013)
L.C. Johansson, D. Arnlund, G. Katona, T.A. White, ..., L. Galli. et al.
Visible laser operation of Pr,Mg:SrAl12O19 waveguides, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CJ-12.5 (Munich, Germany, May 12 - May 16, 2013)
F. Reichert, T. Calmano, S. Müller, D.-T. Marzahl, P. W. Metz und G. Huber
Wide Wavelength Tunability and Green Laser Operation of Diode-pumped Pr3+:KY3F16, Opt. Express 21,31274-31281 (2013)
Philip W. Metz, Sebastian Müller, Fabian Reichert, Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Francesca Moglia, Christian Kränkel, and Günter Huber
A high-harmonic generation source for seeding a free-electron laser at 38 nm, Appl. Phys. B 115, 45-54 (2014)
Th. Maltezopoulos, M. Mittenzwey, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, H. Dachraoui, M. Rehders, C. Lechner, M. Schulz, M. Wieland, T. Laarmann, J. Roßbach, and M. Drescher
Crystal growth, spectroscopy, and laser operation of Pr3+ in the novel hexagonal laser host material ß-NaGdF4, 6th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2014, paper ThP-Tl-P-22 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 24 - August 29, 2014
P. W, Metz, D.-T. Marzahl, F. Reichert, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Demonstration of SASE Suppression Through a Seeded Microbunching Instability, Proc. 36th Intl. Free-Electron Laser Conf., Basel, Switzerland, 77-180 (2014)
C. Lechner, L. L. Lazzarino, T. Plath et al.
Diamond Diced Yb3+ doped In2O3 Waveguides, 6th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2014, paper WeD-T2-O-07 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 24 - August 29, 2014)
S. H. Waeselmann, S. Heinrich, C. E. Rüter, D. Kip, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Explosion dynamics of sucrose nanospheres monitored by time of flight spectrometry and coherent diffractive imaging at the split-and-delay beam line of the FLASH soft X-ray laser. Optics express, 22(23), 28914-28925 (2014)
Rath, A. D., Timneanu, N., Maia, F. R., Bielecki, J., Fleckenstein, H., Iwan, B. ..., Galli, L. et al.
High Power Red, Orange, and Green Pr3+:LiYF4 Lasers, Opt. Lett. 39,3193-3196 (2014)
Philip Werner Metz, Fabian Reichert, Francesca Moglia, Sebastian Müller, Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Christian Kraenkel, and Guenter Huber
Highly efficient continuous wave blue second harmonic generation in fs-laser written periodically poled Rb:KTiOPO4 waveguides. Opt. Lett. 39, 1274-1277 (2014)
Sebastian Müller, Thomas Calmano, Philip W. Metz, Christian Kränkel, Carlota Canalias, Charlotte Liljestrand, Fredrik Laurell, and Guenter Huber
Indirect Measurements of NIR and UV Ultrashort Seed Laser Pulses using a Transverse Deflecting RF-Structure, Proc. 36th International Free-Electron Laser Conference, Basel, Schweiz, 212-21A (2014)
N. Ekanayake, S. Ackermann, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, T. Plath, and K.E. Hacker
Measurements of the Timing Stability at the FLASH I Seeding Experiment. Proc. 36th Intl. Free-Electron Laser Conf., Basel, Switzerland, 913-916 (2014)
C. Lechner, L. L. Lazzarino, T. Plath et al.
Pr3+:ß-(Y0.5Gd0.5)F3 as Novel Active Material for Visible Emitting Lasers, Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2014, paper AM2A.7 (Shanghai, China, November 16 - November 21, 2014)
P. W. Metz, D.-T. Marzahl, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Praseodymium- and Holmium-Doped Crystals for Lasers Emitting in the Visible Spectral Region, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1400-0 (2014)
F. Reichert
Probing superfluid properties in strongly correlated Fermi gases with high spatial resolution. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1996-8 (2014)
W. Weimer
Quantum phases in tunable state-dependent hexagonal optical lattices, Phys. Rev. A 90, 013614 (2014)
D.-S. Lühmann, O. Jürgensen, M. Weinberg, J. Simonet, P. Soltan-Panahi, K. Sengstock
Resonatorinterne Absorptionsspektroskopie mit Faserlasern in wasserfreien NIR-Spektralbereichen. Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-1524-3 (2014)
P. Fiodorow
Serial time-resolved crystallography ofphotosystem II using a femtosecond X-ray laser, Nature 513,261-265 (2014)
C. Kupitz, S. Basu, I. Grotjohann, R. Fromme, N. A. Zatsepin, K. N. Rendek, M. S. Hunter, R. L. Shoeman, T. A. White, D. Wang, D. James, J.-H. Yang, D. E. Cobb, B. Reeder, R. G. Sierra, H. Liu, A. Barty, A. L. Aquila, D. Deponte, R. A. Kirian, S. Bari, J. J. Bergkamp, K. R. Beyerlein, M. J. Bogan, C. Caleman, T.-C. Chao, C. E. Conrad, K. M. Davis, H. Fleckenstein, L. Gain, S. P. Hau-Riege, S. Kassemeyer, H. Laksmono, M. Liang, L. Lomb, S. Marchesini, A. V. Martin, M. Messerschmidt, D. Milathianaki, K. Nass, A. Ros, S. Roy-Chowdhury, K. Schmidt, M. Seibert, J. Sleinbrener, F. Stellato, L. Yan, C. Yoon, T. A. Moore, A. L. Moore, Y. Pushkar, G. J. Williams, S. Boutet, R. B. Doak, U. Weierstall, M. Frank, H. N. Chapman, J. C. H. Spence, and P. Fromme
Spectroscopic Characterization and Laser Performance of Pr.Mg:CaAl12O19, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 31,349-354 (2014)
Fabian Reichert, Daniel-Timo Marzahl, and Günter Huber
Spectroscopic Properties and Laser Operation of Sm.Mg:SrAl12O19, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS) paper SM3F.2 (San José, USA, June 8-June 13, 2014)
D.-T. Marzahl, F. Reichert, B. Stumpf, P. Metz, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Spectroscopy and 900-nm Laser Operation of Nd.Mg:SrAl12O19, 6th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2014, paper TuP-TI-P-29 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 24- August 29, 2014)
D.-T. Marzahl, L. Gong, T. Calmano, F. Reichert, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Steering matter wave superradiance with an ultra-narrowband optical cavity. Physical Review Letters 113, 070404 (2014)
H. Keßler, J. Klinder, M. Wolke, A. Hemmerich
Thin-disk laser operation of Pr3+.Mg2+:SrAl12O19, Opt. Lett. 39, 1322 - 1325 (2014)
Andreas Voss, Fabian Reichert, Philip Werner Metz, Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Christian Kränkel, Günter Huber, and Thomas Graf
Transverse Diagnostics of Electron Bunches at REGAE. DESY thesis / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS-2014-042, ISSN 1435-8085 (2014)
S. Bayesteh
Ultracold Yb Gases with Control over Spin and Orbital Degrees of Freedom, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (2014)
A. Thobe
Visibly Emitting Solid State Lasers, Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2014, paper ATu3A.4 (Shanghai, China, November 16 - November 21, 2014)
C. Kränkel, P. W. Metz, F. Reichert, F. Moglia, D.-T. Marzahl, and G. Huber
Wide wavelength tuning of laser diode pumped Pr3+ -lasers in LiYF4, KY3F10, and BaY2Fx crystals, 6th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference 2014, paper FrB-Tl-O-08 (Neuchâtel, Switzerland, August 24 - August 29, 2014)
P. W. Metz, D.-T. Marzahl, F. Reichert, D. Parisi, M. Tonelli, G. Huber, and C. Kränkel
Correlated heterogeneous dynamics in glass-forming polymers. Phys. Rev. E 91. 042309 (2015)
H. Conrad, F. Lehmkuehler, B. Fischer, F. Westermeier, M. A. Schroer, Y. Chushkin, C. Gull, M. Sprung, and G. Gruebel
Crystalline waveguide lasers in the visible and near-infrared spectral range, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quant. Electr. 21, 1602213 (2015)
T. Calmano, S. Müller
Dynamical phase transition in the open Dicke model, PNAS 112, 3290 (2015)
J. Klinder, H. Keßler, M. Wolke, L. Mathey, A. Hemmerich
Effects of self-seeding and crystal post-selection on the quality of Monte Carlo-integrated SFX data. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 22,644-652 (2015)
Barends, T., White, T. A., Barty, A., Foucar, L., Messerschmidt, M., Alonso-Mori, R., ..., Galli, L. et al.
Efficient upconversion-pumped continuous wave Er3-: LiLuF4 lasers. Opt. Mater. 42, 167 (2015)
F. Moglia, S. Müller, F. Reichert, P. W. Metz, T. Calmano, C. Kränkel, E. Heumann, and G. Huber
Efficient Yb3+:CaGdAlO4 bulk andfemtosecond laser-written waveguide lasers. Opt. Lett. 40,3552 (2015)
K. Hasse, T. Calmano, B. Deppe, C. Liebald, and C. Kränkel
Electronic damage in S atoms in a native protein crystal induced by an intense X-ray free-electron laser pulse. Structural Dynamics 2,041703 (2015)
L. Galli, S-K. Son, M. Klinge, S. Bajt, A. Barty, R. Bean, C. Betzel, K.R. Beyerlein, ..., J. Spence, and H.N. Chapman
First Lasing of an HGHG Seeding FEL at FLASH, Proceedings of FEL2015, Daejeon, South Korea (2015)
K. Hacker, L. L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, T. Plath et al.
Growth and diode-pumped laser operation of Pr3+:ß-(Y0.5Gd0.5)F3 at various transitions. Optics Letters, 40 (12), 2699-2702 (2015)
P. W. Metz, D.-T. Marzahl, C. Guguschev, R. Bertram, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
High power continuous wave visible Tb3+:LiLuF4 laser, Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2015, paper ATu1A.1 (Berlin, Germany, October 4 - October 9, 2015)
P. W. Metz, D.-T. Marzahl, A. Majid, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Influence of Seed Laser Wavefront Imperfections on HGHG Seeding Performance, Proc. 37th Intl. Free-Electron Laser Conf., Daejeon, Korea (2015)
T. Plath, C. Lechner, S. Ackermann, and J. Bödewadt
Laser oscillation in Yb:YAG waveguide beam-splitters with variable splitting ratio. Opt. Lett. 40, 1753 (2015)
T. Calmano, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Lasing in Nd3- -doped Sapphire, Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2015, paper ATu1A.6 (Berlin, Germany, October 4 - October 9, 2015)
S. H. Waeselmann, S. Heinrich, C. Kränkel, und G. Huber
Liquid Jets for Experiments on Complex Fluids, DESY thesis / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESlS-2015-007, ISSN 1435-8085 (2015)
I. Steinke
Measurements and simulations of seeded electron microbunches with collective effects. Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams 18, 090704 (2015)
K. Hacker, R. Molo, S. Khan, L. L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, T. Plath, J. Rossbach, S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt, M. Dohlus, N. Ekanayake, T. Laarmann, and H. Schlarb
Measurements and Simulations of Seeded Electron Microbunches with Collective Effects. Proc. 37th Intl. Free-Electron Laser Conf, Daejeon, Korea (2015)
K.E. Hacker, S. Khan, R. Molo, S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt, M. Dohlus, N. Ekanayake, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, L.L. Lazzarino, C. Lechner, Th. Maltezopoulos, T. Plath, and J. Roßbach
Monoclinic 20at.%Tb3+ -doped ß-BaLu2F8 single crystals: Growth and efficient green laser operation. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), paper 26A1-4 (Busan, South Korea, August 24 - August 28, 2015)
P. W. Metz, A. Majid, D.-T. Marzahl, and C. Kränkel
Nano-beam X-ray Microscopy of Dried Colloidal Films. Soft Matter 11,5465 (2015)
M.A. Schroer, C. Gutt, F. Lehmkühler, B. Fischer, I. Steinke, F. Westermeier, M. Sprung, G. Grübel
Novel lasers in the visible spectral range. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR), paper 28GI-1 (Busan, South Korea, August 24 - August 28, 2015)
C. Kränkel, D.-T. Marzahl, and P. W. Metz
Observation of a superradiant Mott insulator in the Dicke-Hubbard model. Physical Review Letters 115, 230403 (2015)
J. Klinder, H. Keßler, M. Reza Bakhtiari, M. Thorwart, and A. Hemmerich
Optics Compensation for Variable-gap Undulator Systems at FLASH. Proc. 6th Intl. Particle Accelerator Conf., Richmond, VA, USA, 1499-1501 (2015)
Ph. Amstutz, C. Lechner, T. Plath, S. Ackermann, J. Bödewadt and M. Vogt
Phasing using high intensity free-electron laser radiation. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (2015)
L. Galli
Polarization effects in Pr3+-doped cubic KY3F10 and stable dual wavelength lasing. Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2015, paper ATuI A.3 (Berlin, Germany, October 4 - October 9, 2015)
P. W. Metz, T. Calmano, D.-T. Marzahl, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Prospects of Holmium-doped fluorides as gain media for visible solid state lasers. Opt. Mater. Expr. 5, 88-101 (2015)
F. Reichert, F. Moglia, P. W. Metz, A. Arcangeli, D.-T. Marzahl, S. Veronesi, D. Parisi, M. Fechner, M. Tonelli, and G. Huber
Q-switched operation of a femtosecond-laser-inscribed Yb:YAG channel waveguide laser using carbon nanotubes, Opt. Express 23, 1753 (2015)
S. Y. Choi, T. Calmano, M. H. Kim, D. I. Yeom, C. Kränkel, G. Huber, and F. Rotermund
Rare Earth Doped Oxides for Visible Laser Operation Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CA-8.2 (Munich, Germany, June 21 - June 25, 2015)
D.-T. Marzahl, P. W. Metz, T, Calmano, F. Reichert, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Recent Results from PEL seeding at FLASH. Proc. 6th Intl. Particle Accelerator Conf., Richmond, VA, USA, 1366-1369 (2015)
J. Boedewadt, L. L. Lazzarinno, C. Lechner, T. Plath et al.
Resonator-kontrollierte Materiewellen-Superradianz, Verlag Dr. Hut, München, ISBN 978-3-8439-2478-8 (2015)
H. Keßler
Spectral narrowing of Yb:YAG waveguide lasers through hybrid integration with ultrafast laser written Bragg gratings. Opt. Express 23,20195 (2015)
P. Dekker, M. Ams, T. Calmano, S. Gross, C. Kränkel, G. Huber, and M. J. Withford
Spectroscopy and laser operation of Sm3' -doped lithium lutetium tetrafluoride (LiLuF4) and strontium hexaaluminate (SrAl12O19). Optics Express, 23 (16), 21118-21127 (2015)
D.-T. Marzahl, P. W. Metz, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Suppression of FEL Lasing by a Seeded Microbunching Instability, Proc. 37th Intl. Free-Electron Laser Conf., Daejeon, Korea (2015)
C. Lechner, L.L. Lazzarino, T. Plath. et al.
The critical velocity in the BEC-BCS crossover, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 095301 (2015)
W. Weimer, K. Morgener, V. P. Singh, J. Siegl, K. Hueck, N. Luick, L. Mathey, H. Moritz
Towards phasing using high X-ray intensity, IUCrJ, 2,627 (2015)
L. Galli, S.-K. Son, T. R. M. Barends, T. A. White, A. Barty, S. Botha, S. Boutet, C. Caleman, R. B. Doak, M. H. Nanao, K. Nass, R. L. Shoeman, N. Timneanu, R. Santra, I. Schlichting, H. N. Chapman
Towards RIP usingfree-electron laser SFX data, J. Synchrotron Rad. 22, 249-255 (2015)
L. Galli, S-K. Son, T. A. White, R. Santra, H.N. Chapman, M.H. Nanao
Trace phase detection and strain characterization from serial X-ray free-electron laser crystallography ofa Pr 0.5 Ca 0.5 MnO 3 powder. Powder diffraction, 30(S1), S25-S30 (2015)
Beyerlein, K. R., Jooss, C., Barty, A., Bean, R., Boutet, S., Dhesi, S. S., Galli, L. et al.
Ultrafast laser inscribed Pr:KY3F10 waveguides for dual wavelength and switchable waveguide lasers in the visible. Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress (ASSL) 2015, paper AWI A.5 (Berlin, Germany, October 4 - October 9, 2015)
T. Calmano, A. Sottile, P. W. Metz, D. Parisi, C. Kränkel, M. Tonelli, and G. Huber
Wavelength Tuning of Diode-Pumped Pr3+ -Lasers. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe (CLEO/Europe - IQEC), paper CA-8.3 (Munich, Germany, June 21 - June 25, 2015)
P. W. Metz, D.-T. Marzahl, C. Kränkel, and G. Huber
Colloidal Crystallite Suspensions Studied by High Pressure Small Angle X-ray Scattering. J. Chem. Phys. 144, 084903 (2016)
M.A. Schroer, F. Westermeier, F. Lehmkühler, H. Conrad, A. Schavkan, A.V. Zozulya, B. Fischer, W. Roseker, M. Sprung, C. Gutt, and G. Gübel
Efficient continuous wave laser operation of Tb3+ -doped fluoride crystals in the green and yellow spectral regions, Laser Photonics Rev. (2016)
Philip Werner Metz, Daniel-Timo Marzahl, Ahmad Majid, Christian Kränkel and Günter Huber
Intramolecular structure and energetics in supercooled water down to 255 K. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 6925 (2016)
F. Lehmkühler, Y. Forov, T. Büning, C.J. Sahle, I. Steinke, K. Julius, T. Buslaps, M. Tolan, M. Hakala, and C. Sternemann
Lasing of Nd3+ in Sapphire. Laser Photonics Rev.
Sven H. Waeselmann, Sebastian Heinrich, Christian Kränkel, and Günter Huber
Macromolecular diffractive imaging using imperfect crystals. Nature 530, 202-206 (2016)
K. Ayyer, O. Yefanov, D. Oberthür, S. Roy-Chowdhury, L. Galli, V. Mariani, S. Basu, J. Coe, C. E. Conrad, R. Fromme, A. Schaffer, K. Dörner, D. James, C. Kupitz, M. Metz, G. Nelson, P. L. Xavier, K. R. Beyerlein, M. Schmidt, I. Sarrou, J. C. H. Spence, U. Weierstall, T. A. White, J.-H. Yang, Y. Zhao, M. Liang, A. Aquila, M. S. Hunter, J. S. Robinson, J. E. Koglin, S. Boutet, P. Fromme, A. Barty, and H. N. Chapman
Out of the blue: Semiconductor laser pumped lasers in the visible. Laser Photonics Rev. (2016)
C. Kränkel, D. T. Marzahl, F. Moglia, G. Huber, and P. W. Metz
Probing superfluidity of Bose-Einstein condensates via laser stirring. Phys. Rev. A 93, 023634 (2016)
Vijay Pal Singh, Wolf Weimer, Kai Morgener, Jonas Siegl, Klaus Hueck, Niclas Luick, Henning Moritz, Ludwig Mathey
Structure and dynamics of highly charged colloidal suspensions. Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg (2016)
F. Westermeier
Temporal Control of Laser-Electron Interaction at High-Gain Free-Electron Lasers. DESY thesis / Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY-THESIS-2016-003 ISSN 1435-8085 (2016)
C. Lechner
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