Project Details
Science of polar homo- and heterointerfaces
Dr. Martin Albrecht; Professor Dr. Axel Hoffmann
Subject Area
Electronic Semiconductors, Components and Circuits, Integrated Systems, Sensor Technology, Theoretical Electrical Engineering
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
from 2012 to 2016
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 198775133
Final Report Year
No abstract available
Temperature dependent photoluminescence of lateral polarity junctions of metal organic chemical vapor deposition grown GaN, J. Appl. Phys. 110, (2011) 093503
R. Kirste, R. Collazo, G. Callsen, M.R. Wagner, T. Kure, J. S. Reparez, S. Mita, J. Xie, A. Rice, J. Tweedie, Z. Sitar, A. Hoffmann
The optical signature of Mg doped GaN: Transfer processes, Phys. Rev. B 86 (2012), 075207
C. Callsen, M.R. Wagner, T. Kure, J.S. Reparaz, M. Bügler, J. Brunnenmeier, C. Nenstiel, A. Hoffmann, M. Hoffmann, J. Tweedie, Z. Bryan, S. Aygun, R. Kirste, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
Compensation effects in GaN: Mg probed by Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence measurements, J. Appl. Phys. 113 (2013), 203504
R. Kirste, M.P. Hoffmann, J. Tweedie, Z. Bryan, G. Callsen, T. Kure, Ch. Nenstiel, M. R. Wagner, R. Collazo, A. Hoffmann, Z. Sitar
Ge doped GaN with controllable high carrier concentration for plasmonic applications, Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (2013), 242107
R. Kirste, M.P. Hoffmann, E. Sachet, M. Bobea, Z. Bryan, I. Bryan, C. Nenstiel, A. Hoffmann, J.P. Maria, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
Phonon pressure coefficients and deformation potentials of wurtzite AlN determined by uniaxial pressuredependent Raman measurements, Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014), 205206
G. Callsen, M. R. Wagner, J. S. Reparaz, F. Nippert, T. Kure, S. Kalinowski, and A. Hoffmann, M. J. Ford and M. R. Phillips, R. F. Dalmau and R. Schlesser, R. Collazo and Z. Sitar
Properties of AlN based lateral polarity structures, phys. stat. sol. (c) 11 (2014), 261
R. Kirste, S. Mita, M.P. Hoffmann, L. Hussey, W. Guo, I. Bryan, Z. Bryan, J. Tweedie, M. Gerhold, A. Hoffmann, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
A conduction model for contacts to Si-doped AlGaN grown on sapphire and single-crystalline AlN, J. Appl. Phys. 117 (2015), 245702
B.B. Haidet, I. Bryan, P. Reddy, Z. Bryan, R. Collazo, Z Sitar
Charge neutrality levels, barrier heights, and band offsets at polar AlGaN. Appl. Phys. Lett. 107 (2015), 091603
P. Reddy, I. Isaac, Z. Bryan, J.Tweedie, S. Washiyama, R. Kirste, S. Mita, R. Collazo, Ramon Z. Sitar
Fabrication of vertical Schottky barrier diodes on n-type freestanding AlN substrates grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy, Applied Physics Express. 8 (2015), 061003
T. Kinoshita, T. Nagashima, T. Obata, S. Takashima, R. Yamamoto, R. Togashi, Y. Kumagai, R. Schlesser, R. Collazo, A. Koukitu, Z. Sitar
Correlation between mobility collapse and carbon impurities in Si-doped GaN grown by low pressure metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, J. Appl. Phys. 120 (2016), 105701
F. Kaess, S. Mita, J. Xie, P. Reddy, A. Klump, L. H. Hernandez-Balderrama, S. Washiyama, A. Franke, R. Kirste, A. Hoffmann, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
Fabrication and structural properties of AlN submicron periodic lateral polar structures and waveguides for UV-C applications, Appl. Phys. Lett. 108 (2016), 261106
D. Alden, W. Guo, R. Kirste, F. Kaess, I. Bryan, T. Troha, A. Bagal, P. Reddy, L. H. Hernandez-Balderrama, A. Franke, S. Mita, C.-H. Chang, A. Hoffmann, M. Zgonik, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
High temperature and low pressure chemical vapor deposition of silicom nitride on AlGaN : Band offsets and passivation studies, J. Appl. Phys. 119 (2016), 145702
P. Reddy, S. Washiyama, F. Kaess, B. M. Hayden L. H. Hernandez- Balderrama, B.B.Haidet, D. Alden, A. Franke B. Sarkar, E. Kohn, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
On the origin of the 4.7 eV absorption and 2.8 eV emission bands in bulk AlN substrates, CS Trans. 72 (2016 ), 31
D. Alden, Z. Bryan, B. Gaddy, I. Bryan, G. Callsen, A. Koukitu, Y. Kumagai, A. Hoffmann, D. Irving, Z. Sitar, R. Collazo
Polarity control in group-III nitrides beyond pragmatism, Phys. Rev. Appl. 5 (2016), 054004
S. Mohn, N. Stolyarchuk, T. Markurt, R. Kirste, M. P. Hoffmann, R. Collazo, A. Courville, R. Di Felice, Z. Sitar, P. Vennéguès, M. Albrecht
Surface kinetics in AlN growth: A universal model for the control of surface morphology in III- nitrides, Journal of Crystal Growth 438 (2016), 81
I. Brian, Z. Bryan, S. Mita, A. Rice, J. Tweedie, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
UV second harmonic generation in AlN waveguides with modal phase matching, Opt. Mater. Express. 6 (2016), 2014
T. Troha, M. Rigler, D. Alden, I. Bryan, W. Guo and R. Kirste and S. Mita and M. D. Gerhold and R. Collazo, Z. Sitar, M. Zgonik
Impact of sapphire nitridation on formation of Al-polar inversion domains in N-polar AlN epitaxial layers, J. Appl. Phys. 122, 155303 (2017)
N. Stolyarchuk, T. Markurt, A. Courville, K. March, O. Tottereau, P. Vennéguès, and M. Albrecht
Intentional polarity conversion of AlN epitaxial layers by oxygen, Scientific Reports 8, 14111 (2018)
N. Stolyarchuk, T. Markurt, A. Courville, K. March, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Vennéguès and M. Albrecht
Point-defect nature of the ultraviolet absorption band in AlN, Phys. Rev. Appl. 9 (2018), 054036
D. Alden, J.S. Harris, Z. Bryan, J.N. Baker, P. Reddy, S. Mita, G. Callsen, A. Hoffmann, D.L. Irving, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar
Quasi-phase-matched second harmonic generation of UV light using AlN waveguides, Appl. Phys. Lett. 114 (2019), 103504
D. Alden, T. Troha, R. Kirste, S. Mita, Q. Guo, A. Hoffmann, M. ZgoniK, R. Collazo, Z. Sitar