Entanglement- enhanced NV- array sensors for electric and magnetic fields

Applicants Professor Dr. Jan Meijer; Professor Dr. Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
Subject Area Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Term from 2011 to 2017
Project identifier Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 164674487

Project Description

We aim for positioning single dopant atoms of various species in an ultra-pure diamond lattice togenerate artificial molecules with novel functionality. For this, a deterministic single ion source isused, which will allow for implanting atom by atom into a doping structure with a spatial accuracy ofa few nm. For designing solid slate properties we may vary the species or isotope of theembedded doping aloms or their distances, and thus the coupling strength to the neighboringconstituents is changed. Substrate treatment is optimized by choosing different annealingtemperatures or changing the amount of vacancies. In cooperation with projects 5 and 6 we willalso create color centers inside a photonic waveguide structure for optical field confinement, ornext to electric and magnetic control electrodes. Finally, we expect fabricating and testing suchmolecular devices for scalable quantum memories, and functional sensor arrays in cooperationwith project 4.
DFG Programme Research Units
Subproject of FOR 1493:  Diamond Materials for Quantum Application
Participating Person Professor Dr. Kilian Singer