Crystallography and crystal chemistry of Fe-Al-Cu sulfates related to pollution created by acidic waters
Fachliche Zuordnung
Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Förderung von 2006 bis 2009
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 19616273
The goal of the proposed work is a better understanding of crystal structures of Fe , Fe , Cu, and AI sulfates. These minerals commonly accompany environmental pollution generated by acidic waters, termed acid mine drainage (AMD). I propose to study a suite of selected Fe , Cu, and Al sulfates, Fe -Fe hydroxy-sulfates (so-called green rust), and AI polycationic salts (e.g., ¿-Keggin sulfate) by synchrotron X-ray and neutron diffraction. The results from diffraction studies will be complemented by 27Al nuclear magnetic resonance (on Al polycationic salts), 56Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (green rust), and ab-initio density-functional theory calculations. Combination of these techniques will lead to exhaustive description of the crystal structures of the minerals associated with AMD. The results of this project will be applicable toward remediation efforts at sites polluted with AMD waters and acid rain.