The subproject will exploit different strategies to maximize the quality of binaural simulations to be used as a central evaluation platform for the consortium. Based on an analysis of shortcomings of state of the art systems, the benefit of extraaural headphones with individualized headphone equalization and individual ITD scaling with minimum phase Interpolation will be evaluated with a strict test on plausibility and authenticity, defined as the perceptual identity with regard to an internal or external reference, respectively.The developed binaural reference system will be used to record and auralize a representative sample of natural acoustic environments and to create binaural representations of all loudspeaker array systems used in the consortium - required for perceptual evaluations in subprojects P3-P9. A new database of HRTFs will be acquired with high spatial resolution and for different orientations of head above torso. These are required for the auralization of numerically modelled environments (PI, P2) and for all other evaluations under anechoic conditions. Based on the recorded HRTFs/BRIRs, different interpolation methods will be comparatively evaluated.A consensus vocabulary for the qualities of virtual acousfic environments shall be developed, serving as a taxonomy to be related to a variety of system parameters along the signal chain. A software for performing perceptive evaluations will be provided, including all tests paradigms and methods required and able to drive all simulation systems used in the consortium direcly. Thus, a comprehensive collection of methods, tools, and data for the evaluation of virtual acoustic environments is developed, essential for the proposed consortium and of considerable value for the larger acoustical community after the project.
DFG Programme
Research Units