Längenskaleneffekte im Ermüdungsverhalten von Cu Schichten bei hoch zyklischer Belastung
Final Report Abstract
In this study we have shown that creep is a limiting factor for the fatigue performance of thin films at high cycle numbers. Creep sets in for strain amplitudes that fall below the film thickness dependent threshold for dislocation glide. At sufficiently high cycle numbers, grooves will form at the grain boundaries even at very small strain amplitudes due to dislocation climb at the grain boundaries. For films that are used in applications where a smooth film surface is important, our study has shown that cyclic loading will lead to degradation of the performance. Thus, although fatigue life can be improved by decreasing the film thickness, a new limit has been discovered due to grain boundary creep that must also be considered when designing devices. Furthermore, a fatigue failure map for Cu thin films has been generated based on our data for Cu thin films and on mechanistic equations for damage formation.
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