SPP 1601:
New Frontiers in Sensitivity for EPR Spectroscopy: from Biological Cells to Nano Materials
Fachliche Zuordnung
Förderung von 2012 bis 2020
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 198612328
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
The priority program SPP 1601 brought together about 40 German principal investigators (PIs) working on very different areas of natural sciences, developing electron spin resonance (ESR/EPR) as a common spectroscopic tool. The technique allows for the detection of paramagnetic centers and their coupled magnetic nuclei on a time scale as short as nanoseconds and with a spatial resolution from the atomic up to the nanometer scale. Our strategy was to cross-fertilize several advances in specific areas of biological and material sciences taking advantage of recent progress in hardware, microwaves and digital technologies as well as leveraging synergy with the field of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The priority program bundled all these research areas in a coordinated effort, with the shared goal to increase sensitivity of EPR in biology, chemistry, materials science, and physics and opening new application fields such as in-cell EPR or studies of molecular machines, thin-film solar cells and nano materials. In a synergistic fashion between chemistry, physics and theory, groups explored the capability of pulsed experiments based on arbitrary microwave pulses using recently available fast electronics. Other groups developed new approaches for spectroscopy in the THz range or micro resonators to access nanostructures. In a parallel track, groups working on single molecule detection took inspiration from recent developments in spectroscopy of biomolecules and labelling procedures to establish new atomic scale sensors. Also, on the biological and biophysical side tremendous progress was achieved in the field of spin labelling for biomolecules, which led to new studies on molecular machines and of biomolecules in cell. Major scientific results were presented to the reviewer’s panel in a final colloquium in Leipzig, September 2018.
The priority program has substantially contributed in reshaping the research landscape in EPR spectroscopy in Germany and world-wide, but has also repositioned the importance of EPR with respect to other significant areas of spectroscopy, for instance NMR, or biophysics and physics. The concept of the SPP was so attractive, that the National Science Foundation (NSF) was immediately inspired (in 2012) to create a parallel network (called SharedEPR), which merged in a mutually sponsored German/US collaborative program. This unprecedented initiative led DFG to fund a large amount of international research exchanges as well as the attendance of international conferences and schools worldwide. In addition to the collaboration with the US, exchange with Israel was particularly in forefront. Several initiatives were adopted to support young investigators, for instance though research exchanges, schools and the organization of their own yearly young investigator’s workshops. Particular attention was dedicated to promote the career of young female students and researchers. All these measures fostered a new generation of successful scientists, with 38 PhD graduations, 4 habilitations and 11 professorships in Germany. New international activities were started, for instance the draft of the first Whitepaper on EPR contributed by 28 international experts including several SPP PIs.
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
A cryogenic receiver for EPR. J. Mag. Res. 2013, 237, 79-84
Narkowicz, R.; Ogata, H.; Reijerse, E.; Suter, D.
A cryogenic receiver for EPR. J. Mag. Res. 2013, 237, 79-84
Narkowicz, R.; Ogata, H.; Reijerse, E.; Suter, D., A cryogenic receiver for EPR
Detecting and polarizing nuclear spins with double resonance on a single electron spin. Phys Rev. Lett. 2013, 111 (6), 067601
London, P.; Scheuer, J.; Cai, J. M.; Schwarz, I.; Retzker, A.; Plenio, M. B.; Katagiri, M.; Teraji, T.; Koizumi, S.; Isoya, J.; Fischer, R.; McGuinness, L. P.; Naydenov, B.; Jelezko, F.
Detection of a Few Metallo-Protein Molecules Using Color Centers in Nanodiamonds. Nano Lett. 2013, 13 (7), 3305-3309
Ermakova, A.; Pramanik, G.; Cai, J. M.; Algara-Siller, G.; Kaiser, U.; Weil, T.; Tzeng, Y. K.; Chang, H. C.; McGuinness, L. P.; Plenio, M. B.; Naydenov, B.; Jelezko, F.
A Genetically Encoded Spin Label for Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Distance Measurements. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136 (17), 6510-6510
Schmidt, M. J.; Borbas, J.; Drescher, M.; Summerer, D.
Genetically Encoded Spin Label. WO2015107071A1 (2014)
D. Summerer, M. J. Schmidt, M. Drescher
Broadband electrically detected magnetic resonance using adiabatic pulses. J. Mag. Res. 2015, 254, 62-9
Hrubesch, F. M.; Braunbeck, G.; Voss, A.; Stutzmann, M.; Brandt, M. S.
Broadband spin echoes and broadband SIFTER in EPR. J. Mag. Res. 2015, 250, 55-62
Schöps, P.; Spindler, P. E.; Marko, A.; Prisner, T. F.
Carr–Purcell Pulsed Electron Double Resonance with Shaped Inversion Pulses. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2015, 6, 4331-4335
Spindler, P.E.; Waclawska, I.; Endeward, B.; Plackmeyer, J.; Ziegler, C.; Prisner, T.F.
Compact electrically detected magnetic resonance setup. AIP Adv. 2015, 5 (4), 047139
Eckardt, M.; Behrends, J.; Münter, D.; Harneit, W.
CW and pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 263GHz/12T on operating amorphous silicon solar cells. J. Mag. Res. 2015, 257, 94-101
Akhtar, W.; Schnegg, A.; Veber, S.; Meier, C.; Fehr, M.; Lips, K.
High cooperativity coupling between a phosphorus donor spin ensemble and a superconducting microwave resonator. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 107 (14), 142105
Zollitsch, C. W.; Mueller, K.; Franke, D. P.; Goennenwein, S. T. B.; Brandt, M. S.; Gross, R.; Huebl, H.
Hydrogen bond network between amino acid radical intermediates on the proton-coupled electron transfer pathway of E. coli α2 ribonucleotide reductase. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137 (1), 289-98
Nick, T. U.; Lee, W.; Kossmann, S.; Neese, F.; Stubbe, J.; Bennati, M.
In vivo EPR on spin labeled colicin A reveals an oligomeric assembly of the pore-forming domain in E. coli membranes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17 (7), 4875-4878
Dunkel, S.; Pulagam, L. P.; Steinhoff, H. J.; Klare, J. P.
Mechanism for nuclear and electron spin excitation by radio frequency current. Phys. Rev. B 2015, 92 (22), 220418
Müllegger, S.; Rauls, E.; Gerstmann, U.; Tebi, S.; Serrano, G.; Wiespointner-Baumgarthuber, S.; Schmidt, W. G.; Koch, R.
Sensor comprising a piezomagnetic or piezoelectric element on a diamond substrate with a colour center. EP3132278B1 (2017)
J. Cai, F. Jelezko, M.B. Plenio
Single Crystal Electron Paramagnetic Resonance with Dielectric Resonators of Mononuclear Cu2+ Ions in a Metal–Organic Framework Containing Cu2 Paddle Wheel Units. J. Org. Chem. C 2015, 119 (33), 19171-19179
Friedländer, S.; Šimėnas, M.; Kobalz, M.; Eckold, P.; Ovchar, O.; Belous, A. G.; Banys, J. r.; Krautscheid, H.; Pöppl, A.
Transient electrically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy applied to organic solar cells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2015, 107 (4), 043302
Kraffert, F.; Steyrleuthner, R.; Meier, C.; Bittl, R.; Behrends, J.
Tuner and radiation shield for planar electron paramagnetic resonance microresonators. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 2015, 86 (2), 024701
Narkowicz, R.; Suter, D.
28.2 A 14GHz battery-operated point-of-care ESR spectrometer based on a 0.13µm CMOS ASIC, 2016 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2016, 476-477
Handwerker, J.; Schlecker, B.; Wachter, U.; Radermacher, P.; Ortmanns, M.; Anders, J.
Continuous-Wave Single-Crystal Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Adsorption of Gases to Cupric Ions in the Zn(II)-Doped Porous Coordination Polymer Cu2.965Zn0.035(btc)2. J. Org. Chem. C 2016, 120 (48), 27399-27411
Friedländer, S.; Petkov, P. S.; Bolling, F.; Kultaeva, A.; Böhlmann, W.; Ovchar, O.; Belous, A. G.; Heine, T.; Pöppl, A.
Multitechnique investigation of Dy3 – implications for coupled lanthanide clusters. Chem. Sci. 2016, 7 (7), 4347-4354
Gysler, M.; El Hallak, F.; Ungur, L.; Marx, R.; Hakl, M.; Neugebauer, P.; Rechkemmer, Y.; Lan, Y.; Sheikin, I.; Orlita, M.; Anson, C. E.; Powell, A. K.; Sessoli, R.; Chibotaru, L. F.; van Slageren, J.
Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. J. Org, Chem. 2016, 81 (6), 2549-2571
Qi, M.; Hülsmann, M.; Godt, A.
Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. J. Org, Chem. 2016, 81 (6), 2549-2571
Qi, M.; Hülsmann, M.; Godt, A.
SPIDYAN, a MATLAB library for simulating pulse EPR experiments with arbitrary waveform excitation. J. Mag. Res. 2016, 263, 45-54
Pribitzer, S.; Doll, A.; Jeschke, G.
A modified RF-transmission line concept for probe excitation in light-induced magnetic resonance force microscopy, 2017 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), 13-16 Nov. 2017; 2017, 536-539
Baer, C.; Orend, K.; Musch, T.; Deichmöller, J.; Havenith, M.
A molecular quantum spin network controlled by a single qubit. Sci. Adv. 2017, 3 (8), e1701116
Schlipf, L.; Oeckinghaus, T.; Xu, K.; Dasari, D. B. R.; Zappe, A.; de Oliveira, F. F.; Kern, B.; Azarkh, M.; Drescher, M.; Ternes, M.; Kern, K.; Wrachtrup, J.; Finkler, A.
A new near-linear scaling, efficient and accurate, open-shell domain-based local pair natural orbital coupled cluster singles and doubles theory. J. Chem. Phys. 2017, 146 (16), 164105
Saitow, M.; Becker, U.; Riplinger, C.; Valeev, E. F.; Neese, F.
Efficient Electrical Spin Readout of NV− Centers in Diamond. Phys Rev. Lett. 2017, 118 (3), 037601
Hrubesch, F. M.; Braunbeck, G.; Stutzmann, M.; Reinhard, F.; Brandt, M. S.
Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with chemical resolution. Science 2017, 357 (6346), 67-71
Aslam, N.; Pfender, M.; Neumann, P.; Reuter, R.; Zappe, A.; Fávaro de Oliveira, F.; Denisenko, A.; Sumiya, H.; Onoda, S.; Isoya, J.; Wrachtrup, J.
Nanoscale x-ray investigation of magnetic metallofullerene peapods. Nanotechnology 2017, 28 (43), 435703
Fritz, F.; Westerström, R.; Kostanyan, A.; Schlesier, C.; Dreiser, J.; Watts, B.; Houben, L.; Luysberg, M.; Avdoshenko, S. M.; Popov, A. A.; Schneider, C. M.; Meyer, C.
Orthogonal spin labeling using click chemistry for in vitro and in vivo applications. J. Mag. Res. 2017, 275, 38-45
Kucher, S.; Korneev, S.; Tyagi, S.; Apfelbaum, R.; Grohmann, D.; Lemke, E. A.; Klare, J. P.; Steinhoff, H. J.; Klose, D.
Pulsed triple electron resonance (TRIER) for dipolar correlation spectroscopy. J. Mag. Res. 2017, 282, 119-128
Pribitzer, S.; Sajid, M.; Hülsmann, M.; Godt, A.; Jeschke, G.
Recent progress in synchrotron-based frequencydomain Fourier-transform THz-EPR. J. Mag. Res. 2017, 280, 10-19
Nehrkorn, J.; Holldack, K.; Bittl, R.; Schnegg, A.
Transport-related triplet states and hyperfine couplings in organic tandem solar cells probed by pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy. J. Mag. Res. 2017, 282, 10-17
Kraffert, F.; Bahro, D.; Meier, C.; Denne, M.; Colsmann, A.; Behrends, J.
Triplet Excitons in Highly Efficient Solar Cells Based on the Soluble Small Molecule p- DTS(FBTTh2)2. Adv. Energ. Mater. 2017, 7 (7), 1602016
Väth, S.; Tvingstedt, K.; Baumann, A.; Heiber, M. C.; Sperlich, A.; Love, J. A.; Nguyen, T.-Q.; Dyakonov, V.
Versatile Trityl Spin Labels for Nanometer Distance Measurements on Biomolecules In Vitro and within Cells. Angew. Chem. Int. Edit. 2017, 56 (1), 177-181
Jassoy, J. J.; Berndhäuser, A.; Duthie, F.; Kühn, S. P.; Hagelueken, G.; Schiemann, O.
(2018) Topology of active, membrane-embedded Bax in the context of a toroidal pore. Cell Death Diff. 2018, 25, 1717–1731
S. Bleicken, T. E. Assafa, C. Stegmueller, A. Wittig, A. J. Garcia-Saez, E. Bordignon
Accurate spin-densities based on the domain-based local pair-natural orbital coupled-cluster theory. J. Chem. Phys. 2018, 149 (3), 034104
Saitow, M.; Neese, F.
Calculation of spin-spin zero-field splitting within periodic boundary conditions: Towards all-electron accuracy. Phys. Rev. B 2018, 97 (11), 115135
Biktagirov, T.; Schmidt, W. G.; Gerstmann, U.
Cooperative broadband spin echoes through optimal control. J. Mag. Res. 2018, 286, 115-137
Kallies, W.; Glaser, S. J.
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at Surfaces. In Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry, Wandelt, K., Ed. Elsevier: Oxford, 2018; pp 129-142
Clawin, P. M.; Richter, N. F.; Riedel, W.; Ronneburg, H.; Risse, T.
Quantitative analysis of zero-field splitting parameter distributions in Gd(iii) complexes. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20 (15), 10470-10492
Clayton, J. A.; Keller, K.; Qi, M.; Wegner, J.; Koch, V.; Hintz, H.; Godt, A.; Han, S.; Jeschke, G.; Sherwin, M. S.; Yulikov, M.
Ultra-broadband EPR spectroscopy in field and frequency domains. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2018, 20 (22), 15528-15534
Neugebauer, P.; Bloos, D.; Marx, R.; Lutz, P.; Kern, M.; Aguilà, D.; Vaverka, J.; Laguta, O.; Dietrich, C.; Clérac, R.; van Slageren, J.
A new perspective on membrane-embedded Bax oligomers using DEER and bioresistant orthogonal spin labels. Sci. Rep. 2019, 9 (1), 13013
Teucher, M.; Zhang, H.; Bader, V.; Winklhofer, K. F.; García-Sáez, A. J.; Rajca, A.; Bleicken, S.; Bordignon, E.
Application of commercially available fluorophores as triplet spin probes in EPR spectroscopy. Mol. Phys. 2019, 117 (19), 2688-2699
Serrer, K.; Matt, C.; Sokolov, M.; Kacprzak, S.; Schleicher, E.; Weber, S.
Device and method for generating and detecting a transient magnetization of a sample. US Patent App. 15/779,104 (2019), Deutsches Patent Nr. DE102015120644B3 (03.09.2017)
J. Anders, K. Lips
Examination of the Magneto-Structural Effects of Hangman Groups on Ferric Porphyrins by EPR. Inorg. Chem. 2019, 58 (20), 14228-14237
Nehrkorn, J.; Bonke, S. A.; Aliabadi, A.; Schwalbe, M.; Schnegg, A.
Extending electron paramagnetic resonance to nanoliter volume protein single crystals using a self-resonant microhelix. Sci. Adv. 2019, 5 (10), eaay1394
Sidabras, J. W.; Duan, J.; Winkler, M.; Happe, T.; Hussein, R.; Zouni, A.; Suter, D.; Schnegg, A.; Lubitz, W.; Reijerse, E. J.
Quantitative Modeling of Superconducting Planar Resonators for Electron Spin Resonance. Phys. Rev. Appl. 2019, 12 (2), 024021
Weichselbaumer, S.; Natzkin, P.; Zollitsch, C. W.; Weiler, M.; Gross, R.; Huebl, H.
Studying Conformational Changes of the Yersinia Type-III-Secretion Effector YopO in Solution by Integrative Structural Biology. Structure 2019, 27 (9), 1416-1426.e3
Peter, M. F.; Tuukkanen, A. T.; Heubach, C. A.; Selsam, A.; Duthie, F. G.; Svergun, D. I.; Schiemann, O.; Hagelueken, G.
Towards Low-Cost, High-Sensitivity Point-of-Care Diagnostics Using VCO-Based ESR-on-a-Chip Detectors. IEEE Sens. J. 2019, 19 (20), 8995-9003
Schlecker, B.; Hoffmann, A.; Chu, A.; Ortmanns, M.; Lips, K.; Anders, J.
Towards Low-Cost, High-Sensitivity Point-of-Care Diagnostics Using VCO-Based ESR-on-a-Chip Detectors. IEEE Sens. J. 2019, 19 (20), 8995-9003
Schlecker, B.; Hoffmann, A.; Chu, A.; Ortmanns, M.; Lips, K.; Anders, J.
Cross-polarisation ENDOR for spin-1 deuterium nuclei. Mol. Phys. 2020, 118 (18), e1763490
Bejenke, I.; Zeier, R.; Rizzato, R.; Glaser, S. J.; Bennati, M.
Cross-polarisation ENDOR for spin-1 deuterium nuclei. Mol. Phys. 2020, 118 (18), e1763490
Bejenke, I.; Zeier, R.; Rizzato, R.; Glaser, S. J.; Bennati, M.
Optically and electrically excited intermediate electronic states in donor:acceptor based OLEDs. Mater. Horiz. 2020, 7 (4), 1126-1137
Bunzmann, N.; Weissenseel, S.; Kudriashova, L.; Gruene, J.; Krugmann, B.; Grazulevicius, J. V.; Sperlich, A.; Dyakonov, V.
Internationaler Bezug
Schweiz, USA
3D Abbildungen individueller Spinmarker auf der Nanometerskala
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Neumann, Philipp
Wrachtrup, Jörg
Zappe, Andrea
Ab inito Berechnung von EPR Parametern von ausgedehnten periodischen Systemen: Funktionalisierung von Oberflächen und Grenzschichten
Gerstmann, Uwe
Abstandsmessungen im Nanometerbereich mittels intrazellulärer Elektronenspinresonanzspektroskopie
Drescher, Malte
Summerer, Daniel
Anwendung von Ampliuden/Phasenmodulierten Pulsen für dipolare EPR-Spektrokopie
Prisner, Thomas F.
Broadband EPR in Microresonators
Suter, Dieter
Detektion lichtinduzierter Magnetisierung durch Magnetresonanz-Kraftmikroskopie: Aufbau eines Kraftmikroskops und erste Anwendungen
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Havenith-Newen, Martina
Weber, Stefan
Die Entwicklung einer unkonventionellen Elektronenspinresonanz-Methode für die selektive Detektion von photogenerierten und extrahierten Ladungsträgern in optoelektronischen und photovoltaischen Bauelementen durch gepulste Feldgetriebene Extraktion
Dyakonov, Vladimir
Einzelspin EPR und NMR mit atomaren Spinsensoren in Diamant
Jelezko, Fedor
Plenio, Martin Bodo
Wrachtrup, Jörg
Elektrisch detektierte Elektronenspinresonanz mittels gepulster Feld-getriebener Ladungsträgerextraktion für die Anwendung in Dünnschichtsolarzellen
Dyakonov, Vladimir
Sperlich, Andreas
Elektrisch detektierte magnetische Resonanz an nanoskopischen Bauelementen
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Harneit, Wolfgang
Meyer, Carola
Elektrisch detektierte magnetische Resonanz zur Erhöhung der Sensitivität von ESR Spektroskopie an einkristallinen Oberflächen unter Ultrahochvakuumbedingungen
Risse, Thomas
Elektronenspinresonanz detektiert mittels Drehmoment-Magnetometrie
Dressel, Martin
Empfindlichkeitssteigerung in EPR und Elektron-Kerndoppelresonanz mittels gepulster Polarisationstransfer-Experimente
Bennati, Marina
Empfindlichkeitssteigerung variabler Höchstfrequenz-EPR für Anwendungen in der Photokatalyse und Proteinforschung
Schnegg, Alexander
Entwicklung effizienter ab initio Verfahren zur genauen Vorhersage der EPR-Parameter in großen Molekülen
Neese, Frank
EPR Microresonators
Suter, Dieter
EPR probeheads for very small samples
Reijerse, Edward
Savitsky, Anton
EPR Spektroskopie von paramagnetischen Zentren und Adsorptionskomplexen in porösen metalorganische Gerüstverbindungen: Entwicklung und Anwendung von dielektrischen Resonatoren und Mikroresonatoren für Experimente an kleinen Einkristallen
Pöppl, Andreas
Hochempfindliche Magnetresonanzspektroskopie auf der Nanoskala durch projektionsbeschränktes Auslesen von NV-Zentren
Reinhard, Friedemann
IC-basierte Elektronspindetektion für biomedizinische und materialwissenschaftliche Anwendungen
Anders, Jens
In-Organell und in-Zell ESR an ortogonal-spin-markierten Proteinen
Bordignon, Enrica
In-Zell-ESR nativer paramagnetischer Proteinkofaktoren
Bittl, Robert
Bennati, Marina
Light-induced magnetization detected by force microscopy: from basic concept to first applications
(Antragstellerinnen / Antragsteller
Havenith-Newen, Martina
Weber, Stefan
Metall/Metall und Metall/Nitroxyl-markierte Verbindungen für die Entwicklung von EPR-basierten Abstandsmessmethoden
Godt, Adelheid
Millikelvin Elektronenspinresonanz - ultrasensitive Detektionsverfahren und Niedrigstleistungs-Spinkontrolle
Hübl, Hans
Neue Konzepte für gepulste elektrisch detektierte magnetische Resonanz mit hoher Nachweisempfindlichkeit
Brandt, Martin S.
Optimale Steuerungs-Pulse für die Elektronenparamagnetische Resonanz
Glaser, Steffen
Ortsspezifische Spinmarkierung EPR Spektroskopie in vivo
Steinhoff, Heinz-Jürgen
Spinabhängiger Transport in realen Solarzellen untersucht mit gepulster Multifrequenz EDMR unterhalb von 600 MHz/20 mT und bei 263 GHz/9.4 T
Lips, Klaus
Transient EDMR: A novel tool to study charge transport in organic solar cells
Behrends, Jan
Trityl-Radikale: Neue Spinlabel für Nanometerabstandsmessungen mit höherer Sensitivität, bei Raumtemperatur und in Zellen
Hagelueken, Gregor
Schiemann, Olav
Ultra-Breitband DEER und ESEEM an Metallzentren
Jeschke, Gunnar
Verbesserung der Empfindlichkeit von THz-Elektronenspinresonanz im Frequenzbereich
van Slageren, Joris