Genetic Dissection of Flowering Time in Wheat by High-density Genome-wide Association Mapping
Fachliche Zuordnung
Pflanzenzüchtung, Pflanzenpathologie
Förderung von 2011 bis 2015
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 196777241
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is grown worldwide and is one of the most important crops for human nutrition. Einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) is a diploid relative of bread wheat and both have the A genome in common. The timing of flowering is of major importance for plants to optimally adjust their life cycle to diverse environments. QTL mapping studies indicated that flowering time in cereals is a complex trait, which is controlled by three different pathways: vernalization, photoperiod and earliness per se. In wheat, high-resolution genome-wide association mapping is now possible, because of the availability of a high density molecular marker chip. The main goal of the proposed project is to investigate the regulation of flowering time in wheat using a genome-wide association mapping approach based on a novel high-density SNP array. In particular, the project aims to (1) investigate the phenotypic variation of flowering time of bread wheat and Einkorn wheat in response to environmental cues in multilocation field trials, (2) study the effects of Ppd alleles on flowering time in a candidate 3 gene approach, (3) determine the genetic architecture of flowering time in a high-density genome-wide association mapping, and (4) investigate the plasticity of the genetic architecture of flowering time in wheat by a comparison between bread wheat and Einkorn wheat.