GRK 1344:
Unsteady System Modelling of Aircraft Engines
Subject Area
Fluid Mechanics, Technical Thermodynamics and Thermal Energy Engineering
from 2006 to 2015
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 19779920
Final Report Year
Final Report Abstract
Innerhalb der nächsten 15 Jahre ist eine Verdopplung des Luftverkehrsaufkommens zu erwarten. Vor dem Hintergrund wachsender Sorge um eine Klimaveränderung unserer Welt, abnehmender Ressourcen und zunehmenden Umweltbewusstseins werden sich die Umweltauflagen, die von der Triebwerksindustrie zu erfüllen sind, weiter verschärfen. Erforderlich - so der Konsens der internationalen Genehmigungsbehörden - ist eine Reduktion des Brennstoffverbrauchs und der CO2-Emissionen um 50 %, eine Verminderung des wahrnehmbaren Lärms um ebenfalls 50 % sowie die Reduktion der Stickoxid-Emissionen um 80 %.
Diese ambitionierten Ziele können nur durch eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung des Systems Flugtriebwerk im Modellierungs- und Auslegungsprozess erreicht werden. Daher wurde als projektübergreifendes wissenschaftliches Ziel des beantragten Kollegs die Entwicklung fortschrittlicher Methoden und Modelle sowie die Ableitung neuer technologischer Lösungen formuliert, um Flugtriebwerke als Gesamtsystem zeitaufgelöst zu beschreiben.
Im Förderungszeitraum des Kollegs sind von ca. 45 Doktoranden eine Vielzahl von wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen gewonnen und fortschrittliche Auslegungsmethoden erarbeitet worden. Beispielsweise, um nur einige zu nennen, werden von 2014 an alle neuen Triebwerke von Rolls-Royce-Deutschland mit einer Software ausgelegt, deren wissenschaftliche Modelle aus dem Kolleg stammen. Durch neue Konzepte zum detaillierten Design von Schaufeln und Gehäuse kann eine deutliche Verbrauchsreduktion erreicht werden. Weiterhin konnten Methoden, basierend auf modernen Hochleistungslasern, entwickelt werden, mit denen man Verbrennungsmechanismen präzise identifizieren kann, sodass ein schadstoffarmes Design möglich wird.
Die Leitidee des Qualifizierungsprogramms der Doktoranden war die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuer Konzepte zur Ausbildung technischer Führungskräfte in Kooperation mit einem global agierenden Hochtechnologiekonzern, der zu den weltweit führenden Flugtriebwerksherstellern gehört. Basierend auf einem detaillierten Ausbildungskonzept, das interdisziplinäre Strukturen der Kooperation und Zusammenarbeit sowie eine durchdachte Betreuungsstruktur etabliert hat, konnte die durchschnittliche Promotionszeit von mehr als 5 Jahren auf ca. 3,7 Jahre reduziert werden.
Coherent and turbulent process analysis in the flow past a circular cylinder at high Reynolds number. In: Journal of Fluids and Structures, 24(8):1313–1325, 2008
Perrin, R., Braza, M., Cid, E., Cazin, S., Chassaing, P., Mockett, C., Reimann, T., Thiele, F.
Hybrid RANS/LES Simulation of a Lean Premixed Swirl Burner Based on a Turbulent Flame Speed Closure. In: ASME Turbo Expo Conference Proceedings, 369-381, 2009
Kuenne, G., Klewer, C., Janicka, J.
Analysis of Detached-Eddy Simulation for the Flow Around a Circular Cylinder with Reference to PIV Data. In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 85(2), 167-180, 2010
Mockett, C., Perrin, R., Reimann, T., Braza, M., Thiele, F.
Unsteady CFD Methods in a Commercial Solver for Turbomachinery Applications. In: ASME Turbo Expo, Proc. GT2010-22762, 2010
Biesinger, T., Cornelius, C., Rube, C., Braune, A., Campregher, R., Godin, P.G., Schmid, G., Zori, L.
Aktive Schwingungsminderung im Grenzbereich. In: VDI-Tagung Mechatronik 2011, Dresden 253-259, 2011
Rinderknecht, S., Kaletsch, C., Lebo, F., Köhler, R., Marszolek, M., Wang, Z.
Analytical approach for quantifying the working potential of blading with and without casing treatments. In: Proceedings of 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit 2011, USA, AIAA-2011- 5879, 2011
Pixberg, C., Schiffer, H. -P.
Assessment of Isothermal and Reacting LES when Applied to a New Premixed Stratified Burner. In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, 2011
Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Janicka, J.
Compressor Rig Test with Distorted Inflow Using Distortion Generators. 60. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress, Bremen, 2011
Lieser, J. A., Biela, C., Pixberg C. T., Schiffer, H. –P., Schulze, S., Lesser, A., Kähler, C. J., Niehuis, R.
Large Eddy Simulations of Swirling Flow with Commercial and Academic CFD Software. In: 13th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Corfu, Greece, 2011
Aschmoneit, K., Kuenne, G., Baumann, M., Janicka, J.
LES modeling of premixed combustion using a thickened flame approach coupled with FGM tabulated chemistry. In: Combustion and Flame, 158(9), 1750-1767, 2011
Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Janicka, J.
Numerical Investigation of Dense Turbulent Sprays with an Eulerian Approach and DQMOM. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, PAMM, 11(1), 599-600, 2011
Gumprich, W., Sadiki, A., Sommerfeld, M.
Numerical Investigation of Vortex Generators to Reduce Cross Passage Flow Phenomena in Compressor Stator Endwalls. In: Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Turbomachinery – Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics 2011, ETC9-075, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011
Ortmanns, J., Pixberg, C., Gümmer, V.
Numerical Investigation of Vortex Generators to Reduce Cross-Passage Flow Phenomena in Compressor Stator End-Walls. In: Journal of Power and Energy, 225(7), 2011
Ortmanns, J., Pixberg, C., Gümmer, V.
Sensitivity Studies of Large Eddy Simulations of Combustion Systems with an Unstructured Implicit Solver. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 11(1), 595-596, 2011
Aschmoneit, K., Künne, G., Janicka, J.
Sensitivity Studies of Large Eddy Simulations of Combustion Systems with an Unstructured Implicit Solver. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 11(1), 595-596, 2011
Aschmoneit, K., Kuenne, G., Janicka, J.
The effect of turbulent mixing and differential diffusion on the autoignition delay of a H2/N2 jet flame in vitiated co-flow using Linear Eddy Model. In: 7th US National Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2011
Sauer, B., Chen, J.-Y., Frederick, D., Janicka, J.
The effects of turbulence and differential diffusion on autoignition delay time in a H2/N2 jet flame with a vitiated co-flow using Linear Eddy Model. TCCS-6 Trondheim CCS Conference, Trondheim, Norway. 2011
Frederick, D., Sauer, B., Chen, J.-Y., Dibble, R. W., Gruber, A.
Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Investigation of a Transonic Compressor Rig. In: Proceeding of the 13th International Symposium of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics & Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT13-DE7), Tokyo, Japan, 2012
Leichtfuss S., Holzinger F., Brandstetter C., Wartzek F., Ratz J., Schiffer H.-P.
Augmented Observer for Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) in Rotor Systems. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012, San Francisco, USA, 2012
Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Auto-ignition of a Hydrogen/Methane Jet in a Preheated Turbulent Co-Flow, ACEEES Forum, 2012
Eitel, F., Schönfelder, S., Geyer, D., Dreizler, A.
Behaviour of Characteristics of a Transonic Compressor. In: Proceedings of 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit 2011, Atlanta, USA, AIAA-2012-3724, 2012
Pixberg, C., Müller, M. W., Leichtfuss, S., Schiffer,H. -P.
CO prediction in LES of turbulent flames with additional modeling of the chemical source term. In: ASME Turbo Expo, Conference Proceedings, 725-735, 2012
Ketelheun, A., Aschmoneit, K., Janicka, J.
Commissioning of the Future Compressor. In: Proceeding of the 13th International Symposium of Unsteady Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics & Aeroelasticity of Turbomachines (ISUAAAT13-DE3), Tokyo, Japan, 2012
Holzinger F., Leichtfuss S., Schiffer H.-P., Östlund J., Kharyton V.
Consideration of Gyroscopic Effect in Fault Detection and Isolation for Unbalance Excited Rotor Systems. In: International Journal of Rotating Machinery, 2012
Wang, Z., Wahrburg, A., Rinderknecht, S.
Experimental and numerical analysis of a lean premixed stratified burner using 1D Raman/Rayleigh scattering and Large Eddy Simulation. In: Combustion and Flame, 159(8), 2669-2689, 2012
Kuenne, G., Seffrin, F., Fuest, F., Stahler, T., Ketelheun, A., Geyer, D., Janicka, J., Dreizler, A.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Tip Leakage Flow in a 1 1/2 Stage Turbine Rig Comparing Flat and Cavity-Squealer Tip Geometries. In: ASME Turbo Expo, Proc. GT2012-69568, 2012
Kegalj, M., Schmid, G., Wartzek, F., Schiffer, H.-P., Willer, L.
High Performance Computing of the Stratified Burner by means of Large Eddy Simulation and a joint ATF – FGM models. In: European Multigrid Conference, 2012
Avdić, A., Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Influence of Inlet Guide Vane Wakes on the Passage Flow in a Transonic Axial Compressor. In: Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo Conference (GT2012-69485), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2012
Leichtfuss, S.; Biela, C.; Schiffer, H.-P.; Heinichen, F.
Linear Quadratic Regulation of a Rotating Shaft being Subject to Gyroscopic Effect. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, 2012
Schittenhelm, R.S., Borsdorf, M., Riemann, B., Rinderknecht, S.
Modification of a Compressor Test Rig for Measuring the Influence of Inlet Distortions on the Compressor Rig. In: Symposium FOR1066, 2012
Wartzek, F., Biela, C., Pixberg, C. T., Schiffer, H.-P., Lieser, J. A.
Numerical Investigation of Inlet Swirl in a Turbine Cascade. In: ASME Turbo Expo Conference Proceedings, GT2012-69397, 2012
Schmid, G., Schiffer, H.-P.
Numerical investigation of leanpremixed turbulent flame using combustion LES and thickened flame approach. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Palermo, Italy, 2012
Hosseinzadeh, A., Schwarz, A., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Numerical Study of dense Turbulent Sprays using a Coupling of the Direct Quadrature Method of Moments witch an Eulerian Multi-Size Moment Model. In: Proceedings 12th ICLASS, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012
Gumprich, W., Sadiki, A.
Observer Design for Rotating Shafts Excited by Unbalance. In: 10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, London, 2012
Schittenhelm, R.S., Wang, Z., Rinderknecht, S.
Observer Design for Unbalance Excited Rotor Systems with Gyroscopic Effect. In: IEEE ICMA 2012, Chengdu, China, 2012
Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Optimal Sensor and Actuator Plaement for Active Vibration Control Systems. In: Proceedings of the Internoise 2012/ASME NCAD meeting, New York City, 2012
Späh, B., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Shape of Characteristics of a Transonic Compressor. In: Proceedings of 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit 2012, Atlanta, USA, AIAA-2012-3724, 2012
Pixberg, C.T., Müller, M.W., Leichtfuss, S., Schiffer, H.-P.
The primary breakup of a generic prefilming airblast atomizer using the embedded DNS (eDNS) concept. In: 12t International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Heidelberg, Germany, 2012
Sauer, B., Spyrou, N., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Thermal mixing of flow-crossing streams in a T-shaped junction: a comparative LES, RANS and Hybrid LES/RANS study. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer Palermo, Italy, 2012
John-Puthenveettil, G., Jia, L., Reimann, T., Jakirlic, S., Sternel, D. C.
A Robust Fault Detection Approach on the Basis of Virtual Sensors Collocated with Fault Excitation. In: AIM2013, Wollongong, Australia. Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2013
Wang, Z., Borsdorf, M., Rinderknecht, S.
Active Damping of Aircraft Engine Shafts using Integral Force Feedback and Piezoelectric Stack Actuators. In: AIM2013, Wollongong, 2013
Borsdorf, M., Schittenhelm, R.S., Wang, Z., Bös, J., Rinderknecht, S.
Aeroelastic Investigation of a Transonic Research Compressor. In: Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2013 Conference (GT2012-94730), 2013
Leichtfuss S.; Holzinger F.; Brandstetter C.; Wartzek F.; Schiffer H.-P.
Aktive Schwingungsminderung an einem gyroskopiebehafteten Rotorsystem mittels des FxLMS-Algorithmus. In: SIRM 2013 - 10. Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen, Berlin, 2013
Schittenhelm, R.S., Bevern, S., Riemann, B., Rinderknecht, S.
Application of Augmented Observer for Fault Diagnosis in Rotor Systems. In: Engineering Letters, 21(1),10-17, 2013
Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S., Borsdorf, M., Rinderknecht, S.
Design of Augmented Observer for Rotor Systems. In: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies. Special Issue of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012, 247, Springer Verlag, Kapitel 6, ISBN 978-94-007-6817-8, 2013
Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Design of Augmented Observer for Rotor Systems. In: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Issue of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012, G.C. Yang, S.L. Ao, and L. Gelman, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2013
Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Direct Quadrature based Sectional Method of Moments for the Simulation of Evaporating Polydisperse Sprays. In: Proceedings 25th ILASS, Chania, Greece, 2013
Gumprich, W., Sadiki, A.
Embedded DNS of the primary breakup of a prefilming airblast atomizer at aircraft engine operating conditions. In: 25th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ILASS), Chania, Greece. 2013
Sauer, B., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Interaction Between Seal Air and Main Annulus Flow in a Two Stage Axial Turbine. In: ISABE-2013, 1166, 2013
Schmid, G., Schrewe, S., Schiffer, H.-P.
Fehlererkennung, -diagnose und Unwuchtmonitoring im Rotorsystem. In: SIRM 2013 - 10. Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen, Berlin, Deutschland, 2013
Wang, Z., Rinderknecht, S.
Heat Transfer Modeling in the Context of Large Eddy Simulation of Premixed Combustion with Tabulated Chemistry. In: Flow, turbulence and combustion, 91(4), pp 867-893, 2013
Ketelheun, A., Kuenne, G., Janicka, J.
High Performance Computing of the Darmstadt Stratified Burner by means of Large Eddy Simulation and a joint ATF-FGM approach. In: Computing and Visualization in Science, 16(2), 77-88, 2013
Avdić, A., Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Sadiki, A., Jakirlić, S., Janicka, J.
Investigation of the tip leakage flow at turbine rotor blades with squealer cavity. In: Experiments in Fluids, 54(2), 1462, 2013
Fischer, A., König, J., Czarske, J., Rakenius, C., Schmid, G., & Schiffer, H. P.
Large Eddy Simulation of a Lean Stratified Flame Exposed to Different Shear Conditions in the Upstream Mixing Layer. In: Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, 1-6, 2013
Avdić, A., Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Large Eddy Simulation of Combustion Systems at Gas Turbine Conditions. In: Flow and Combustion in Advanced Gas Turbine Combustors - Fluid Mechanics and Its Application, 1581, Springer Netherlands, 183-204, 2013
Janicka, J., Kuehne, J., Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A.
Large Eddy Simulation of Swirl Stabilized Lean Premixed Combustion Using Structured and Unstructured Solvers. In: SIAM International Conference on Numerical Combustion, San Antonio, USA, 2013
Kuenne, G., Aschmoneit, K., Ketelheun, A., Janicka, J.
Linear Quadratic Regulation of a Rotating Shaft being Subject to Gyroscopic Effect using a Genetic Optimization Algorithm. In: IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies: Special Issue of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012, G.C. Yang, S.L. Ao, and L. Gelman, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer, 2013
Schittenhelm, R.S., Borsdorf, M., Wang, Z., Rinderknecht, S.
Linear Quadratic Regulation of a Rotating Shaft being Subject to Gyroscopic Effect using a Genetic Optimization Algorithm. In: Special Issue of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012, IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies. 2013
Schittenhelm, R.S., Borsdorf, M., Wang, Z., Rinderknecht, S.
Linear Quadratic Regulation of a Rotating Shaft being Subject to Gyroscopic Effect using a Genetic Optimization Algorithm. In: Special Issue of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2012. IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies, 2013
Schittenhelm, R.S., Borsdorf, M., Wang, Z., Rinderknecht, S.
Modal H∞-Control in the Context of a Rotor Being Subject to Unbalance Excitation and Gyroscopic Effect.. In: ASME Turbo Expo, San Antonio, Texas, 2013
Schittenhelm, R.S., Riemann, B., Rinderknecht, S.
Model Based Unbalance Monitoring Using Augmented Observer in Rotor Systems under the Consideration of Gyroscopic Effect. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 59-64, 2013
Wang, Z., Borsdorf, M., Rinderknecht, S.
Model Based Unbalance Monitoring Using Augmented Observer in Rotor Systems under the Consideration of Gyroscopic Effect. In: Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 59-64. 2013
Wang, Z., Borsdorf, M., Rinderknecht, S.
Numerical Analysis of the Primary Breakup applying the embedded DNS (eDNS) Approach to a generic Prefilming Airblast Atomizer. In: 8th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Jeju, Korea, 2013
Sauer, B., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Numerical Analysis of the Primary Breakup under High-Altitude Relight Conditions applying the embedded DNS Approach to a generic Prefilming Airblast Atomizer. ASME Turbo Expo, San Antonio, TX, USA. 2013
Sauer, B., Spyrou, N., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Numerische Abbildung von Verbrennungsprozessen mit Hilfe detaillierter und tabellierter Chemie. In: VDI Berichte, 2161, 643-652, 26. Deutscher Flammentag 2013
Meier, T., Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Janicka, J.
On the performance of detachededdy simulation in fluid-structure interaction problems. In: V International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - COUPLED Problems, 2013
Türk, S., Reimann, T., Sternel, D. C., Schäfer, M.
PDT1-Regelung zur Minderung von Rotorschwingungen mittels piezoelektrischer Aktoren unter Verwendung eines genetischen Optimierungsalgorithmus. In: 8. VDI-Fachtagung - Schwingungen in Antrieben 2013, Fulda, 2013
Becker, F., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Real Gyroscopic Uncertainties in Robust Control of Flexible Rotors, In: 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Florence, 2013
Riemann, B., Sehr, M.A., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Robust Control of Flexible High-Speed Rotors via Mixed Uncertainties. In: Proceedings of the 12th European Control Conference (ECC2013), Zürich, 2013
Riemann, B., Sehr, M.A., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Simulation of Evaporating Polydisperse Sprays using the Direct Quadrature based Sectional Method of Moments and a Realistic Evaporation Model. In: Proceedings 8th ICMF, Jeju, Korea, 2013
Gumprich, W., Sacomano Filho, F.L., Sadiki, A., Chrigui, M.
Stall Margin Improvement By Use Of Casing Treatments. In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013, GT2013-95842, San Antonio, USA, 2013
Pixberg, C. T., Schiffer, H.-P., Ross, M., Morris, S., Cameron, J.
State Feedback in the Context of a Gyroscopic Rotor Using a Disturbance Observer. In: Engineering Letters, 21(1), 44-51, 2013
Schittenhelm, R.S., Wang, Z., Riemann, B., Rinderknecht, S.
Studying the impact of shear onto the mixing processes of a turbulent stratified flame by means of Large Eddy Simulation. In: SIAM International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 2013
Avdić, A., Kuenne, G., Ketelheun, A., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
The Unsteady Effect of Contoured Endwalls on Purge Flow and Secondary Flow System in an Axial Turbine. In: ISABE 2013, Busan, Korea, 2013
Rakenius, C., Schmid, G., Schiffer, H.-P.
Vibration Reduction of a Turbofan Engine High Pressure Rotor with Piezoelectric Stack Actuators. In: Procceedings of the ISABE (International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines), Busan, 2013
Borsdorf, M., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rindeknecht, S.
Vibration Reduction of a Turbofan Engine High Pressure Rotor with Piezoelectric Stack Actuators. In: Procceedings of the ISABE (International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines). Busan, Korea. 2013
Borsdorf, M., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Application of LES for Analysis of Unsteady Effects on Combustion Processes and Misfires. In: DISI Engine, Oil & Gas Science and Technology-Revue, Ifp Energies Nouvelles, 69, 129-140. 2014
Goryntsev, D., Nishad, K., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Evaluation of the dynamic F-TACLES combustion model applied to a lean preheated methane turbulent premixed flame. In: 12th International Workshop on Measurement and Computation of Turbulent Flames,California, USA, 2014
Hosseinzadeh, A., Schmitt, T., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Infrared Thermography to Study Endwall Cooling and Heat Transfer in Turbine Stator Vane Passages Using the Auxiliary Wall Method. In: Conference QIRT 2014, Bordeaux, France, 2014
Wartzek, F., Biela, C., Pixberg, C. T., Schiffer, H.-P., Lieser, J. A.
Kopplungsmethoden und Optimierung der Thermischen Fluid-Struktur Interaktion am Beispiel eines Flugzeugturbinenmodells. ANSYS Conference und 32. CADFEM Users´ Meeting 2014, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 2014
Lück, H., Schäfer, M., Schiffer, H.P.
LES Modeling and Simulation of Spray Characteristics of Bio-butanol, In: ILASS-Europe 2014, Bremen, Germany, 2014
Nishad, K., LES Modeling and Simulation of Spray Characteristics of Bio-butanol, In
Numerical Analysis of the Primary Breakup Applying the Embedded DNS Approach to a Generic Prefilming Airblast Atomizer. In: Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows, 6(3), 179, 2014
Sauer, B., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent FSI Benchmark Case. In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 14(1), 631–632, 2014
Reimann, T., Ali, A., Sternel, D. C., Schäfer, M.
Recent progress in designing moving meshes for complex flows. In: Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 23(4), 425-439, 2014
Hertel, C., Frankenbach, M., Fröhlich, J., Lang, J.
Simulation of Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction in Blade-Disc Configuration of an Aircraft Turbine Model. In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2014
Lück, H., Schäfer, M., Schiffer, H.P.
TDLAS based NH3 Mole Fraction Measurement for Exhaust Diagnostics during SCR-Treatment using a fiber-coupled 2.2 μm DFB Diode Laser. In: The Third International Education Forum on Environment and Energy Science, Perth, Australia, 2014
Stritzke, F., Diemel, O., Wagner, S.
TDLAS basierte Messung von NH3 Konzentrationen mit einem 2,2 µm DFB Diodenlaser. In: 78. DPG-Jahrestagung und Frühjahrstagung der Sektion AMOP, Berlin, Deutschland, 2014
Stritzke, F., Wagner, S.
The Impact of Realistic Inlet Swirl in a 1 ½ Stage Axial Turbine. In: ASME Turbo Expo Conference Proceedings GT2014-26716, 2014
Schmid, G., Krichbaum, A., Werschnik, H., Schiffer, H.-P.
Thermal Fluid-Structure Interaction based Optimization of Secondary Air Flows in Rotor Stator Cavities of Aircraft Turbines, In: Proceedings of WCCM XI, ECCM V, ECFD VI, Barcelona, Spain, 2014
Lück, H.; Schäfer, M.; Schiffer, H.P.
Thermoacoustics of a turbulent premixed flame. 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2014
Geiser, G., Hosseinzadeh, A., Nawroth, H., Zhang, F., Bockhorn, H., Habisreuther, P., Janicka, J., Paschereit, C. O., Schröder, W.
A novel plasma heater for auto-ignition studies of turbulent non-premixed flows. In: Experiments in Fluids, 56(10), 186, 2015
Eitel, F., Pareja, J., Geyer, D., Johchi, A., Michel, F., Elsäßerer, W., Dreizler, A.
Active Vibration Isolation of a Flexible Rotor Being Subject to Unbalance Excitation and Gyroscopic Effect Using H∞‐Optimal Control. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Springer ISBN 978-3-319-06589-2, 2015
Becker, F., Heindel, S., Rinderknecht, S.
Analysis of Blade Vibrations in a 1.5-Stage Transonic Compressor. ISUAAAT14, Stockholm, Sweden. 14-S9-1, 2015
Jüngst, M., Holzinger, F., Wartzek, F., Brandstetter, C., Möller, D., Schiffer, H.-P.
Analytical Loss Prediction for Turbocharger Compressors. In: Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Turbomachinery, Madrid, Spain, 2015
Schneider, M., Bühler, J., Hanna, M., Schiffer, H.-P., Leichtfuß, S.
Application of the dynamic F-TACLES combustion model to a lean premixed turbulent flame. In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 95(2-3), 481-500, 2015
Hosseinzadeh, A., Schmitt, T., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Chapter 5 Internal Combustion Engine, In Vervisch L & Roekaerts D. (Eds.) In: Best Practice Guidelines for Computational Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent Combustions, ERCOFTAC, 203-290, 2015
Sadiki, A., di Mare, F., Nishad, K., Keller, P., Buhl, S., Hartmann, F., Hasse, C.
Characterization of Ammonia Inhomogenities by Tomographic Absorption Measurements in the Exhaust of a Heavy Duty Engine during SCR Aftertreatment. In: Laser Diagnostics in Combustion – Gordon Research Conferences, Waterville Valley, USA, 2015
Stritzke, F., van der Kley, S., Wagner, S.
Comparison of advanced turbulence modeling approaches for fluid-structure interaction. VI International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering COUPLED Problems, 2015
Ali, A.; Reimann, T.; Sternel, D. C.; Schäfer, M.
Controllers for Attenuation of Lateral Rotor Vibration Part I: Controller Design. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 1753-1762, 2015
Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Controllers for Attenuation of Lateral Rotor Vibration Part II: Controller Optimization and Comparison. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 1763-1774, 2015
Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Evaluation of evaporation models using the Direct Quadrature-based Sectional Method of Moments. In: Proceedings 8th THMT, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015
Synek, B., Gumprich, W., Sadiki, A.
Infrared Thermography to Study Endwall Cooling and Heat Transfer in Turbine Stator Vane Passages Using the Auxiliary Wall Method and Comparison to Numerical Simulations. In: Journal of Quantitative InfraRed Thermography, 12(2), 219-236, 2015
Werschnik, H., Ostrowski, T., Hilgert, J., Schneider, M., Schiffer, H.-P.
Investigation of active damping strategies applied on the aircraft engine with comparison to the passively damped system. In: 22nd International Symposium on Air Breathing Engines, 2015
Zhao, X., Rinderknecht, S.
Investigation of actuator placement approaches for active vibration control in the aircraft engine. In: Aerospace Conference 2015 IEEE, 2015
Zhao, X., Rinderknecht, S.
Investigation of Flutter in a Transonic Axial Compressor. In: ISUAAAT14, Stockholm, Sweden, 14-S9-2, 2015
Möller, D., Jüngst, M., Holzinger, F., Brandstetter, C., Schiffer, H.-P., Leichtfuß, S.
Messung absoluter Ammoniak- Konzentrationen mittels insitu TDLAS und Bestimmung der räumlichen Verteilung in einer SCR-Abgas-Umgebung. In: 27. Deutscher Flammentag: Verbrennung und Feuerung, Düsseldorf: VDI Verlag GmbH, 471-480, 2015
Stritzke, F., van der Kley, S., Wagner, S.
Model-Based Fault Detection on a Non-linear Rotor System, In: Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 679-688, 2015
Ramakrishnan, A., Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S, Rinderknecht, S.
Model-Based Fault Detection on a Non-Linear Rotor System. In: Proceedings of the 9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics. Springer ISBN 978-3-319-06589-2, 2015
Ambur, R., Wang, Z., Schittenhelm, R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Self-sensing techniques of piezoelectric actuators in detecting unbalance faults in a rotating machine. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Vibration Problems, 2015
Ambur, R., Rinderknecht, S.
TDLAS-based NH3 mole fraction measurement for exhaust diagnostics during selective catalytic reduction using a fiber-coupled 2.2-µm DFB diode laser. In: Applied Physics B, 119(1), 143-152, 2015
Stritzke, F., Diemel, O., Wagner, S.
Vergleich der Eignung von Sensoren zur Störgrößenaufschaltung an einem Rotorsystem mit aktiven piezoelektrischen Lagern. In: SIRM 2015 - 11. Internationale Tagung Schwingungen in rotierenden Maschinen, Magdeburg, 2015
Heindel, S., Becker, F., Potrafke, T., Rinderknecht, S.
Assesment of the Direct Quadrature based Sectional Method of Moments for the Simulation of Evaporating Polydisperse Sprays. In: Atomization and Sprays, 26(6), 2016
Gumprich, W., Synek, B., Sadiki, A.
Assessment of the Dynamic SGS Wrinkling Combustion Modeling Using the Thickened Flame Approach Coupled with FGM Tabulated Detailed Chemistry. In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 96(4), 939-964, 2016
Hosseinzadeh, A., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Embedded DNS concept for simulating the primary breakup of an airblast atomizer. In: Atomization and Sprays, 26(3), 187-215, 2016
Sauer, B., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Fault Diagnosis on an Aircraft Engine Model Equipped With Self-Sensing Piezoelectric Actuators. ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, Südkorea, 2016
Abur, R., Zhao, X., Rinderknecht, S.
Identification of unbalance faults in rotors with unknown input observers using classical and LMI based approaches, European Control Conference, Aalborg, Denmark, 2016
Ambur, R., Vadamalu R.S., Rinderknecht, S.
Investigation of the Flow Over an Oscillating Cylinder with the Very Large Eddy Simulation Model, In: VII European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2016, Crete Island, Greece, 2016
Kondratyuk, A., Schäfer, M., Ali, A.
Numerical Investigation of Tip Clearance Flow Induced Flutter in an Axial Research Compressor. ASME Turbo Expo, Seoul, South Korea. GT2016-56956, 2016
Möller, D., Jüngst, M., Holzinger, F., Brandstetter, C., Schiffer, H.-P., Leichtfuß, S.
Vibration minimization on a rotor system with adaptive algorithms using self-sensing piezoelectric actuators. In: Proceedings of VIRM 11 - Vibrations in Rotating Machinery, Manchester, 2016
Ambur, R., Zech, P., Rinderknecht, S.
Ammonia concentration distribution measurements in the exhaust of a heavy duty diesel engine based on limited data absorption tomography. Optics Express, 25(7), 8180-8191, 2017
Stritzke, F., van der Kley, S., Feiling, A., Dreizler, A., Wagner, S.
Experimental and numerical investigation of the primary breakup of an airblasted liquid sheet. In: International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 91, 208-224, 2017
Warncke, K., Gepperth, S., Koch, R., Bauer, H.-J., Sadiki, A., Janicka, J.
Mechanism of Nonsynchronous Blade Vibration in a Transonic Compressor Rig. In: ASME Journal of Turbomachinery, 2017
Möller, D.; Jüngst, M.; Holzinger, F.; Brandstetter, C.; Schiffer, H.-P.; Leichtfuß, S.
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