SPP 1593:
Design for Future - Managed Software Evolution
Subject Area
Computer Science, Systems and Electrical Engineering
from 2012 to 2022
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 198572722
This Priority Programme has been established to develop fundamentally new approaches in software engineering with a determined focus on long-living software systems. Existing research in software engineering does not solve the severe current problems with legacy software, the adaption of software to new platforms and the continuous evolution of software systems with respect to continuously changing requirements, new emerging technologies, and integration of new software, hardware and system components. Hence, new foundations, methods and tools are needed to be able to develop "forever young software", which maintains its initial functionality and quality and is even continuously improved during the whole lifetime. We intend to develop a methodology for the continuous evolution of software and software/hardware systems, thus making systems adaptable to changing requirements and environments. In the discipline of software engineering, several fields are especially suited to contribute to this goal. Without claiming completeness, existing approaches for requirements engineering, architecture design and management, model-based and model-driven software engineering, quality management, artefact management and evolution, and reengineering already have a strong impact on managing software evolution. However, these approaches need to be further developed and integrated with a special focus on long-living software systems. A new paradigm will be established where development, adaptation and evolution of software and their platforms, on the one hand, as well as operation, monitoring and maintenance, on the other hand, are no longer separated but integrated. One aim is to define meta-models for preserving and accessing the knowledge provided and gained during the system development process. Furthermore, methods and process models, as well as suitable infrastructures, have to be provided to comprehensively support the integration of software development and evolution. In this Priority Programme we do not intend to explore approaches isolated from application. We focus here on two application domains: information systems and production systems in automation engineering.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
Beyond One-Shot Security: Requirements-driven Run-time Security Adaptation to Reduce Code Patching (SecVolution@Run-time)
Jürjens, Jan
Schneider, Kurt
Concepts, methods and tools for architecture - and quality-centric evolution of long-living software systems
Goedicke, Michael
Reussner, Ralf Heinrich
Continuous Usage- and Rationale-based Evolution Decision Support (CURES)
Brügge, Bernd
Paech, Barbara
DECLARE - Declarative Performance Engineering
van Hoorn, André
Kounev, Samuel
Domain-spanning Maintainability Estimation of Information and Manufacturing Automation Systems
Reussner, Ralf Heinrich
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit
ENSURE II - ENsurance of Software evolUtion by Run-time cErtification
Grunske, Lars
Tichy, Matthias
Integrated Model-based Testing of Continously Evolving Software Product Lines (IMoTEP)
Goltz, Ursula
Schürr, Andreas
Integrated Model-based Testing of Continuously Evolving Software Product Lines (IMoTEP 2)
Lochau, Malte
Schaefer, Ina
Integrated Observation and Modeling Techniques to Support Adaptation and Evolution of Software Systems
Hasselbring, Wilhelm
Pohl, Klaus
Reussner, Ralf Heinrich
Linked Forever Young Production Automation with Active Components (LinkedFYPA²C)
Fay, Alexander
Lamersdorf, Winfried
Model-Driven Evolution Management for Microscopic Changes in Automation Systems (MoDEMMiCAS)
Broy, Manfred
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit
Regression Verification in a User-Centered Software Development Process for Evolving Automated Production Systems
Beckert, Bernhard
Ulbrich, Mattias
Vogel-Heuser, Birgit
Scalable design and performance analysis for long-living software families (DAPS2)
Schaefer, Ina
Scientific Coordination of SPP 1593
Goltz, Ursula
Reussner, Ralf Heinrich
Scientific Coordination of SPP 1593
Reussner, Ralf Heinrich
Reussner, Ralf Heinrich
Specifying and Recognizing Model Changes in Networks of Models
Kelter, Udo
Taentzer, Gabriele
Support for correct evolution of software product lines
Koschke, Rainer
Schmid, Klaus
Techniques and Prediction Models for Sustainable Product-Line Engineering
Apel, Sven
Usage- and Rationale-based Evolution Desicison Support
Brügge, Bernd
Paech, Barbara