Project Details
Single dental implant retained mandibular complete dentures - influence of the loading protocol
Professor Dr. Matthias Kern
Subject Area
Dentistry, Oral Surgery
from 2012 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 198806387
Final Report Abstract
No abstract available
Single dental implant retained mandibular complete dentures - influence of the loading protocol: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials 15, 186 (2014)
Passia, N., Brezav Ek, M., Fritzer, E., Kappel, S., Kern, T., Luthardt, R.G., Frfr von Maltzahn, N., Mundt, T., Radel, M., von Stein-Lausnitz, A., Kern, M.
Pain and discomfort following immediate and delayed loading by overdentures in the single mandibular implant study (SMIS). Clin Oral Investig 21, 635-642 (2017)
Mundt, T., Passia, N., Att, W., Heydecke, G., Freitag-Wolf, S., Luthardt, R.G., Kappel, S., Konstantinidis, I.K., Stiesch, M., Wolfart, S., Kern, M.
Single mandibular implant study (SMIS) - denture satisfaction in the elderly. J Oral Rehabil 44, 213-219 (2017)
Passia, N., Att, W., Freitag-Wolf, S., Heydecke, G., V, V.K., Frfr, V.M.N., Mundt, T., Rädel, M., Schwindling, F.S., Wolfart, S., Kern, M.
Single mandibular implant study (SMIS) - masticatory performance - results from a randomized clinical trial using two different loading protocols. J Dent 65, 64-69 (2017)
Passia, N., Abou-Ayash, S., Reismann, D.R., Fritzer, E., Kappel, S., Konstantinidis, I., v. Koenigsmarck, V., Mundt, T., Stiesch, M., Wolfart, S., Ali, S., Kern, M.
Single mandibular implant study: Recruitment considerations. Int J Prosthodont 30, 43-46 (2017)
Passia, N., Abou-Ayash, S., Bender, D., Fritzer, E., Graf, M., Kappel, S., Konstantinidis, I., Mundt, T., Frfr. v. Maltzahn N, Wolfart, S., Kern, M.
Survival and complications of single dental implants in the edentulous mandible following immediate or delayed loading: A randomized controlled, clinical trial. J Dent Res 97, 163-170 (2018)
Kern, M., Att, W., Fritzer, E., Kappel, S., Luthardt, R., Mundt, T., Reissmann, D., Raedel, M., Stiesch, M., Wolfart, S., Passia, N.
The single mandibular implant study – short-term effects of the loading protocol on oral health-related quality of life. J Prosthodont Res 62, 313-316 (2018)
Schwindling, F.S., Raedel, M., Passia, N., Freitag-Wolf, S., Wolfart, S., Att, W., Mundt, T., Reissmann, D., Ismail, F., von Königsmark, V., Kern, M.
Stabilizing mandibular complete dentures by a single midline implant – influence on quality of life: 2-year results from a randomized clinical trial comparing different loading protocols. Clin Oral Investig 24, 927-35 (2020)
Abou-Ayash S., von Maltzahn N., Passia N., Freitag-Wolf S., Reissmann D.R., Luthardt R.G., Mundt T., Raedel M., Rammelsberg P., Wolfart S., Kern M.
5-year randomized multicenter clinical trial on single dental implants placed in the midline of the edentulous mandible. Clin Oral Implants Res 32, 212-21 (2021)
Kern, M., Behrendt, C., Fritzer, E., Kohal, R.J., Luthardt, R.G., Maltzahn, N. Frf. v., Rädel, M., Reissmann, D.R., Schwindling, F.S., Wolfart, S., Passia, N.
Single mandibular implant study - chewing efficiency - 5-year results from a randomized clinical trial using two different implant loading protocols J Prosthodont Res (2022)
Passia, N., Ali, S., Behrendt, C., Fritzer, E., Kohal, RJ., Luthardt, RG., Maltzahn, NFV., Rädel, M., Reissmann, DR., Schwindling, FS., Wolfart, S., Kern, M.