The Epitaph for Bion. Text, Commentary and Translation.
Final Report Abstract
Even though the project is not yet completed, it is already possible to highlight its far-reaching results on both the Epitaph for Bion itself and Bucolic poetry as a genre. In addition to providing an improved understanding of the poem and its prosodic structure, this project has contributed to shed important light on some crucial poetological aspects, such as: a. the self-referential attitude of the anonymous laudator Bionis, which had so far gone unnoticed to scholars; b. the resourceful and, in many respects, ‘modern’ exploitation of the se-called ‘bucolic metaphor’; the complex eulogistic strategies on which the whole poem pivots; c. the laudator’s resort to the author’s multi-layered metalepsis as a powerful means of celebrating his deceased master.
Lugent Venus Cupidinesque (Note ai vv. 65-69 dell’Epitafio per Bione), «SemRom» VI (2017) 119-137
Margherita Maria Di Nino
οὐ γὰρ ἴσον Κύκλωπι μελίσδεο: Intertextuality, Metalepsis, and Eulogistic Strategies in EB 58–63, «Philologus» 162.1 (2018) 25-54
Margherita Maria Di Nino
Shepherding the Past: Nonnus’ Parable of the Good Shepherd between Pagan Models and Christian Exegesis, in: F. Doroszewski – K. Jażdżewska (edd.), Nonnus of Panopolis in Context III: Old Questions and New Perspectives, Leiden/Boston (Mnemosyne Supplement)
Margherita Maria Di Nino, M. Ypsilanti