This project is a key contribution to the discussion on the impact of dust in the southern hemisphere. Detailed investigations of the Antarctic ice cores have resulted in several publications that deal with long-distance dust transport. Fingerprint analyses of the dust components revealed Southern South America (SSA) as the major source area. Dust can be related to strength and direction of the wind systems and thus to paleoclimatic changes.SSA is mainly influenced by the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies (SHW) that shift in latitudinal direction between glacial and interglacial times, thus influencing the amount of dust that is mobilized. The dust record inside the source area allows to better understand the migration of the SHW and the associated paleoclimatic changes.A lacustrine deep drilling campaign (PASADO) was carried out in 2008 in Laguna Potrok Aike, our study area. The cores hold a paleoclimatic record of the past ~50 ka. Magnetic susceptibility was often used in marine cores to trace eolian input. Our cores, however, originate from a lake in a large volcanic field, and grains carrying magnetic susceptibility are not only of eolian origin. Within the scope of this study, the fingerprint of eolian material in the lacustrine record will be characterized and help to reveal the dust history of the past ~50 ka.
DFG Programme
Infrastructure Priority Programmes