Fachliche Zuordnung
Mineralogie, Petrologie und Geochemie
Förderung in 2011
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Projektnummer 195248090
Zusammenfassung der Projektergebnisse
Altersdatierungen an verschiedensten Mineralen zur Rekonstruktion von Abkühl- und Exhumationsprozessen in diversen geologischen Settings. Im Besonderen, Datierung von Mineralfeinfraktionen (Illiten) aus Sedimentgesteinen und Störungsletten zur zeitlichen Einstufung von bruchhaften Verformungs- und Hebungsprozessen (Alleinstellungsmerkmal).
Projektbezogene Publikationen (Auswahl)
Multi-stage Ag–Bi–Co–Ni–U and Cu–Bi vein mineralization at Wittichen, Schwarzwald, SW Germany: geological setting, ore mineralogy, and fluid evolution. Mineralium Deposita, Vol. 47. 2012, Issue 3, pp. 251–276.
Staude, S., Werner, W., Mordhorst, T., Wemmer, K., Jacob, D.E.,
Markl, G.
Origin and K/Ar age of cryptomelane-bearing Sn placers on silcretes, SE Germany. Sedimentary Geology, Vols 275–276. 2012, pp. 70-78.
Dill, H., Wemmer, K.
Thermochronological constraints on the multiphase exhumation history
of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone of the Southern Alps. Tectonophysics, Vol. 579. 2012, pp. 104-117.
Wolff, R., Dunkl, I., Kieselbach, G., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S.
U/Pb and Sm/Nd dating on ophiolitic rocks of the Song Ma suture zone (northern Vietnam): Evidence for upper paleozoic paleotethyan lithospheric remnants. Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 69. 2013, pp. 140-147.
Nguyen van Vuong, Hansen,B.T., Wemmer, K., Lepvrier, C., Vu Van
Tichh, Ta Trong Thang
K-Ar illite and apatite fission track constraints on brittle
faulting and the evolution of the northern Norwegian passive margin. Tectonophysics, Vol. 608. 2013, pp. 196-211.
Davids, C., Wemmer, K., Zwingmann, H., Kohlmann, F., Jacobs, J.,
Bergh, S.G.
Kinematics of the Dadeldhura klippe shear zone (W Nepal): implications fort he foreland evolution oft he Himalayan metamorphic core. Terra Nova, Vol. 25. 2013, Issue 4, pp. 282-291.
Antolin, B., Godin, L., Wemmer, K., Nagy, C.
Microstructures and K-Ar illite fine-fraction ages of the cataclastic rocks associated tot he Camburu shear zone, Ribeira belt, southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology, Vol. 43. 2013, No 4, pp. 607-622.
Mora, C.A.S., Campanha, G.A.C., Wemmer, K.
Thermochronological constraints of the exhumation and uplift of the
Sierra de Pie de Palo, NW Argentina. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 48. 2013, pp. 209-219.
Löbens, S., Bense, F.A., Dunkl, I., Wemmer, K., Kley, J., Siegesmund, S.
Dating lowgrade metamorphism and deformation of the Espinhaço Supergroup in the Chapada Diamantina (Bahia, NE Brazil): a K/Ar fine-fraction study. Brazilian Journal of Geology, Vol. 44. 2014, Issue 2, pp. 207-220.
Süssenberger, A., Brito Neves, B.B. DE, Wemmer, K.
Do U/Pb-SHRIMP Dating and Pb Stepwise Leaching (PbSL) Analyses
Confirm the Lack of Precambrian Basement Outcrops in Thailand?
Open Journal of Geology, Vol. 4. 2014, No.10, pp. 505-517.
Hansen, B.T., Wemmer, K., Putthapuban, P., Kleinhanns, I.C., Wilsky, F.
Fault gouge analyses: K–Ar illite dating, clay mineralogy and tectonic significance—a study from the Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina. International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 103. 2014, Issue 1, pp. 189–218.
Bense, F.A., Wemmer, K., Löbens, S., Siegesmund, S.
Successive reactivation of older structures under variable heat flow conditions evidenced by K–Ar fault gouge dating in Sierra de Ambato, northern Argentine broken foreland. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Vol. 64. 2015, Part 1, pp. 152-165.
Nobile, J.C., Collo, G., Davilla, F.M., Martina, F., Wemmer, K.
Exhumation History and Landscape Evolution of the Sierra de San
Luis (Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina) – new insights from geo- and lowtemperature thermochronological data. Andean Geology, Vol. 44.2017, Issue 3, pp. 275-306.
Bense, F.A., Löbens, S., Dunkl, I., Wemmer, K., Siegesmund, S.
1700 Massenspektrometer