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GSC 1046:  Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies

Subject Area History
Term from 2012 to 2019
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 194536232
Final Report Year 2020

Final Report Abstract

The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (GS) created an ideal framework of a structured Ph.D. program for 61 innovative and original Ph.D. projects in the humanities, cultural studies, and social sciences. Its academic program was based on the understanding that modern Area Studies contribute greatly to the comprehension of historical and contemporary processes of globalisation. The research projects were informed by recent methodologies that fell within three interdisciplinary fields of research: 1) Origins and forms of social and political change, 2) Cultural systems and 3) Infrastructure, migration, and transfer of knowledge. Among the pivotal goals of the GS was the exploration of interconnections within and beyond East and Southeast Europe. Therefore, cooperation with other Area Studies was established (e.g., Sinology, Japanese Studies, Turkology, North American Studies, etc.). The GS thereby advanced an “integrated Area Studies” approach, taking on a pioneering function within East and Southeast European Studies and initiating a debate about the methodologies of Area Studies. The GS prepared candidates for conducting independent research at an early stage by granting Ph.D. candidates an appropriate level of autonomy, but also offered guidance in completing their Ph.D. projects in a timely manner. The GS offered not only theoretical and methodological knowledge relevant for research, but also training and support for Ph.D. candidates selecting a non-academic career path. Another outstanding feature of its training program was its international reach. Based on systematic recruiting efforts, the GS drew a high percentage of its doctoral researchers from abroad. It granted fellowships to international scholars, supported and organized the exchange with the GS’s international cooperation partners, organized many international events, and funded research and conference travels of its members abroad. These measures gave Ph.D. candidates and post-doctoral researchers international networks for collaboration and entry into international research debates early on. Therefore, a large part of the GS program was conducted in English. With its approaches towards Ph.D. supervision and training, the GS set an example for doctoral training at the two speaker universities, LMU Munich and the University of Regensburg, which are home to important research institutes and excellent specialized libraries. For years, an intensive cooperation between the two universities has existed in research, teaching (e.g., the joint Elite Master’s Program, “East European Studies”), and establishment of electronic research infrastructure. Building on these collaborations, the GS developed new perspectives by creating structured graduate support and greatly raising the international visibility of Munich and Regensburg. It built up a new, joint profile in East and Southeast European Studies that elevated teaching and research at both universities to a new level.

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