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Wiring quantum dots - phase separation inducing new functionality

Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2011 to 2015
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 195150566
Final Report Year 2015

Final Report Abstract

Most modern technology relies mainly on materials with reduced dimensionalities, such as thin films (2D), nanowires (1D), and quantum dots (0D). An extreme success in synthesis, characterization, and application of the respective – but separated – material classes has been achieved within the past 30 years. In this research proposal we merged: (a) three young and important research groups out of Switzerland, Austria and Germany, as well as (b) two of the most important nanostructures for future applications: quantum dots and nanowires, which will result into nano-materials with superior functionality. The synthesis techniques are based on the use of phase separation as a vehicle for creating inhomogeneities within particular nanowire materials. Three promising approaches were investigated within our research: (i) synthesis of stochiometrically unstable compounds during growth, (ii) subsequent ion implantation beyond solubility limits, and (iii) controlled phase conversion by diffusion. The resulting “wired quantum dots” will need a comprehensive structural characterization using e.g. electron microscopy, X-Ray diffraction and Raman scattering so that the optimum synthesis parameters can be identified. The main focus of this project is the investigation of the correlation between the structure and functionality of the wired quantum dots, in order to enable novel electronic and photonic devices. A long term goal of the project includes the realization of a proto-type light emitting diode device and an electrical memory transistor with high-performance properties.



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