SFB 990:
Ecological and Socioeconomic Functions of Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia)
Subject Area
Agriculture, Forestry and Veterinary Medicine
Social and Behavioural Sciences
from 2012 to 2023
Project identifier
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) - Project number 192626868
In many tropical areas, rainforests are cleared in order to exploit timber and other forest products and plant crops for food, feed, fibre and fuel use. Commonly it is assumed that, when natural forests are cleared, all forest functions and services are lost. However, complete conservation is not realistic in many settings and might not be required from an ecological perspective. Surprisingly, the determinants of different patterns of deforestation and the roles of converted systems of tropical rainforests for conserving biodiversity as well as for ecological and socioeconomic functions so far have received little attention in scientific research. The Collaborative Research Centre 990 (CRC 990 / EFForTS) aims at providing science-based knowledge on how to protect and enhance the ecological functions of tropical forests and agricultural land-use systems at a landscape scale, while improving human welfare. The CRC aims at providing information on how to integrate agricultural land use and conservation. It is implemented in one of the largest regions of tropical lowland rainforest in Southeast Asia, Jambi Province in Sumatra, Indonesia. The most important agricultural land-use systems in Jambi include rubber and oil palm plantations. Within Jambi, two landscapes and 24 core plots were selected for detailed analyses in Phases 1 and 2 of the CRC, covering agricultural land-use systems and forest reference sites. For Phase 3, 100 additional plots were selected on which ecosystem characteristics are measured by rapid assessment tools for scaling-up the results to the landscape level. Further, in two experiments the effects of enrichment planting into oil palm plantations as well as different intensities of fertilizer and pesticide use are investigated. The parameters considered include above and below ground biodiversity, soil fertility, water, nutrient and greenhouse gas fluxes, as well as economic, social, cultural and political aspects related to rainforest conversion and follow-up land-use changes. A particular focus is on identifying synergies and trade-offs among and between the various ecological and socioeconomic functions, knowledge of which is an important precondition for designing and implementing more sustainable land-use systems. The CRC is organized in close cooperation between the University of Göttingen and partner institutions in Indonesia. It is a unique research undertaking on issues of lowland rainforest conversion with a broad interdisciplinary focus and landscape perspective.
DFG Programme
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
A01 - Long-term vegetation dynamics, plant phenology and plant-pollinator interactions in rainforest and rainforest transformations in central Sumatra
(Project Head
Behling, Hermann
A02 - Tree and palm water use characteristics in rainforest transformation systems
(Project Head
Hölscher, Dirk
A03 - Understanding land-atmosphere exchange processes in land-use transformation systems
(Project Heads
Knohl, Alexander
Panferov, Oleg
A04 - Stock, turnover and functions of carbon in heavily weathered soils under lowland rainforest transformation systems
(Project Head
Kuzyakov, Yakov
A05 - Optimizing nutrient management in oil palm plantations and upscaling greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes from plot to a rainforest-transformation landscape
(Project Heads
Corre, Marife D.
Veldkamp, Edzo
A07 - Spatio-temporal scaling of the impacts of land-use and climate change in land transformation systems in Indonesia
(Project Heads
Knohl, Alexander
Veldkamp, Edzo
B01 - Structure, stability and functioning of macro-invertebrate communities in rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia)
(Project Head
Brose, Ulrich
B02 - Impact of rainforest transformation on phylogenetic and functional diversity of soil prokaryotic communities in Sumatra (Indonesia)
(Project Head
Daniel, Rolf
B03 - Plant genetic diversity in tropical lowland rainforest transformation systems
(Project Head
Finkeldey, Reiner
B04 - Plant productivity and belowground resource partitioning in gradients of tropical land-use intensity and tree species diversity
(Project Heads
Hertel, Dietrich
Kotowska, Martyna
Leuschner, Christoph
B05 - Land use patterns in Jambi - quantification of structure, heterogeneity and changes of vegetation and land use as a basis for the explanation of ecological and socioeconomic functions
(Project Head
Kleinn, Christoph
B06 - Taxonomic, functional, phylogenetic, and biogeographical diversity of vascular plants in rainforest transformation systems on Sumatra (Indonesia)
(Project Head
Kreft, Holger
B07 - Functional diversity of mycorrhizal fungi along a tropical land-use gradient
(Project Head
Polle, Andrea
B08 - Structure and functioning of the decomposer system in lowland rainforest transformation systems
(Project Heads
Maraun, Mark
Scheu, Stefan
B09 - Aboveground biodiversity patterns and processes across rainforest transformation landscapes
(Project Heads
Clough, Yann
Grass, Ingo
Tscharntke, Teja
Westphal, Catrin
B10 - Landscape-level assessment of ecological and socioeconomic functions of rainforest transformation systems in Sumatra (Indonesia)
(Project Heads
Lay, Jann
Meyer, Katrin
Wiegand, Kerstin
B11 - Biodiversity enrichment in oil palm plantations: plant succession and integration
(Project Heads
Brose, Ulrich
Clough, Yann
Hölscher, Dirk
Kreft, Holger
Wollni, Meike
B12 - Reproductive strategies of weedy flowering plants in tropical rainforest transformation systems
(Project Head
Hörandl, Elvira
B13 - Impact of management intensity and tree enrichment of oil palm plantations on below- and aboveground invertebrates in Sumatra (Indonesia)
(Project Head
Maraun, Mark
B14 - The use of DNA barcoding to assess landscape effects on phylogenetic and functional diversity
(Project Head
Gailing, Oliver
C01 - Smallholder productivity, market access, and international linkages in rubber and palm oil production in Jambi Province
(Project Head
Brümmer, Bernhard
C02 - Social transformation processes and sustainable resource use in rural Jambi
(Project Heads
Dittrich, Christoph
Faust, Heiko
C03 - Culture-Specific Human Interaction with Tropical Lowland Rainforests in Transformation in Jambi, Sumatra
(Project Head
Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta
C04 - Mitigating trade-offs between economic and ecological functions and services through certification
(Project Heads
Klasen, Ph.D., Stephan
Lay, Jann
C06 - Understanding the certification and replanting behaviour of Indonesian smallholder farmers
(Project Head
Mußhoff, Oliver
C07 - Determinants of land-use change and welfare impacts among rural farm and non-farm households
(Project Heads
Qaim, Matin
Schwarze, Stefan
C08 - Designing effective policy instruments to induce sustainable land use
(Project Heads
Ibañez-Diaz, Ph.D., Marcela
Wollni, Meike
C10 - Localized environmental and land use policies, palm oil conversion and deforestation
(Project Head
Kis-Katos, Krisztina
C11 - Integrated analyses of policies for sustainable rural economies
(Project Heads
Corre, Marife D.
Grass, Ingo
Lay, Jann
Wiegand, Kerstin
C12 - Collaborative farm-modelling for reconciling socio-economic and ecological functions
(Project Head
Paul, Carola
INF - Research Data Management and Integrative Statistical Analysis
(Project Heads
Horstmann, Wolfram
Kneib, Thomas
Kurth, Winfried
Neuroth, Heike
Saborowski, Joachim
Yahyapour, Ramin
Z01 - Central Tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Scheu, Stefan
Z02 - Central Scientific Service Project
(Project Heads
Erasmi, Stefan
Finkeldey, Reiner
Knohl, Alexander
Krutovsky, Ph.D., Konstantin
Qaim, Matin
Scheu, Stefan
Wiegand, Kerstin
Ö - Teacher education for society: Making EFForTS knowledge available for Indonesia
(Project Head
Bögeholz, Susanne