Spin transport phenomena induced by thermal gradients in a ferromagnet have generated a large interest in magnetism research. Here, the fundamental understanding of the recently discovered spin Seebeck effect presents a great challenge. We propose to investigate heat-induced spin transport phenomena in ferromagnetic devices which are suspended, i.e., decoupled from the substrate. This will allow us to create large thermal gradients and come close to theoretical models considering a onedimensional approach for heat and spin-current flow. We will modify the transport properties in that we nanopattern the ferromagnet by, e.g., narrow constrictions or periodic arrays of holes. We will further consider inhomogeneous magnetization patterns and domain walls. By these means we will address the open question to which degree phonons (lattice vibrations), magnons (collective spin excitations), electron and spin currents are relevant and contribute to the heat-induced electrical signals.
DFG Programme
Priority Programmes
International Connection