Analysis auf singulären komplexen Räumen
Final Report Abstract
The main purpose of the research project was to gain a better understanding for the natural interplay of analysis and geometry on singular complex spaces by • the study of differential operators (connections between properties of the ∂ and the ∂-Neumann operator and the geometry/topology of the underlying space), • the development of analytic tools (L2-theory, integral formulas). Analytic methods have led to fundamental advances in geometry on complex manifolds, but are still not very well developed for singular complex spaces. The main achievements are • the development of an L2-theory for the ∂-operator, including • the study of L2-canonical sheaves (resolution, adjunction formula) and extension of L2-cohomology classes, • analytic realizations of Grothendieck-Serre-duality, • the investigation of complex Laplace operators (spectrum, compactness) and of the ∂-Neumann problem (subelliptic estimates), and • the development of integral formulas on singular complex spaces, as well as the investigation of auxiliary singular analytic structures appearing in this context: • (proper) modifications of coherent analytic sheaves, the Grauert–Riemenschneider canonical sheaf with values in coherent analytic sheaves, and • Chern forms for singular Hermitian metrics. An important, crucial insight was the discovery that the L2 -theory for the ∂-operator and integral formulas are particularly fruitful on spaces with canonical singularities which play a prominent role in the Minimal Model Program. The further investigation of this connection is a very interesting objective for future research.
Koppelman formulas on affine cones over smooth projective complete intersections, Indiana University Mathematical Journal
R. Lärkäng, J. Ruppenthal
L2 -Serre duality on singular complex spaces and rational singularities, International Mathematics Research Notices
J. Ruppenthal
L2-properties of the ∂ and the ∂-Neumann operator on spaces with isolated singularities, Mathematische Annalen 359 (2014), no. 3–4, 803–838
N. Øvrelid, J. Ruppenthal
L2-theory for the ∂-operator on compact complex spaces, Duke Mathematical Journal 163 (2014), no. 15, 2887–2934
J. Ruppenthal
Subelliptic estimates for the ∂-problem on a singular space, Journal of Geometric Analysis 24 (2014), no. 4, 1844–1859
D. Ehsani, J. Ruppenthal
Adjunction for the Grauert-Riemenschneider canonical sheaf and extension of L2-cohomology classes, Indiana University Mathematical Journal 64 (2015), no. 2, 533–558
J. Ruppenthal, H. Samuelsson Kalm, E. Wulcan
Koppelman formulas on the A1 -singularity, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 437 (2016), 214–240
R. Lärkäng, J. Ruppenthal
Parabolicity of the regular locus of complex varieties, Proceedings of the AMS 144 (2016), 225–233
J. Ruppenthal
Explicit Serre duality on complex spaces, Advances in Mathematics 305 (2017), 1320–1355
J. Ruppenthal, H. Samuelsson Kalm, E. Wulcan
Modifications of torsion-free coherent analytic sheaves, Annales de l’Institut Fourier 67 (2017), 237–265
J. Ruppenthal, M. Sera